Sentences with phrase «more fluids»

You will notice how your body and movements become much more fluid in a heated studio.
Long - term Android users will know that adding more power has made a difference, with recent devices being much more fluid in navigation than older ones.
Now it just needs to create more fluid experiences overall.
This new hardware allows for more fluid navigation in the menus and turning pages in books.
As work life becomes more fluid for parents we may see a demand for evening, night time or weekend care.
Don't worry — series veterans will still feel right at home, with the changes actually making the combat feel more fluid than ever before.
He's a lot more and then so there's a lot more fluid.
You need more fluid particularly when you have more fiber for fiber to work effectively.
The whole room looks more fluid with the changes.
Often, these patients will be advised to drink more fluids as a way to prevent future stone formation.
Shooting, too, feels far more fluid and fun than in previous entries.
This includes technical knowledge of formatting as well as more fluid style choices.
You are more likely to improve your diet and drink more fluid when breastfeeding, which can also help the healing process.
For me, working between conventions or codes is a way to extend the possibilities or make more fluid what is familiar about that language.
The Web browsing experience is a bit more fluid now, thanks to the increase of RAM and CPU.
Women require even more fluid intake while they are pregnant, so it's important for them to make that extra special effort to keep hydrated.
He needs to be able to control it at first time of asking to keep play more fluid.
They are surprisingly good, with much more fluid animation than expected.
The rear shows more fluid lines with the tail lights placed higher.
Although it is our goal is to get more fluid into the baby, that fluid needs to be either pumped breast milk or formula.
However, if an infant loses more fluids than he or she takes in, it can lead to dehydration.
In the new trailer, players also get another glimpse of new and more fluid gameplay with improved weapons and gear.
If you are noticing a gag reflex, add a little more fluid to thin out or mash with a fork.
Being not so massive like the current generation, the front bumper continue more fluid on the side with wheel arches.
Job titles are more fluid now than in your father's day.
Tomorrow's suburbs might look more fluid if curtains take hold in cool climates.
Can I safely add more fluid in that range (less than a quart)?
You retain more fluid and that's why you put on weight.
Do not squeeze the tick if you can avoid it to keep more fluid from entering your dog's body.
Help prevent stones and crystals by encouraging your cat to consume more fluids.
Drawing for me is a much more fluid form of expression, and also involves my body in a much more intimate way, especially when it comes to pastels.
Instead of having more fluid controls, they often feel rigid.
However, you use more fluids when you use your vehicle more, and that tends to happen in the summer.
It's either deal with these issues and have a slightly more fluid interface, or put up with lag.
What if your infant needs more fluids because it's hot, or because he's coming down with a virus?
The app menu interface has undergone a revision and seems more fluid in the way different menus are displayed.
Choose overnight diapers, which absorb more fluid, or consider using reusable diapers overnight.
The torque converter has been enlarged for better performance, and the transmission holds more fluid, which enables it to run cooler under heavy loads.
Do to their special chemical structure they are more fluid like and flexible, but also a bit delicate and more likely to be susceptible to damage.
However if the veggies and fruits have not been used they have more fluids so I would probably use less than with the fibre!
In fact, taking more fluid can be quite helpful in the majority of essential hypertension cases in its early stages.
The objects are removed from their normal usability and are relocated to a much more fluid state between image and process.
The following exercises are designed to boost functional strength and increase endurance to assist in making you a stronger and more fluid surfer.
In combination with the stiffer shell and more fluid suspension setup, this helps the GT - R to feel more comfortable and relaxing.
It takes some getting used to, especially if you're more accustomed to today's more fluid cover - shooter experiences.
If your cat requires more fluids in its body, the wet prescription cat food would be a good choice.
However, when you talk about fluid I am wondering if pumping more fluid to the legs after the weight work will aid the process in relation to size.
However, many may not know that pregnant women require even more fluid intake than an average adult does.
More fluid came rushing out with each additional contraction I had.
Websites are becoming ever more fluid — over time, they're less about pages and more about content that adapts to the conditions under which it's being consumed.

Phrases with «more fluids»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z