Sentences with phrase «more focus on test scores»

Almost everything; there's compliance paperwork, more collaboration, more focus on test scores and far more accountability.

Not exact matches

His team is also expected to continue focusing heavily on test scores as a performance measure, one of the more controversial aspects of his education reforms.
These strong long - term outcomes — which tend to be much more significant than any short - term test - score gains — likely reflect Catholic schools» focus on discipline and character as much as their excellent academics.
«Helping students to have freedom to feel mistakes are part of the learning process will allow for students to focus more on developing effective strategies connected to the academic task at hand, rather than worrying about getting a perfect score on a test
«Some schools struggle to bring people together because of limited time and a focus more often on raising test scores than building relationships with parents and families,» she says.
Writing for Chalkbeat, Dylan Peers McCoy describes how one of the nation's largest school voucher programs has changed the private schools that participate, leading them to focus more intensely on student test scores.
In more affluent schools, parents are likely to oppose measures that increase the focus on standardized test scores at the cost of student satisfaction.
In tackling this task, Feinberg says, they «backed into» the five essential tenets of the KIPP model: High Expectations (for academic achievement and conduct); Choice and Commitment (KIPP students, parents, and teachers all sign a learning pledge, promising to devote the time and effort needed to succeed); More Time (extended school day, week, and year); Power to Lead (school leaders have significant autonomy, including control over their budget, personnel, and culture); and Focus on Results (scores on standardized tests and other objective measures are coupled with a focus on character developmFocus on Results (scores on standardized tests and other objective measures are coupled with a focus on character developmfocus on character development).
Luke Reynolds (recommended by Adam Steiner - @steineredtech) thinks students are «more than just test scores,» and hence focuses less on the test and more on overall classwork.
-- those kinds of conversations around data can lead to much more productive work than the ones that are focused on «[let's use] data to think about how we're going to improve test scores».
In 2007 they approved funding for the first public Waldorf methods high school, in the Sacramento Unified School District; and (3) Three key findings on urban public schools with Waldorf methods: (a) In their final year, the students in the study's four California case study public Waldorf - methods elementary schools match the top ten of peer sites on the 2006 California test scores and well outperform the average of their peers statewide; (b) According to teacher, administrator and mentor reports, they achieve these high test scores by focusing on those new three R's — rather than on rote learning and test prep — in a distinct fashion laid out by the Waldorf model and (c) A key focus is on artistic learning, not just for students but, more importantly perhaps, for the adults.
Some researchers speculate that those programs didn't offer big enough rewards and that they focused too narrowly on test scores rather than the instructional practices teachers can control more directly.
But a 2013 review of HCZ by Danielle Hanson at the conservative Heritage Foundation was more sympathetic to HCZ, noting that Brookings» narrow focus on test scores in one Promise Academy misses the zone's mission to «reweave the social fabric of Harlem.»
Today a coalition of colleges and universities led by the Harvard Graduate School of Education released a report, «Turning the Tide,» that says colleges and universities should focus more on ethical engagement than test scores when considering prospective students.
In short, they want schools to be focused more on the social good students do than on their test scores.
State accountability systems focus attention and resources on low performance and remediation, but in many school districts across the country district leaders are as much concerned, if not more, about sustaining good performance and about establishing agendas for student learning beyond proficiency scores on standardized tests.
In 2011, Bill Turque, then The Washington Post's D.C. schools reporter, wrote that Rhee's focus on test scores did indeed bring «big gains — and more big headlines — for the city.»
More Than a Score parents give CPS a «D» grade for a promotion policy that continues to focus too much on test scores and ignores the value of report cards.
Rather than focusing on growth and test scores, we take a more holistic approach to improve academics and school culture.
Still, there would not be compelling evidence that national standards produce optimal outcomes; economic growth, as well as personal fulfillment, could very well require an education focused on much more than just high test scores.
But with an increased national focus on standardized test scores, the data collection process has become much more formalized in recent years.
