Sentences with phrase «more expenses»

A case might be settled, and six months later, it is discovered that the injury will require more medical attention, incurring more expenses for the victim.
Not only will this incur more expenses in the future, but it will also be potentially dangerous for the car owner.
Because business trips come with more expenses compared to personal travel, it helps to have a card that makes your frequent trips a little more seamless.
Funds that employ active management incur more expenses managing the fund, and therefore carry higher management expense ratios.
This adds even more expense to a day that has already cost you a lot of money and time to plan.
Or if I know I'm going out shopping I can transfer enough to my checking to cover it and use my debit card rather than put more expenses on a credit card.
Many realtors work out of their own home, which means more expenses than those who work in their broker's office.
Such good credit also means you'll be eligible for larger loans if you need to cover more expenses or you want to borrow to make an investment.
Furthermore, not only does a balance transfer fee add more expenses to the pile, but it can also reduce the amount you can transfer.
And you should also be prepared for many more expenses down the road, some of which may be more than you'd expect.
They are very, very nice, but tend to be a little more expense around $ 40 - $ 60.
Love those guy and what they do for our country but I feel like there were a lot more expenses involved with closing.
There is always the possibility of more expenses as well.
You may get so excited by seeing your returns in a brokerage account; you may even decide to cut more expenses so you can invest more and achieve financial freedom faster.
A child can consume a 350 - gram milk formula in a week, leading to more expenses as his appetite grows.
For example, when the government has more expenses compared to its revenues, it has to borrow money to balance out the loss.
Yes we have accumulated quite a bit more expenses just recently.
The 2011 contribution limit being the same is OK with me because we'll have a few more expenses this year because of the upcoming baby.
From a financial standpoint, this translates into more expenses.
These products, when disturbed, can spread throughout the home, causing serious health problems and more expenses down the road.
However, setting up and running a corporation can involve more expense and trouble than many small business owners wish to pursue.
So keep in mind there may more expenses if the test were to reveal issues.
Buying a home includes more expenses than a down payment and a mortgage.
For community colleges, that could mean explosive growth, but also more expenses.
You might want to pump up your Canadian holdings a little bit on the grounds that you will have more expenses here, and that it is a little cheaper.
In the long run, that person probably absorbed far more expenses, and worse overall health, by not taking care of the situation early on.
What you have to remember is that you have more expense there (usually) than just the cost of the table.
Remember, If you think you will struggle to meet more expenses, you should not use the card.
Typically, there is more work to do — and therefore more expense — on the front end of a credit repair engagement, including customer acquisition and enrollment.
If that is the case, the issue of child and elder care in the context of human rights is likely to generate more expense in the coming year and beyond.
Sometimes policy with more expenses performs better than a cheap indexed universal life insurance policy.
And you definitely have more expenses like baby essentials, and with a growing family, you have a greater need for life insurance.
And you'll probably have more expenses anyway, so life insurance coverage will be much more necessary.
Hence more expenses will be incurred, which will ultimately lead to higher transaction fees.
There might even be more expenses depending on your personal situation.
In short: There are probably more expenses happening than you even realize.
This obviously serves to increase your revenue if done correctly, but it can also mean more expenses.
Another thing to do, although it means a little more expense, is loan insurance.
There is much risk in private deals so neither mortgage broker or lender is ready to take on more expenses on the borrower's behalf.
This «better way» might include cutting more expenses, bring in more income, switching payoff methods, or whatever.
Often, even when students have gone elsewhere, these schools are staffed as if they were fully - enrolled — so they end up with more expenses than the revenues warrant.
You can't change the image without incurring more expenses.
Available for around # 80 online (with an RRP of # 89), this speaker is more expensive than the likes of the Creative D100, which also offers up to 24 hours of audio playback from a set of batteries, which you can just change when they run out (at more expense, though).
In addition, if the debtor files for bankruptcy protection during the process of seizing the property, the creditor will be forced to stop the process or pay more expenses in challenging the automatic stay of bankruptcy.
The last few years have been characterised by a loss of trust in institutions, broken promises and yet more expenses scandals.
The initiating person will have to tolerate more frustration and likely have more expense because of the partner's resistance — both in legal fees and in the settlement — in order to exit the relationship.
In some cases, the spouse might try to hide the true income of a business by claiming more expenses than actually exist, delaying the recognition of new revenues, or hiding some of its assets.
Catholic Match has a slightly more expense fee, as the one - time charge for a month's worth of subscription is $ 29.95, and the semi-annual plan charges you for $ 12.49 per month.
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