Sentences with phrase «more heat energy»

So to summarize, water needs more heat energy to rise to a given temperature.
It should then be obvious the as more heat energy is continuously added then there will continue to be arctic ice melting.
Energy comes from the stove into the pot, heating up the water, but as the water heats up, more heat energy leaves the pot and goes out into the air.
As seas warm and offer more heat energy, there has also been a global increase in the observed intensity of the strongest storms over recent decades.
hot side cool side The changing position of the Earth in relation to the Sun means that different parts of the Earth receive more heat energy than others, depending on their location, the time of day, and the time of year.
«The atmosphere receives 5 times more heat energy from convection and evaporation latent heat than it does from radiation.»
Any evaporation removes from the ocean much more heat energy than one would expect because of the large energy value of the Latent Heat of Evaporation.
It is the non-greenhouse gases that hold more heat energy in because they are such poor LWIR radiators.
«When you add more heat energy to the ocean, you have more energy available to power strong storms.
A decrease in cirrus cloud area would have a cooling effect by allowing more heat energy, or infrared radiation, to leave the planet.
The changing position of the Earth in relation to the Sun means that different parts of the Earth receive more heat energy than others, depending on their location, the time of day, and the time of year.
More heat energy in means bigger wetter storms, but also drought in areas that the storms do not form.
The faster it works the more heat energy is removed.
This means more heat energy is required to raise the atmosphere's temperature and more heat energy needs to be lost to lower the atmosphere's temperature.
That's imperceptible when it comes to heating the ocean, as it takes 1,100 more heat energy to heat the oceans than it takes to heat the air... and the heat flux goes from ocean to atmosphere.
Over the course of a year, they are projected to capture 50 % more heating energy than is lost through them.
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