The opportunity to make innovative instructional decisions — and to focus on learning rather than on test scores — makes working at Winnona Park a more satisfying professional experience, teachers say.
I think after another generation of a horrible achievement gap, we have to make all schools more focused on tests, tutoring and teacher quality and stop prioritizing adult jobs over children's scores and achievement.
The analysis, based on test scores in maths and science, is a much wider global map of education standards than the OECD's Pisa tests, which focus on more affluent industrialised countries.
As a second and third grade teacher in DeForest, Moffit pushed her administration to take a more holistic, individualized approach to reading instruction, versus rigid teaching focused on test scores, she said.
Couched in concerns over Duncan's «failed agenda focused on more high - stakes testing, grading and pitting public school students against each other based on test scores,» the item was introduced at the behest of the California Teachers Association.
«We think it's a much more honest, much more comprehensive, much more holistic [measure] that goes way beyond an artificial focus on one test score,» Duncan said.
The new formula aims to focus on more than standardized test scores, with 60 percent of student progress measured by academics and 40 percent measured by «social - emotional and culture - climate» factors, such as suspension and expulsion rates and student and parent surveys.
Tutoring and other support for learning, such as TRiO programs, should be more available, with particular focus on students with low test scores and low incomes.
In short, focusing on non-cognitive abilities, those not measured by test scores, are more important in predicting success in high school and beyond.
Differences in value - added from high - and low - stakes tests might be due to some teachers focusing more than others on superficial aspects of the tests and practices that improve student test scores but not student achievement.
The latest movement to add more technology into classrooms is repeating the same mistakes, focusing on how tech can help teachers by churning out more data about students, saving time and raising test scores.
It makes more sense to focus on how much test scores have grown at a school rather than whether scores rise to a uniform standard.
In this report Harris makes «Recommendations to Improve the Louisiana System of Accountability for Teachers, Leaders, Schools, and Districts,» the main one being that the state focus «more on student learning or growth --[by] specifically, calculating the predicted test scores and rewarding schools based on how well students do compared with those predictions.»
(Koretz also argues that the focus on test prep in such schools has led to more score inflation there, making the achievement gap appear narrower than it really is.)
NAESP is always looking for ways to support principals in developing the leadership qualities that can help make them, and their entire school communities, more focused on accountability to the whole child — beyond test scores.
The academic achievement that students are attaining in magnet schools is of course of importance, but the benefits of integration may be compromised in the process of focusing more on test scores.
I've previously posted about studies that have found that the laser - like focus on raising student test scores often identifies teachers who are good at doing that, but those VAM - like measures tend to short - change educators who are good at developing Social Emotional or «non-cognitive skills» (see More Evidence Showing The Dangers Of Using High - Stakes Testing For Teacher Evaluation; Another Study Shows Limitations Of Standardized Tests For Teacher Evaluations; Study Finds Teachers Whose Students Achieve High Test Scores Often Don't Do As Well With SEL Skills and SEL Weekly Updatest scores often identifies teachers who are good at doing that, but those VAM - like measures tend to short - change educators who are good at developing Social Emotional or «non-cognitive skills» (see More Evidence Showing The Dangers Of Using High - Stakes Testing For Teacher Evaluation; Another Study Shows Limitations Of Standardized Tests For Teacher Evaluations; Study Finds Teachers Whose Students Achieve High Test Scores Often Don't Do As Well With SEL Skills and SEL Weekly Upscores often identifies teachers who are good at doing that, but those VAM - like measures tend to short - change educators who are good at developing Social Emotional or «non-cognitive skills» (see More Evidence Showing The Dangers Of Using High - Stakes Testing For Teacher Evaluation; Another Study Shows Limitations Of Standardized Tests For Teacher Evaluations; Study Finds Teachers Whose Students Achieve High Test Scores Often Don't Do As Well With SEL Skills and SEL Weekly UpdaTest Scores Often Don't Do As Well With SEL Skills and SEL Weekly UpScores Often Don't Do As Well With SEL Skills and SEL Weekly Update).
The thinking is that happier kids, with fewer discipline problems and the skills to cope with situations ranging from arguments with their best friend to extreme poverty, will more easily be able to focus on classroom lessons, leading to higher test scores
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