Sentences with phrase «more general answer»

If you really need to know more details about the game to properly answer this question, let me know and I will add them - but I was hoping to a more general answer first, so I can analyse them myself and decide what is needed and what is not.
I use question about USA elections as a reference only, as I am interesting in more general answer.

Not exact matches

There's no magic number, but, in general, the longer you've had a relationship with a customer, the more questions he or she will be willing to answer.
He must either become more and more unreasonably dogmatic, affirming that on all these questions he has answers given him by his tradition that are not subject to further adjudication, or else he must finally acknowledge that his theological work does rest upon presuppositions that are subject to evaluation in the context of general reflection.
Whether one gives an answer complimentary to Heidegger or not, one still accepts the appropriateness of an inquiry into the character of his political beliefs and their relation to his general ontology — all the more so, as I have argued, if one is a Heideggerian.
In these terms, the proposition that Jesus lives on subjectively is the supreme instance of some more general proposition as to individual survival after death: to reach a decision as to this supreme instance one would first have to investigate the general concept of resurrection, which lies beyond our present task.25 It must here suffice to answer that these proposals neither affirm nor deny the doctrine that both Jesus and the «souls of the righteous» live on subjectively.
like hindu with due respect to hindu community that they go and ask to their idols or monkeys and so on, buddists go and ask a statue of buddah, sikh asks guru nanak, catholic asks marry and dead human, christian in general asks a human and the list could go on and on... how do you know that which one is being answered by The True God... all can't be correct or true... as Truth can't to more than one but ONE only....
«Unquestionably the problem which here lies before Psycho - physics can not be sharply answered; but we may establish a general point of view for its treatment, consistently with what we laid down in a former chapter on the relations of more general with more particular phenomena of consciousness.»
Also not surprisingly, I need two posts to answer these questions... This post will provide a general answer to the questions above, and tomorrow's post will look at the statement of Jesus in John 14:2 in more detail.
Your answer only starts to address «why, in general, women don't vote for other women more» if you prove the assertion that there's a reason for women to consider other women to be unwinnable against Hitler.
The answer partially lies in the more general failure of polling in the months leading to May 2015.
This is «sort of» correct, but is much more of a generic answer to a broader question of «why is the gun debate controversial in general»?
I have five particular points here, but in general, I claim that a more balanced perspective reveals that, while realism doesn't have all of the answers, it is more potent than Motyl admits.
Attorney Robert Freeman, executive director of the New York State Committee on Open Government, has been answering such questions for reporters and the general public from his office in Albany for more than 35 years.
«Well, I need more answers... but I like the general direction in which they're trying to move to a more patient - centered health care system, employing some important insurance market reforms,» Faso said.
Instead, it's best to show a more general interest in what you have in common with XYZ, as the second answer did, as opposed to the sledgehammer approach of a job inquiry.
Although each machine is limited to a single task, it would allow researchers to answer important questions without having to solve some of the more difficult problems involved in creating a general - purpose quantum computer.
That's the not exactly burning question the British Royal College of General Practitioners decided to answer, as a way of encouraging regular physicians to do more research.
Website contributors with less media exposure can also learn how to answer questions or convey scientific information in a general interest story by reading more experienced commenters» input, Guilyardi points out.
At the conclusion of the presentations, the chairs will summarize the key points presented, and allow further time for more general questions and answers, followed by a final summing up.
In general, nurse - midwives tend to have more time to answer all your questions and help you learn about the physical and emotional changes you experience as you prepare for your expanding family or with your general care.
The answer is no, of course, because eating fewer carbs on some days and more on others (and eating fewer in general) isn't going to significantly impact your fat loss.
These are all the general bread and butter answers, but today I want to talk about the discipline of Strength And Conditioning, or more specifically some strength and conditioning involving kettlebell exercises that are essential for your MMA, Combat, and Military athleticism.
If you have any questions about my pregnancy or pregnancy in general, please feel free to leave a comment below and I'll be sure to include the answer my upcoming, more detailed post about our baby on the way!
Be sure to stop by our curated library of dating advice and online dating content, specifically designed to answer general dating questions as well as more specific topics like how to propose and novel and fun date ideas in cities across the U.S.
I love to shop dine out and have general fun... ask me more ill answer anything!
Opportunity of Creating a Profile · General Information > Name, Gender, Age, User Information, Country, Zip / Postal Code, Height > Additional information related to relationship status, physical information, smoking, drinking, occupation and religion > Looking for (multiple - choice and range of answers) > All essential parts of the profile are discussed above > Distance from > Greeting for Profile and Title > Essay That Explains More About yourself · Upload of 10 photos · Opportunity of Replying to Emails · Post of Comments on Forum and Profiles · Chat with Other Members · Verify of the Occupation, Age and Photos · Basic Searching · Photo Gallery · Profile Statistics The only issue about this membership is that it does not allow members of initiating communication between members.
Be sure to stop by our curated library of dating advice and online dating content, specifically designed to answer general dating questions as well as more specific topics like.
