Sentences with phrase «more fur children»

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This quick and easy dinner allows for more time to catch up on the day with Micah and spend time with him and our fur child.
One day I'll be surrounded by their partners and spouses, their children (some human and as my oldest has assured me only fur babies for her) and this love will be multiplied more than I can fathom.
«For one thing, climate change and rising carbon dioxide levels have created an environment that's more hospitable to the growth of allergens such as mold,» says Jay Portnoy, MD, director of allergy, asthma and immunology at Children's Mercy Hospital in Kansas City, Mo. «What's more, we're living in cleaner indoor environments these days, so our immune systems go into overdrive when we're exposed to something unfamiliar, like dust mites or fur
These black - furred mammoths could not be gentler, calmer, and more careful around your child.
That coupled with the change of traditional roles for women in society and more and more of them choosing to wait until their late 30's to start having children, so have a dog that is their «fur» baby.
She was first drawn to the veterinary field with her love of animals and a passion for wanting to offer more to her fur children.
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