Sentences with phrase «more general belief»

The third belief underlying our current preference for biology over attachment is part of a more general belief that infancy is a time of little permanent psychological importance.
I really do not know if you understand there is a difference between things that one must believe (dogma) and more general beliefs.

Not exact matches

«So you're both supporting the case of an investment belief — that these corporations will do better than the market, because they are long - term focused — and you're also creating a new trend that would support corporations in general to think more long term,» says Winslow.
Some of us are interested in building wealth while others are merely trying to cover expenses, but whatever the motivation, if we work for a living, we all share one general belief: more money is better.
It's a shame that tf can't understand an alternate view a bit more, because in the end, in a general time and a general place, for key things most of us, regardless of belief system, I think are often aiming for the same thing.
In culture and belief she was a Jew, but in hereditary endowment she was more a composite of Syrian, Hittite, Phoenician, Greek, and Egyptian stocks, her racial inheritance being more general than that of Joseph.
Belief in the existence of a personal God has declined as men have found the influence of mutually relative natural agencies, — environment, natural selection, organic composition, conditioned functional reaction etc., able to account for natural phenomena that before were related to more general causes or even to the First Cause.
It will be interesting to see what the general reaction is when people begin to focus on Romney's religion and learn more about the actual origins of the LDS Church and some of the more unusual Mormon beliefs.
It is the belief of the churches that this providential ordering provides the framework within which our sexual lives can best serve not only our well - being, but also the more general purposes of God.
Whether one gives an answer complimentary to Heidegger or not, one still accepts the appropriateness of an inquiry into the character of his political beliefs and their relation to his general ontology — all the more so, as I have argued, if one is a Heideggerian.
Muslims in general if left alone with out your intervention might end up fighting each other due differences of views in their faith, but if west keep on applying pressure causing starvation, harassment and confrontation against Muslims and against their faith, this will only lead them to leave behind their differences and jointly or individually confront their enemies, those who wants to deprive them from their rights of faith and belief and the more they are pressed the more they would complain by reacting and not by words and cries since words and cries seem does not reach, heard or work out now a days since being their judges and executors are all of non religious such as atheists, infidels, polytheists who consider their vast interests above all humanity and faith issues such as mercy, leniency, compassion, pity, sympathy, kindness all that of human mutual heavenly code of conduct.!?
Special revelations — the only sort recognized by this kind of theology — have always needed to be checked by some more general frame of reference: the written Scriptures coolly and historically studied, the tradition and common experience of the church, and the still more general experiences and tested beliefs of mankind.
There can be no laws respecting the establishment of a particular religion, which means that it's not a matter of conservative Christian beliefs carrying more weight than anyone else's, except on matters about which we can work for general agreement.
More than that, relational thought can provide an alternative framework for interpreting and expressing more coherently the originating beliefs, especially regarding the interim state, the resurrection of the dead, and particular / general judgmMore than that, relational thought can provide an alternative framework for interpreting and expressing more coherently the originating beliefs, especially regarding the interim state, the resurrection of the dead, and particular / general judgmmore coherently the originating beliefs, especially regarding the interim state, the resurrection of the dead, and particular / general judgment.
Atheism is as justifiable a belief system and perhaps more so than the Abrahmaic religions in general and the rights of an individual to express themselves must not be allowed to be infringed upon by anyone lest their actions create the very environment they sought to escape.
The Pharisees, practicing a puritan and separatist form of spirituality, accepted the belief in a general resurrection (the more conservative Sadducees rejected it) and they left a huge deposit in subsequent rabbinical Judaism.
The general belief is that back when humans were more ape, the reflex helped babies latch on to mom's body if they fell.
The former refers to where an employee is discriminated against as a direct consequence of their religion or belief, and the latter is where an employee is discriminated against not due to their specific religion or belief but because more general rules put someone of their religion or belief at a disadvantage.
Ultimately, what matters more to Labour members, it seems, is having a leader who, as well as being a good communicator, is in touch with ordinary people and has strong political beliefs — something that is especially true for those who joined after rather than before the last general election.