This bundle includes: (PowerPoint) * 20 Translations with Answers - GCSE Higher - New AQA - English to French (or French to English)(2016) * A / A * Structures / More ambitious structures for display / French / Français / GCSE + / AQA / New * AQA French GCSE - 30 Photo cards - Higher Level / Tier with questions (New)(Speaking)(2016) * AQA French GCSE - Role - Plays - Higher Level / Tier with questions and answers (New)(2016) * AQA GCSE French (8658)(New)(2016) * AQA GCSE French Speaking Assessment criteria (2016)(New) * AQA GCSE French Writing Assessment criteria (2016)(New) * GCSE French / New / AQA / Higher Tier / 150 word open ended tasks / 2 bullet points / Writing / 2016 * GCSE French / New AQA / Higher Tier / 90 words structured writing tasks / 4 bullet points / 2016 * Questions for general conversation - Speaking exam - AQA GCSE French (New)(2016) * Literary texts (NOW with answers) * Complex structures at GCSE level * Role - play prompts and practice Recently added: * Trivial pursuit * Year 10 First lesson * Qui suis - je (Who am I): IntroductoryAnswers - GCSE Higher - New AQA - English to French (or French to English)(2016) * A / A * Structures / More ambitious structures for display / French / Français / GCSE + / AQA / New * AQA French GCSE - 30 Photo cards - Higher Level / Tier with questions (New)(Speaking)(2016) * AQA French GCSE - Role - Plays - Higher Level / Tier with questions and answers (New)(2016) * AQA GCSE French (8658)(New)(2016) * AQA GCSE French Speaking Assessment criteria (2016)(New) * AQA GCSE French Writing Assessment criteria (2016)(New) * GCSE French / New / AQA / Higher Tier / 150 word open ended tasks / 2 bullet points / Writing / 2016 * GCSE French / New AQA / Higher Tier / 90 words structured writing tasks / 4 bullet points / 2016 * Questions for general conversation - Speaking exam - AQA GCSE French (New)(2016) * Literary texts (NOW with answers) * Complex structures at GCSE level * Role - play prompts and practice Recently added: * Trivial pursuit * Year 10 First lesson * Qui suis - je (Who am I): Introductoryanswers (New)(2016) * AQA GCSE French (8658)(New)(2016) * AQA GCSE French Speaking Assessment criteria (2016)(New) * AQA GCSE French Writing Assessment criteria (2016)(New) * GCSE French / New / AQA / Higher Tier / 150 word open ended tasks / 2 bullet points / Writing / 2016 * GCSE French / New AQA / Higher Tier / 90 words structured writing tasks / 4 bullet points / 2016 * Questions for general conversation - Speaking exam - AQA GCSE French (New)(2016) * Literary texts (NOW with answers) * Complex structures at GCSE level * Role - play prompts and practice Recently added: * Trivial pursuit * Year 10 First lesson * Qui suis - je (Who am I): Introductoryanswers) * Complex structures at GCSE level * Role - play prompts and practice Recently added: * Trivial pursuit * Year 10 First lesson * Qui suis - je (Who am I): Introductory lesson
When we asked our readers whether they favored or opposed school vouchers, 42 percent said they favored them, just a bit more than the 39 percent of the general public who gave a similar answer.
a) Starts with a more general «signs of spring» discussion b) Includes activities that can be done as talk partner discussions or lead as questions and answers c) Includes top tips that reinforce the importance of a sleep routine d) Links to an external quiz at the end.
And while the evaluation methods of IES appear to have been exacting, the study will answer nothing more than the most general question: Does educational software, as a class, tend to work?
There are lots of mathematical tweaks, but the general idea is to build a model that answers this question: are the students of this particular teacher learning more or less than you expect them to?
He was also able to answer questions based on his own experience with hybrid cars in general that helped me make a more informed decision.
After some more general statements about the site, Miyata opened a question - and - answer session.
And more specifically, as a means of discovering specific answers to important questions, for gathering data and general information and as a powerful tool for decision making.
One question you may be able to answer on a more general level, though.
Answering your more general question, what do I think of this particular Price / Earnings based ratio as a way to signal asset allocation change i.e. Valuation Informed Investing?
@Dheer So the general answer is: (a) if you are managing a relatively small sum of money (no more than e.g. 75k GBP / account) you put it in a savings account or just plain account (if you don't like the interest)-- it is safe (insured by the government) and hassle free, (b) if you are managing larger sums than e.g. 75k GBP / account your best bet is treasury bonds.
Learn more about the components of the general business tax credit and get tax answers at H&R Block.
We do have good answers for the more general case, which should also work in Poland.
In my experience, the more I know about a company's history, its management team's history, its annual reports / accounts over the years, its peers, and the market in general, the more likely it is I actually have answers to the questions I & others ask.
Since you did not provide all the necessary details, the general answer is to sketch out your total payments (mortgage + personal loan) with and without the refi over the life of the mortgage and see if you end up with more money in your pocket with the refi.
If you're still stumped, or if you need more general information about banking, chances are you'll find the answers in one of these articles.
Answer: I Would Not Use Aspirin In Dog With These General Signs Of Illness As In Some Cases Aspirin Could Cause More Problems With Certain Blood Or Digestive Issues.
Your organization might be qualified if you have knowledge and experience working with outdoor cats, and feel comfortable answering questions from the general public about one or more of the following topics:
NBCAAM Contact Information For more information about NBCAAM, for answers to general questions, or for website / technical issues, please send an email to: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots.
The answer is that it varies, but as a general rule of thumb, consider that when it comes to restlessness, generally the younger the Lab the more you'll see the bull in the china shop phenomenon.
Answer: Hmm, that's kind of a general question and I don't know any hard facts for you but in general, females are WAY more predisposed than males just due to their conformation (urethra is wider & shorter and opening is right next to anus).
Yes, the general answer will be «pet owners» — but there's more to it than that.
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