Sentences with phrase «more fidelity»

The orange band follow the actual temperature records (black lines) with much more fidelity than the grey, especially over the staircase
I'm not saying it's a finished work, just pointing how it's not easy prettifying a game, since when you add more fidelity some animations or gameplay quirks can look off, like them having to fix how link stands on stairs.
Checks payable to one or more Fidelity account owners (second - party checks; see endorsement requirements below)
DNA alone confirms evolution with far more fidelity.
The book was sooooo good, I'd love to see more fidelity.
«Houdini» exhibits more fidelity to history than the 1953 movie starring Tony Curtis, but that was, in its own way, wonderfully cornball and cheesy.
To give more fidelity and responsiveness, the RX's steering system was also modified.
Finally, the inclusion of a Safety Car adds even more fidelity to the game, and can have a huge impact on races.
A side - by - side comparison with the also awesome Sony WH - 1000XM2 (the wireless earbuds» big brother) showed that the more focused sound of the WF - 1000X offers a little bit more fidelity than the bass - heavy WH - 1000XM2.
He adds: «There's so much more data, so much more fidelity, so many more things you can do.
I can not imagine the rain on the feathers of the owls having any more fidelity as every drop hits with utter realism.
«We do have good practice, but we need to be more consistent and have more fidelity to our practices.»
The orange band follow the actual temperature records (black lines) with much more fidelity than the grey, especially over the staircase landings from 1945 - 1975 and 1998 - present.
But we're happy to report this couldn't be further from the truth with the Sib Evo system, which further reveals how much more fidelity you can squeeze out of a fully discrete surround setup.
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