They believe general election coordinator Douglas Alexander is encouraging Mr Miliband to be more cautious, in the belief that winning 35 per cent of the vote next year will be enough for victory.
The SLF therefore calls on all its supporters to write to their MP, expressing their concern over Lord Browne's recommendations and reaffirming our belief that unless HE is to be funded through general taxation, any graduate contribution must be fairly instituted without saddling students — particularly those least able to afford it — with more debt.
This probably flows from the fact that Labour has been in power for 13 years, and attitudes to the party are more fully worked out, while the opposition Conservative Party attracts a more general reaction of belief or disbelief to the promises put forward by David Cameron.
A new study reveals that police recruits and experienced officers are more likely than others to subscribe to colorblind racial beliefs — the notion that they — and people in general — see no differences among people from different racial groups and treat everyone the same.
The Viterbi algorithm — belief propagation for single talker speech recognition Belief propagation for recognition of a single talker's speech follows a similar general process, just with much more complicated probabilbelief propagation for single talker speech recognition Belief propagation for recognition of a single talker's speech follows a similar general process, just with much more complicated probabilBelief propagation for recognition of a single talker's speech follows a similar general process, just with much more complicated probabilities.
The findings, just published in the Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, reveal that the self - beliefs of members of Western cultural groups have much more in common with the rest of the world than was previously suggested, contradicting the generally accepted view of a «West versus the rest» divide in concepts of selfhood.
A general belief is that the stronger the coupling between various properties in a material is, the more advantageous it is in the development of a new functional material.
There is a general belief that women tend to be more faithful than men.
More importantly, our hearts, beliefs, values, sense of humor and general outlooks were very similar.
Mary Bousted, the general secretary of the Association of Teachers and Lecturers, said it «beggars belief» that it would take a school more than 18 hours to discover the identity of someone who received thousands of pounds in expenses.
Yet there is a general acceptance of the belief that such unethical behavior is far more common among self publishers than it is traditionally published authors.
(I've notice that authors are very good at assuming their own beliefs are those of the market in general; real - world testing is, of course, a more logical way to make pricing decisions.)
The author's return home after years in NYC offer a perfect opportunity to educate both her daughters, AND us on some of the more interesting customs and beliefs of the Hindu religion specifically and India in general.
Or a general belief that it's hard to search through a varied selection of more than 300 ebooks on an ereader?
There tends to be a general belief that breeds who sit more in the «mutt» category than «purebred» have more hybrid vigor.
JimD, «A lot more emissions leads to a lot more warming» is your belief, not a scientifically verifiable general truth such as you believe.
One of the more interesting findings is that in general the poorer the nation, the stronger the belief in the serious nature of climate change and the stronger the public opinion for action to mitigate climate change.
My «belief» (more like general sense of how it works rather than a belief — I think that «belief» is too strong a word) is that absent hard proof otherwise, it isn't irrelevant that a «consensus» of expert opinion says that a certain interpretation is probably correct.
That some still talk about «belief» — a matter of faith more so than facts — in findings that have long been accepted by the scientific community speaks volumes about the general public's understanding and acceptance of global climate change.
Right now, I remain in the belief that the description is correct for the purpose it was written for, while it certainly can not be comprehensive enough as a more general description of atmospheric circulation.
The explosion of Twitter activity surrounding the Ontario Court of Appeal release today in Canada (Attorney General) v. Bedford, 2012 ONCA 186 confirms my belief that Twitter provides an excellent outlet for lawyers, other legal professionals and the public itself to augment the work of... [more]
First, parent support programs improve parental competence / confidence and parental beliefs that child - initiated interactions are most important in parent - child interactions.7, 8 Second, although general parent support programs support social - emotional development of children, parent support that is directed at parental emotional and educational / economic development has an enhanced impact on child social - emotional development.9 Third, participatory help - giving practices contribute the most to parents» judgment of their children's emotional competence.7 Fourth, group approaches to parental support have a more powerful effect on child social - emotional competence than home - visiting approaches.9
It is likely that social psychology has always had a more cognitive than general psychology approach, as it traditionally discussed internal mental states such as beliefs and desires when mainstream psychology was dominated by behaviorism.
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