Sentences with phrase «more harm»

If I would follow them, they'd probably do more harm then good.
Or you might actually cause more harm by increasing the levels of these substances inside your cat's body.
I think it would do much more harm than good and as selfish as it may seem, I know I deserve to be happy too.
But the truth is, 99 % of the night creams out there do more harm then good.
When the rate is higher than 15 % there is some research which shows it results in more harm than good.
You save precious fuel and energy, because poking just causes even more harm... to you.
Genetic testing might save some dogs, but also do more harm by identifying the true pit mixes.
While that was fun, it was doing my body more harm than good.
There are also a number of questionable ingredients such as inexpensive fillers and low - quality supplements which may do more harm for your dog than good.
You just did your cause WAY more harm than good.
They actually cause a lot more harm to society.
Many people have a misconception that free online dating sites bring more harm than good.
It does nothing, it achieves nothing except creating more harm for individuals, families and society as a whole.
When a car child safety seat is not installed properly, it actually causes more harm than good and can cause serious injury to your child.
But, as we have said earlier, it can do more harm if not done properly.
We truly believe that it could do your dog more harm than good.
Unfortunately some communities suffer more harm from things like industrial pollution and the health issues that come along with it.
I always thought I was doing more harm with drinking coffee.
Dogs with contact allergy often do their skin more harm with their constant scratching.
Successful prosecution of animal cruelty cases may help bring interventions before more harm is done to animal or human victims.
I began noticing homeless people and being a grateful recovering alcoholic and drug addict myself I recognized that simply handing out cash would probably due more harm than good.
Some do like him and I like him as a arsenal player but I must say that him playing for us make more harm to the team than good.
In causing diabetes and further weight gain, the low - cholesterol approach has done this woman more harm than good.
So, scroll below and get the inside scoop... before you put your creative life in the hands of a top literary agent that might do your career more harm than good.
If not, it could be doing your pet more harm than good!
If you open a credit account in a store you barely frequent, it will do your credit history more harm than good if you don't use the card regularly.
With the exception of fish oil, antioxidant supplements do heart patients more harm than good.
Anything with more than two grams of saturated fat per serving will do the heart more harm than good.
However, recent studies have claimed that the open - office model causes employees more harm than good.
But there are times when promoting an award could actually be doing your business more harm than good.
However, more harm occurs in the school playground than in a normal home.
Parents who feel negatively towards the pacifier may be doing their baby more harm than they realize.
Some lies are dangerous, but sincere error has probably done more harm through history than lies have.
Others also say his stepping aside now would do the state more harm than good.
It may seem that soy food products do men more harm than good — some will argue that way.
Not only that but if the blog isn't relevant to your own fashion blog, the link you gain could end up doing your SEO more harm than good.
Although there are some legitimate debt negotiation services, many are not, and they can actually do you and your credit report more harm than good.
In the long run, this may do the borrower more harm than good.
If a dog shampoo's packaging or bottle does not tell you the ingredients they use in the product, stop using it for it could do your puppy more harm.
Nail trims have done more harm striking fear in dogs at vet visits than anything else.
They believe they are doing the right thing, they can not grasp that keeping far more cats than they can possibly care for is doing the cats more harm than good.
When other treatments have failed or produced more harm than good, acupuncture may come into place as a great healing method.
Make sure nobody is severely hurt, trapped or otherwise in peril of coming into more harm.
But doing so is a bad money habit that can do your kids more harm than good.
If this sounds like you, then you're probably doing your future prospects more harm than good by staying in your current role.
You might do your chances more harm than good.
This woman and her son needed the court system to protect the child and it did nothing but inject more harm.
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