Sentences with phrase «more immediate issue»

So she's not wanting to move bad enough to be a road block for my quiting thankfully!!!! You have a more immediate issue, kids and better schools.
Mike B:» I think the more immediate issue or concern is eliminating fossil fuels from our energy diet.»
The more immediate issue is that neuroscience is everywhere.
A more immediate issue was that Wednesday's meeting between the prime minister and editors would probably render all that they said completely irrelevant.
But a more immediate issue for some medallion owners is Melrose Credit Union, of Queens, N.Y., which finances the loans on thousands of medallions.
Michael Oliver gives updates on the more immediate issue of which way precious metal and other key markets are headed.
More immediate issues over bio-engineering included the ongoing debate over genetically modified crops.
They were frustrated by more immediate issues: controversial interventions at a handful of schools within Zimmer's Westside district, budget cuts affecting things like school libraries, and the looming possibility of school closures.
But there are more immediate issues with Leggett's use of this research as «evidence.»
Intelligence selectively bred out of humanity would take FAR longer than more immediate issues such as the possibility of over population killing us all.
Equally, if the relationship is not going well there are often other more immediate issues to resolve than what will happen in 2 to 5 years... but that's input for a future SLAW article.

Not exact matches

In some instances, training can help improve troublesome behavior, but there are some issues that merit more immediate action.
That's a bigger, longer - term issue, but the more immediate fireworks are likely to be felt on the individual consumer level, and likely in 2013.
The first is legacy: that most firms still have so much «clean - up» to do to fix longstanding technology and data issues that have built up over the years: systems don't talk with one another; data aggregation takes days or weeks, when the needs are really more immediate; and data quality isn't what it needs to be.
I understand that startups normally need capital froman an IPO or need to issue more stocks in order to finance R&D (well, as just about all companies pursue immediate profits not at the cost of the future, the second option is becoming forgettable), but what's the point when the whole world is now run by a few corporate cartels?
The letter to Garneau called for «a more pro-active and more predictable response to rail capacity issues,» adding that «speedy passage (of Bill C - 49) will do nothing to alleviate the immediate crisis for grain or any other commodity.»
With retirement savings taking a back seat to more immediate financial concerns, and the percentage of workers confident that they'll have enough money for a comfortable retirement at low levels, it's more important than ever for plan sponsors to consider retirement readiness as a key — if not the key issue — their employees are facing.
There are a lot important questions that need to be asked about the United States» horrifying and unique issues with gun violence, but there is an even more immediate and desperate need in Las Vegas for blood donors.
In Craven's words again, Lee «chose to yield deeply held convictions regarding immediate concrete issues in order to stand by those intangible, yet more profound values which had to do with honor, with self - respect, and with duty» (p. 115).
These immediate crises may, of course, also become symbols that stand for positions on more general issues.
Barr, an Englishman, far removed from American evangelicalism both geographically and theologically, illustrates his contention by discussing the perennial issues of Calvinism / Arminianism, Millennialism, and Pentecostalism have centered my thinking in this book on some of the more immediate theological controversies that are causing ferment in the evangelical world.
Whichever is right» whether marriage is or is not a purely private matter in which the state has no abiding interest» the deeper and more immediate danger of the marriage issue for Christians is its potential use by gay activists to undermine the autonomy of the Church and other religious entities.
BEHAVIORAL THERAPY helps people develop more effective ways to work on immediate issues.
While the President may appoint a new FBI Director with different immediate priorities and who is more closely aligned to Trump, the issue of purported links between the Trump campaign and Russian officials continues to loom large over his presidency.
Most people in the UK have more serious, immediate issues to concern them.
Instead, we got more talk about the Big Society — an interesting and important issue, to be sure, but not one that gets to the heart of our immediate problem: how do we get the British economy moving again?
Rising Premiums is the immediate issue, but more broadly, the survival of the entire program is in jeopardy.
The civil engineers suggest a list of highway improvements that could reduce that number, but a lack of funding causes the state to focus on the more immediate safety issues.
Meanwhile, WHO and Doctors Without Borders (MSF) today issued fresh and even more urgent calls for immediate, massive international action to contain the West African outbreak, which is spiraling out of control.
But not everyone notices intestinal issues upon eating gluten — only the ones that got shafted by the genetic lottery and are genetically predisposed to be more sensitive to gluten see the immediate crap it does to their body.
If your issue requires more immediate attention it is suggested you contact pof via phone.
It was an immediate blow to anyone attempting to turn Prop 8 into a partisan issue, as Olsen is as Republican as they come, having worked with George Bush, Rudy Giuliani and more recently, Paul Ryan.
The students are told about global littering issues and then this is followed by a talk on the more immediate littering in the school.
A more immediate challenge, however, is to keep these issues in the spotlight and move equality strategies forward.
The immediate issues are more direct.
In 2014 — 15, provisional and short - term permits (issued to fill «immediate and acute» staffing needs when a fully credentialed teacher can not be found) nearly tripled from the number issued two years earlier, growing from about 850 to more than 2,400.
When a child displays one or more of these behaviors, take a moment to determine whether the issue demands immediate attention.
As more information is revealed about Faith Frank later in the novel, certain issues come to light regarding her role as a feminist and whether the title can still be applicable to her, even when she does not necessarily serve a group of women's immediate best interests.
I started explaining to each of them a little bit of how the credit system works in relationship to their immediate issues and then addressed numerous collection accounts getting some more detail on each account.
Student loan debt is bad enough; if you have other damaging credit items in your history, it might be helpful to you to work on those issues in the more immediate term, and free up some other options.
Women earning lower salaries than men have more implications than the immediate cash flow issues.
If you have access to your funds with 14 days of needing them, and have a credit card to buffer the immediate cash problem, then the issue of easy access is moot, while managing a higher rate of interest in the «TFIA» (Investment Account vs Savings Account) will be much more effective than putting your extra money into a cash account that barely matches inflation.
For serious or immediate health issues, the BSF - F3 and BP - 3 formulas have more antioxidants and is more powerful than any of the other formulas.
More serious issues that can be avoided with immediate veterinary intervention are laminitis or heart arrhythmia.
Sorry there are no top 10 because it really depends on what conditions or body system that is having an issue, some are more immediate concerns than others.
Of more immediate concern, it is the relationship between Americans and their animal companions that can open a door to larger animal rights issues.
In this issue of Parkett, however, the study of their immediate surroundings and milieu is an even more incisive source of action and inspiration.
The BBC reports that more than 100 scientists from 28 countries around the world have just issued a statement urging immediate and ambitious action to protect seagrass meadows around the world.
More and more people are on board with bold, immediate action on this isMore and more people are on board with bold, immediate action on this ismore people are on board with bold, immediate action on this issue.
More disappointingly, the authors also seemed to have forgotten that the hockey stick was jsut the immediate symptom, that both they and M&M had raised more fundamental issues regarding paleo - climate science core culture — the lack of full disclosure, the acceptance of journal unenforced policy, the lack of informed and robust peer reviews, eMore disappointingly, the authors also seemed to have forgotten that the hockey stick was jsut the immediate symptom, that both they and M&M had raised more fundamental issues regarding paleo - climate science core culture — the lack of full disclosure, the acceptance of journal unenforced policy, the lack of informed and robust peer reviews, emore fundamental issues regarding paleo - climate science core culture — the lack of full disclosure, the acceptance of journal unenforced policy, the lack of informed and robust peer reviews, etc..
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