Sentences with phrase «more human touch»

Do - it - yourselfers might stick to Internet options such as social media, job boards, and employer listings with great success; others seeking the more human touch might reach out to one or more of the Read More...
Do - it - yourselfers might stick to Internet options such as social media, job boards, and employer listings with great success; others seeking the more human touch might reach out to one or more of the variety of professionals available to assist you.
The irony here is that the AI constructs in the game seem to have a more human touch than the humans themselves!
Personal Capital adds a more human touch.
«Paper books are, as a rule, very well designed, they look and smell good, and they carry with them a more human touch,» Tveit said.
And videoconferencing helps employees build better rapport with their clients as well as colleagues in satellite locations by giving a more human touch to their interactions.
we put a more human touch on our business, which is what drives our success and desire to move forward.»
And ironically, Adler suggests, companies will benefit from a more human touch.

Not exact matches

If the investor needs more hand - holding and more of a human touch and has more complex financial issues, then a traditional brick - and - mortar advisor might be more appropriate.
When it comes to online shopping, brands are able to put the human touch back into e-commerce to make it more of a personal experience.
Well, there's more content at buyers» fingertips than ever before, search engines are getting in touch with their human sides, and organic visibility on social media is effectively extinct.
Our mission is to help your business be more successful with our friendly human touch on every interaction via phone, email or online chat.
Not only will you add a human touch to the experience, you'll be more effective at reaching customers with the right message at the right time.
The right to life, the foremost of human rights, is more than mere breath or tactile sense of touch.
I mean the burning passion of lived awareness that we occupy a precarious existence on this planet together with the soil and its flowers, the water and its fishes, the air and its birds, the fire and energy sources; that our fellow human beings are truly brothers and sisters with whom it is better always to make love - justice than war; and that gentleness lasts longer and touches more deeply than other kinds of power.
Spirituality can be about the advancement of the human spirit and that in itself can mean personal growth, becoming more in touch with our surroundings, with the energy around us, with other people, being kind to others... etc etc..
I am sorry to say this after Thomas Martin Cothran's expressed nervousness about my comparisons of Catholic social thought and the social thought of the American founders: The Americans» persistent emphasis on human sinfulness seems to me more in touch with human experience than does papal social thought since 1891.
On an infinitely more domestic and graspable scale, something like this wrathful love can touch humans during the course of a fulfilling friendship.
He associates with them as a fellow human being touched with divine love for people as people, particularly for those in need, even more for those in moral and spiritual need, and most especially for the religiously self - righteous.
@Godpot... (God — pot... I'll have to try that... seems Dad has been holding back...) and that Moses character... I'll wager there was more than just a bush burnin» up there... (wouldn't know... me and that bird were trying to figure out the physics of stuffing «God» into a human womb right about that time... I'm thinking all these characters, not just me, were a bit «touched» as my child «Reality» likes to say...: 0)
At several points he touches upon the paradoxes of modern urbanism and the tragic ironies of our cultural attitude toward cities: although we now have more individual freedom, technical ability, and, arguably, social equity, we do not live in places as hospitable to human beings as were our cities of the past; we are pragmatists who build shoddily; our current obsession with historic preservation is the flip side of our utter lack of confidence in our ability to build well; while cultures with shared ascetic ideals and transcendent orientation built great cities and produced great landscapes, modern culture's expressive ideals, dogmatic public secularism, and privatized religiosity produce for us, even with our vast wealth, only private luxury, a spoiled countryside, and a public realm that is both venal and incoherent; above all, we simultaneously idolize nature and ruin it.
People appreciate more a cupcake touched by a human hand than by a machine.
I think he was valued more for his team bonding and human touch, rather than stunning footballing prowess, so now people have to change their view of him.
Last week our homeschool group did an human body class and the kids actually got to touch... [Read more...]
It is a matter of profound importance not only to the mother and newborn, but to all whom birth touches — to families who are celebrating this significant event, to birth workers who are caring for families through this transformative experience, and to societies that must move aside to welcome one more member of the human family.
The aspect that I first want to touch on about this much - anticipated doctor's visit is that at this point, your baby is starting to look so much more like a REAL baby, like we think of when we picture a tiny human child.
