Sentences with phrase «more indicators»

So will unemployment rates, economic - growth rates, and many more indicators of which parts of the country are vibrant and which are stagnant.
The study looked at the average number of years the homeowner lived in the home, negative equity, days on market and a few more indicators.
I believe plant growth and agriculture are a very special «what» with respect to which more indicators are needed.
All three types of medical expansion were associated with two or more indicators of population health, results showed.
The revised school report card statute requires «two or more indicators from any school climate survey developed by the state.»
But, the irony is, we keep on looking for more indicators because that's the way «gurus» in many prestigous forex seminars told us.
Traders who look for future price direction in chart patterns are finding more indicators suggesting the world's largest digital currency may have further to fall.
The lack of belief in God is no more an indicator of amoral behavior than the belief in God.
In the end, because one more indicator points to Chastain than Lawrence, I have to predict Chastain over Lawrence.
More Indicators American Child Well - Being is Declining More American children and youth are homeless than ever before; cuts to recess and p. e. in school may be damaging more than students» physical health.
SoundOut has found student engagement is much broader and has many more indicators than many sources currently recognize.
California, however, is about to adopt an accountability system that has even more indicators of progress than will be required by the federal law.
If you'd like to learn about more indicators, Investopedia's Technical Analysis Course provides a comprehensive introduction to the subject.
Here's the thing: Many new traders think they need more indicators to be a consistently profitable trader.But the truth is... It doesn't work that way.Imagine this: The price is above... [Read more...]
Perhaps there is room for more indicators inspired by the «big picture physics», such as the planetary energy balance and the outgoing long - wave radiation (OLR).
Yet more indicators are flooding in that the Philippines is the world's newest emerging market darling.
To complicate it with more indicators and «tekky» software would be destructive.
Here are a few more indicators that your relationship could be helped by a qualified marriage counsleor:
So the addition of one more indicator of increased risk on his credit report is not quite as significant to his score as it is for Michelle.
I've got one more indicator to bring to bear before I render my judgement on this Talmudic question: core inflation.
This is one more indicator that the economy of the United States lacks innovation and growth prospects, and it is an issue that needs to be solved before the nearly decade - long productivity slump is reversed.
The current language debate is just one more indicator of how much the church lost when it got caught up in the philosophical / theological Christology debates, and replaced the name of Jesus with the titles Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
One more indicator is to look at your baby's shoulders.
«What you believe about climate change is more an indicator of whose side you're on,» said Dan Kahan, a professor of law and a professor of psychology at Yale Law School who was not involved in the study.
Maria Belalcazar, MD, an assistant professor of endocrinology at University of Texas Medical Branch, in Galveston, says that CRP «is one more indicator of risk that we need to evaluate carefully to decide if a person needs [statin] therapy.»
Our model's foundation is based on groundbreaking research conducted by the Johns Hopkins University School of Education's Center for Social Organization of Schools showing that up to 75 % of America's high school dropouts can be identified between sixth and ninth grades by the presence of one or more indicators: poor attendance, poor behavior, and course failure in English or math.
Looking at page 29, it is important to note that of the 20 districts listed with two or more indicators, 12 of the districts have less than 400 students.
The more an indicator is used for decision - making, the more subject it will be to corruption and the more likely it will be to distort and corrupt the processes it is intended to monitor.
That piracy doesn't actually sink properties, but is more an indicator of success.
It's very common for beginning traders to think the more indicators they learn about and use the better off they will be.
To be honest, I've seen traders trying to trade on charts that actually have more indicators than the example above... believe it or not.
I used to think that the more indicators I used and the more time I spent analyzing the interaction of those indicators with the market, then the better a trader I would eventually become — but I only ended up confused and mentally exhausted.
Many traders combine 2 or more indicators and require multiple signals to «line - up» on each indicator before taking a trade.
«So the addition of one more indicator of increased risk typically does not impact a lower - scoring consumer as much as a higher - scoring consumer.»
So the addition of one more indicator of increased risk on his credit report is not quite as significant to his score as it is for Benecia.
The more indicators the more confusion.
There are those out there that think the more complicated or the more indicators the greater than trading returns will be.
Four hundred ppm is just a milestone, but it's just one more indicator that we are living in the Anthropocene era of history where human activity significantly affects the environment and subsequently, our food, water and energy security.
400 ppm is just a milestone, but it's one more indicator that we are living in the Anthropocene era of history where human activity significantly affects the environment and subsequently, our food, water and energy security.
More indicators that industry is leading in terms of investments in emissions reduction:
Yellow page ad size is more an indicator of the lawyer's advertising budget than it is the lawyer's skill set or his / her fit with you and your expectations.
Yellow page ad size is more an indicator of the lawyer's advertising budget than it is the lawyer's skill set... Continue reading →
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