Sentences with phrase «more happiness as»

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As for the «greying population» bogeyman, just imagine as the older generation start to pass on, younger generations will NATURALLY have more children to compensate and therefore get to have more sex and more happiness as opposed to being stressed out of their minds by sardine can living conditions mandated by rich people who live on multiple, vast, totally uncrowded estates!

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«Younger people who view their future as extensive gain more happiness from extraordinary experiences,» the researchers concluded, while as people age, it is more ordinary experiences that become associated with happiness.
«Past research has found that people grow steadily happier as they age from adolescence to older adulthood, with happiness peaking when people reach their 60s and 70s; the moodiness of youth subsides, and maturity brings more contentment.
As the name implies, this mindset allows you to focus on others to help them feel more confident, while also boosting your own happiness.
Besides offering a useful empathy workout to those of us who are more privileged, as Gates suggests, it's also likely to help you appreciate what you have, and gratitude has been shown by science to be a key to both happiness and success.
These links between happiness and time use are worrying news, as the current generation of teens (whom I call «iGen» in my book of the same name) spends more time with screens than any previous generation.
But as bestselling author and Oprah - anointed happiness expert Shawn Achor pointed out on in an excerpt from his new book on the TED Ideas blog recently, that sort of praise — well intentioned as it might be — actually does more harm than good.
As weeks pass, your happiness levels out and are affected only by more drastic events — layoffs or cutbacks, for instance, or bonuses and awards.
While our culture is one of individuality, it turns out from his research that there's a lot more to be said for happiness as part of a bigger, collective whole of family and your tribe.
Younger people, for example, «are more likely to associate happiness with excitement, whereas older individuals are more likely to experience happiness as feeling peaceful.»
After performing the same happiness - inducing activities, the people who signed up for the happiness study — the group Lyubomirsky saw as more «motivated» to become happier — gained more from the study than those who signed up for the other exercise.
Success doesn't make you happy so much as happiness makes you more successful.
This is perhaps the most obvious of the situations outlined by Newman, but as you'd expect, chasing happiness makes it much more difficult to empathize appropriately with others» suffering.
A Strayer survey recently found that 90 percent of Americans define success as more about happiness than power, possessions, or prestige.
Elizabeth Dunn and Michael Norton reveal the secret to buying happiness: «Experiential purchases — such as trips, concerts and special meals — are more deeply connected to our sense of self, making us who we are.
June 2014 — Facebook data scientists publish a study detailing the results of an experiment on nearly 700,000 users to determine whether showing them more positive or negative sentiment posts in the News Feed would affect their happiness levels (as deduced by what they posted).
Creating businesses (B Quadrant) is not going to bring us any more happiness, but rather be a distraction to spending our time as we choose.
«And as wealth increases, luxury threatens the physical less and less in the work of their hands, more and more in the titillation of their flesh; the pleasure of amusement replaces the happiness of creation.
But I recognize that it would be a short - lived happiness as a used Civic, meaning one with a few bumps and bruises, will also transport me around town at a more affordable cost.
But as we walk our final steps in the Lenten journey toward Golgotha, it's difficult to know how much happiness could be produced if we were just a bit more Christian.
I don't believe your loving me could shut up your heart; it's only adding to what you've been before, not taking away from it; for it seems to me it's the same with love and happiness as with sorrow — the more we know of it the better we can feel what other people's lives are or might be, and so we shall only be more tender to»em, and wishful to help»em.
Just as we saw that in healthy - mindedness there are shallower and profounder levels, happiness like that of the mere animal, and more regenerate of happiness, so also are there different levels of the morbid mind, and the one is much more formidable than the other.
The happiness that comes, when any does come — and often enough it fails to return in an acute form, though its form is sometimes very acute — is not the simple ignorance of ill, but something vastly more complex, including natural evil as one of its elements, but finding natural evil no such stumbling - block and terror because it now sees it swallowed up in supernatural good.
The securest way to the rapturous sorts of happiness of which the twice - born make report has as an historic matter of fact been through a more radical pessimism than anything that we have yet considered.
As societies modernize, doctrine is expected to focus more on happiness in this life than on other - worldly compensations.
In brief, philosophy and literature were different means by which the same goal was sought: eudaimonia, a key word often translated as «happiness» but more accurately rendered (by Nussbaum among many others) as «human flourishing.»
There are saints who have literally fed on the negative principle, on humiliation and privation, and the thought of suffering and death, — their souls growing in happiness just in proportion as their outward state grew more intolerable.
As just one example, happiness could become a prime measurement of «wellness,» potentially opening the doors for ever more intrusive regulations under the Affordable Care Act as part of the legal requirement placed on the government to cut medical costAs just one example, happiness could become a prime measurement of «wellness,» potentially opening the doors for ever more intrusive regulations under the Affordable Care Act as part of the legal requirement placed on the government to cut medical costas part of the legal requirement placed on the government to cut medical costs.