When it burrows, those tentacles can touch 12 different objects every second, appearing to the human eye as no more than a pink blur of activity.
It's the stuff of science fiction: robots that can hunt down and kill humans, powerful lasers that can destroy targets without leaving a trace, and a weapon that can supposedly knock you down without even touching you — all of these, and more, came one step closer to reality in 2008.
Better understanding how realistic touch sensations can break the VR illusion may help developers create more engaging virtual environments for games and virtual reality therapy, says Sean Follmer, a human - computer interaction researcher at Stanford University not involved in the study.
The finding suggests that the «uncanny valley» — a term that describes how humanoid robots that look almost but not quite human are creepier than their more cartoonish counterparts — also applies to virtual touch (SN Online: 11/22/13).
While human - to - human transmission is important, infections can be contracted by touching surfaces contaminated by respiratory droplets from infected individuals, or hand touching, leading to a wider and more rapid spread
«Touching a robot can elicit physiological arousal in humans: Participants were more hesitant to touch a robot's intimate parts when instructed.»
Two research groups have demonstrated progress toward fabricating artificial sensors that can emulate the abilities of human skin, an advancement that could lend robots a far more sophisticated sense of touch.
For more information about Jeneva Cronin's, GRID Lab's and the CSNE's ground - breaking research in the area of sensory feedback, read «For the first time in humans, researchers use brain surface stimulation to provide «touch» feedback to direct movement.»
A study published by The Journal of Neuroscience challenges the more traditional scientific belief that using touch to recognize objects depends on visual circuitry in the human brain.
A study from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill found that human touch releases those feel - good chemicals like serotonin, as well as reduces blood pressure and heart rate making you feel more relaxed.
And I suppose we should touch upon the aesthetic benefits, as we are all human and wouldn't be upset if this goal we've been working toward makes us look a little more fly in our bathing suits.
Ironically, it may be helping to grow it by making dating services with a human touch more alluring in a very digital world.
Tinder may process more than a billion swipes daily, but a growing number of singles are seeking out a more human, personal touch in dating.
A previous (and short - lived) TV incarnation starred Rick Springfield as Chance, but Fox is counting on Valley to bring more of a «human touch
Premises like the one in Kings And Queen usually lead flawed characters to call on inner reserves of strength, but Devos and Amalric only reveal deeper shortcomings, which makes them more touching and human.
There are few things funnier or more touching than the sight of a performer's image slipping down around his knees while he tries to yank it into place before anyone notices he is only human.
Pushing Daisies inhabits one of the more charming corners of Bryan Fuller's dark - yet - whimsical TV universe: The series follows Ned (Lee Pace), a talented pie - maker who, as a young boy, discovered that he could revive dead things, including human beings, with a single touch.
It gives the idea of consumerism run wild the short shrift that it deserves (and the cynicism that an intervening quarter - century demands), touching on the original's explanation of the zombies» affinity for the shopping mall and the human heroes» delight at their newfound material wealth before becoming a bracing action film that, like Marcus Nispel's reworking of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (the source of which didn't need updating as much as Dawn arguably did), is more firmly entrenched in the James Cameron Aliens tradition than the Seventies institution of disconcerting personal horror film.
With 1945, director Ferenc Török touches on the infrequently considered aftermath of World War II from an unvarnished human perspective, examining the guilt, fear and complacent complicity of a small village full of people who profited from the persecution of its Jewish residents — some more willingly than others.
But while there's greatness in the nonsense and non sequiturs of soulful films like Spirited Away and The Tale of The Princess Kaguya, which touch on nearly everything that really matters in human existence, Sunada's goals seem far more modest.
It's hard to imagine a more touching, enriching, human film at Sundance this year than the latest from Kelly Reichardt.
By the time Caesar and his band of fellow travelers locate the Colonel's armed compound near the California - Nevada border, they've picked up two more sidekicks: a former zoo chimp (Steve Zahn, making his motion - capture debut) whose years spent hiding out in isolation have left him a little touched in the head and a human child (Amiah Miller), a mute orphan who's been adopted by the compassionate orangutan Maurice (Karin Konoval).
All those elements make the video more engaging, particularly a human touch.
Touch screen has made interacting with data, lists, and virtual environments more intuitive to human gestures — a main reason why kids take to tablets so readily.
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