Sentences with phrase «more good feelings about»

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The practice pays off, according to research: People who practice gratitude activities are more optimistic, feel better about their lives, exercise more and report fewer physical issues.
If your business model revolves more around river tours and large bodies of water, the mighty kraken, complete with lots of morbid jokes about your service to the creature, ferrying tourists to feed its unending hunger for human flesh, may do a better job of making your employees feel like they are part of something greater.
And that's how you can feel a little better, especially about yourself — because improving, at anything, is a sure - fire way to feel more confident.
People love to feel like they have the best thing, no matter what that thing is, and they'll do way more than talk about it if they really feel like it's the best.
The more specific your word choice, the better insight you have into exactly how you are feeling, what caused it, and what you should do about it.
In a press release, the UK's most senior counter-terrorism officer — assistant commissioner Mark Rowley — says: «By being more open about the threat and our work to confront it we hope the public will feel better informed and more confident in coming forward.
We start to think more clearly, feel better about ourselves, and even build buffers against age - related cognitive decline.
That's on purpose, she tells Inc. «The product that we have, I feel, is designed more for children, so I feel better about putting my name on that — the «Hettinger spinner» or whatever and getting that out,» she says.
Even if you feel negative about a situation, you can still make an effort to turn your emails into more positive messages — which usually get better responses.
Ratings of fictional conference calls supported the conclusion that investors feel better about companies whose bosses employ these five little words more often.
«Naps are definitely a good way to help you feel more rested, but keep them to about 10 to 15 minutes, ideally,» says Henry Olders, a sleep researcher and assistant professor at McGill University.
«Even though you may have to pay a little more to get the turkey to grandma's house... you're feeling a little better about the economy.»
In short, that lots of folks effectively psyche themselves out of feeling more well rested by worrying excessively about 20 minutes of tossing and turning before sleeping, or a perfectly normal level of nighttime wakefulness.
People are more likely to talk about your product and share it with others because it is unique and significant, and it makes them feel good about themselves for being involved.
More than half — 54 percent — of working Americans think further education would help them feel better about themselves, but only 40 percent of self - employed people agree.
But we feel good about our position and the fact that we are in control of our own destiny, probably more than anybody else in Canada in our business.
But when you give freely, you not only feel better about yourself, but you'll also start receiving more.
«Why don't you buy protection this year, because you'll feel more comfortable about your experience and you'll be better taken care of if, God forbid, a snowstorm actually happens in the winter in Toronto.»
«You feel like a better version of yourself; calmer, happier, more energized,» says Anne Faricy, a brand strategist in San Francisco, who goes to Ritual's classes about four times a week.
Put your ego aside and you'll find the best answers and the best solutions... and then you'll have even more reasons to feel good about what you have built.
The more time I took, the better I felt, and the more I appreciated just why vacations — real vacations, on which you clear your mind and don't think about business at all — are so important.
«These tweets made me feel better about 2017 and more optimistic about the new year.
A 2015 survey of nearly 2,000 U.S. employees conducted by Quantum Workplace and Limeade found that respondents were 38 percent more engaged and 18 percent more likely to go the extra mile when they felt their employers cared about their well - being.
Customers who believe companies take action based on the feedback feel better about the company and are more likely to respond to surveys.
Not only can employees feel good about contributing less to traffic and pollution, they're more likely to walk or bike to work, which brings obvious health benefits.
Didn't you feel open to helping them more, expecting their success based on your help would reflect well on you and reinforce your positive feelings about yourself?
The duo, who wrote about their results in Harvard Business Review, found that employees «feel better and perform better and more sustainably when four basic needs are met,» Schwartz and Porath write.
«The aha moment was that being open and honest propelled our brand,» explains Ellis, «because when people feel good about a brand, they frequent it more often, their average cheque goes up and they tell two friends, who tell two friends, who bring their kids.
By taking advantage of our hardwired tendency to talk about ourselves, and allowing your prospects to really express themselves during the sales process, they're more likely to feel good about the interaction you just had.
Writing about the recent FASB and SEC actions, Dayen quoted SEC Investor Advisory Committee (IAC) member Damon Silvers, who expressed the view that «The feeling of this body [IAC] is that more disclosure is better than less in general.
Feeling we fit in helps make us more relaxed, more motivated, more self - assured — all of which not only help us feel better about ourselves but can also help us perform better and be more willing to help others.
For example, if you're feeling burned out because you're constantly correcting employees who feel that they're not getting adequate communication, «so what» questioning might reveal how you can be more clear or it may reveal that employees need better training and clarity about what is expected of them.
Happiness might feel good, but it turns out it also makes us more susceptible to bias and stereotypes, according to a ton of interesting research you can read about in the post.
The «leadership by committee» approach makes employees feel really good about the overall product, and the collaborative style of management often leads to more thorough and thought - out solutions to problems.
What watching Rozovsky on the show made me think more about was the role not only in leaders asking great questions to make sure they have complete information but also the role in team members feeling safe in being able to contribute and the fact that having safe teams produces better results because it fosters creativity, risk - taking, personal ownership and motivation.
After 10 weeks, the people who had written about things they were thankful for reported being more optimistic and feeling better about their lives.
Democrats and Republicans are somewhat on the same side when it comes to encouraging girls to engage in traditionally - boy dominated activities, but Democrats feel more strongly about this being a good idea (80 percent of Democrats say it's a good idea compared with about 66 percent of Republicans).
Doing so makes his business partners feel comfortable that they can be open and honest about the limits of their own expertise as well, which leads to a more well - rounded partnership built on trust.
When you acknowledge your positive attributes you use them more, and this in turn makes you feel better about yourself and your life overall.
Considering the possibility that maybe we're a rare civilization who made it past the Great Filter through a freak occurrence makes him feel even more conviction about SpaceX's mission: «If we are very rare, we better get to the multi-planet situation fast, because if civilization is tenuous, then we must do whatever we can to ensure that our already - weak probability of surviving is improved dramatically.»
Judging from the testimonials — including many well known people — everyone likes this bookThis is more than a be nice or feel good book, although it did make me feel good about being nice.
Engaged employees — those who feel that their employer truly cares about their physical, emotional, and financial well - being — are more likely to have a vested interest in the company and be fully committed to the company's success.
«In practice, my best guess is that we were 6 times more likely to get everything wrong about a person as we were to get everything right about a person,» Kogan said, adding that if his work had helped elect President Trump, he would feel «absolutely horrible.»
With the arrival in Canada this week of Chinese Premier Li Keqiang to discuss greater engagement with Prime Minister Trudeau, we felt that our readers might be interested in learning more about these sectors as well as appreciate a backgrounder on state owned enterprises and the most current reforms that are underway.»
Jay Conrad Levinson and Shel Horowitz enlighten you with a bright new world and give you a clear manifesto for feeling good about yourself as you reap bigger profits and create a better, more ethical place to live and work in.
After 10 weeks, those who wrote about gratitude were more optimistic and felt better about their lives.
«This book helped me realize that being authentic would help me find my customers... I began to get more customers I really loved to work with, I began to feel better about my personal brand and my positioning, and I felt confident that I could make any sort of adjustment that I needed to in the future.»
The basic idea is that when the stock market improves, wealthier folks feel better about their finances and therefore spend more.
What's more, employees who work flexibly tend to be more engaged with their work - related activities, and feel better about their jobs.
It does not mean energy stocks can not go down more and there is a fair chance that oil may still go down further, however, I feel good about nibbling now to build up positions and add even more positions later if the energy stocks were to go down further, getting Santa Claus gifts even before arrival of Christmas to patient investors and we will be rewarded for that for long time to come.
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