And the moment we renounce the absurd notion that a thing is exploded away as soon as it is classed with others, or its origin is shown; the moment we agree to stand by experimental results and inner quality, in judging of values — who does not see that we are likely to ascertain the distinctive significance of religious melancholy and happiness, or of religious trances, far better by comparing them as conscientiously as we can with other varieties of melancholy, happiness, and trance, than by refusing to consider their place in any more general series, and treating them as if they were outside of nature's order altogether?
Objectivists believe it is personal happiness» As a fundamentalist could not agree with you more.
That is what I propose to discuss here: not from the viewpoint of Sirius, as the saying is — that is to say, with the lofty detachment of an observer seeing things from so far off that they fail to touch him — but with the anxious intensity of a son of Earth who draws back in order to be able to see more deeply into the matter and spirit of a movement upon which his happiness depends.
Rather, I have begun more and more to experience for myself the «joy of the Gospel» that Pope Francis calls us all to proclaim, and which shone out in the lives of the priests who inspired me as a young man: an extraordinary sense of peace, happiness and purpose which comes from encountering Jesus and handing your life over to him.»
But as our modern observations of happiness evolve, there are more than a couple reasons to elect a new guide.
«These people,» Solzhenitsyn remarks, «who had experienced on their own hides twenty - four years of Communist happiness, knew by 1941 what as yet no one else in the world knew: That nowhere on the planet, nowhere in history, was there a regime more vicious, more bloodthirsty, and at the same time more cunning and ingenious than the Bolshevik, the self - styled Soviet regime.»
However, as we look around today and ask what conditions seem on the whole to make for happiness in marriage, we are driven to the curious conclusion that the more «civilized people become the less capable they seem of lifelong happiness with one partner» (p. 135) For a marriage to work requires that there «be a feeling of complete equality on both sides; there must be no interference with mutual freedom; there must be the most complete physical and mental intimacy; and there must be a certain similarity in regard to standards of value» (p. 143).
As it turns out, people with less religion actually tend to have more happiness.
An Israeli research group found that certain variations of the gene made people much more likely to affirm such statements as «I bubble with happiness» and «I am a cheerful optimist.»
But then one more train of thought: Just as I was swamped in the raging Galilee and the issues it raises, I ran across Scott Stossel's review of Stumbling on Happiness, a book by Daniel Gilbert, a Harvard professor of psychology who studies happiness (New York TimesHappiness, a book by Daniel Gilbert, a Harvard professor of psychology who studies happiness (New York Timeshappiness (New York Times, May 7).
One dose of «You matter, your soul will live forever in happiness just as long as you keep coming back here» and away you go into the deep addiction of feeling more important in this universe than you are.
We need not go so far as to say with the author whom I lately quoted that any persistent enthusiasm is, as such, religion, nor need we call mere laughter a religious exercise; but we must admit that any persistent enjoyment may produce the sort of religion which consists in a grateful admiration of the gift of so happy an existence; and we must also acknowledge that the more complex ways of experiencing religion are new manners of producing happiness, wonderful inner paths to a supernatural kind of happiness, when the first gift of natural existence is unhappy, as it so often proves itself to be.
In this dialogue, Beth tells us about self - care as the foundation for happiness, having a schedule as a way to avoid stress, why she doesn't believe in the idea of work - life balance, and how her routine has changed since becoming a mother, as well as her newfound love for weight training, the adaptogens and herbs she incorporates into her everyday potions, beauty, motivation, sustenance, and much more.
I cried so many tears of joy those first few days, I'm still in shock and practically bounding with happiness down the streets as I live life with energy and without fatigue once more.
Almost said while sighing, shaking the head mixed with sheer happiness:) Question: why don't you do more gluten - free baking (aside from the fact that it never tastes as good... ha)??? This is more of a selfish question more than anything.
(Interestingly, eating more vegetables is linked to overall happiness as well.)
But as research indicates, childfree couples divorce more often than couples who have at least one child, despite numerous studies that indicate marital happiness plummets in the first year or two after the birth of a child and sometimes never quite recoups.
I'll talk much more about Finkel's book when the book comes out, but one thing stuck me halfway through it — a discussion on research about those who seek happiness, defined as having a life that's easy and pleasurable, and people who seek meaning, defined as those who think a lot about the future or who have strong tendencies to be a «giver.»
Insofar as breastfeeding proxies for attachment parenting (and I'm afraid it does), the result is happier, healthier, and more productive future adult members of society, less likely to engage in destructive and self - destructive behavior and more likely to help others and generally increase the overall level of happiness in society.
Let's forget the studies pointing out the booze (cohabitors drink more), weight (they're heavier) and happiness (they're not quite as happy as married couples but they aren't more miserable, either), because those aren't the issues.
And as Johnson and Loscocco note, married black couples are at greater risk of divorce; they have lower marital happiness and satisfaction than white spouses; they disagree more than white spouses about such things as sex, kids and money; and black women get less benefits from marriage than white women and even black men do.
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