Sentences with phrase «more eyestrain»

You can't read outside and will cause more eyestrain than an ink device.

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Dropping people into alternative realities for lengthy periods of time has been shown to have unfortunate side effects: «Simulator sickness» has caused pilots to suffer nausea, anxiety, eyestrain, headaches, sweating fatigue, general discomfort and much more.
People who get dedicated eReaders with eInk are people who read more and thus want to avoid the eyestrain associated with staring at a screen on a mobile phone or tablet, so they can read longer comfortably, without their eyes getting strained from the light shining in their eyes and getting refreshed countless times a second.
I also have a Kobo h20, not so much because it's waterproof, more because it doesn't have the bluish backlight of recent Kindles, which I found causes me as much eyestrain as a tablet.
Light - emitting screens like the iPad's can cause eyestrain — especially when reading, which makes your eyes focus much more intensely than when watching a movie, obviously.
After about an hour of use, she started to experience eyestrain and wanted to stop reading it under these conditions.Click here to read more at ZDNet Tech Broiler
However, in order to reduce eyestrain and not to disturb her theoretical bed - mate, she needed to reduce the brightness considerably.Click here to read more at ZDNet Tech Broiler
Since it's not backlit, it's more like reading a newspaper than like staring at a computer screen (which can cause eyestrain).
Using the PRS - 700BC on April 19th I found I was easily able to read more than an hour of text content without experiencing significant eyestrain.
It introduces a lighter, more graceful look and outperforms other digital reading fonts to help customers read faster with less eyestrain.
For regular reading, however, we think dedicated ebook readers are a better option for a number of reasons, namely nonreflective electronic - ink displays that give you a more paperlike visual experience (including easy reading outdoors and less eyestrain than with an LCD screen), a lighter weight, and a significantly longer battery life.
This results in more natural word spacing and more words on each page, which allows for faster reading with less eyestrain.
Unlike the original eInk Kindle devices, where more light is better, the Kindle Fire can sometimes suffer from glare issues that make the screen hard to see and can cause eyestrain.
Staring at a bright LCD screen — such as the iPad's — for extended periods can result in eyestrain, but the paper - like E-Ink display is considerably more comfortable to stare at for extended periods.
Re your third prediction: With the dramatic rise in eyes - on - screen usage for all segments of the population, I foresee burgeoning eyestrain and more print book sales as a result.
According to many doctors, computer eyestrain has less to do with backlight and more to do with the way you work on computers and e-readers.
Although we originally intended to upgrade the bias lighting on both the HDTV and workstation after establishing that bias lighting relieved our eyestrain and other issues (which it absolutely did) we've found our simple DIY solutions have worked well enough that any major upgrades or enhanced DIY projects are now more a matter of cosmetics and perfectionism than necessity.
True Tone is designed to make the iPhone's display appear more paper - like when reading for more comfort and less eyestrain.
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