Sentences with phrase «more inhabit our planet»

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They think they are more intelligent than the billions of other folks that inhabit this planet.
Scientists can no more prove that there is not a planet inhabited by Sesame Street characters than believers can prove that there is.
With over 250 species inhabiting our planet, this book explores the many different types of monkeys from the smallest Pygmy Marmoset to the largest Mandrill, and provides all the facts you wanted to know and more.
Even so, the quest for finding truly habitable — maybe even inhabitedplanets beyond the solar system may require more ambitious, next - generation observatories.
More than just a geologic curiosity, finding water on Mars has major implications for the search for life, because the presence of H2O greatly increases the odds that living organisms once thrived on the planet, and perhaps still inhabit it today.
At the close of the 21st century, more than 11 billion people will inhabit this planet, according to the latest forecast from the United Nations» population division.
Barring the appearance of flying saucers, there are two broad possibilities: either we have a close encounter with our neighbours by visiting the planets and moons next door; or we make an interstellar phone call to creatures inhabiting much more distant planets that circle alien suns.
By drawing on more than 27,000 samples of soil, tissue, and water from the Arctic to Antarctica, more than 300 scientists at scores of institutions worldwide have created the first reference database of bacteria inhabiting the planet.
He creates drawings, sculptures, and site - specific installations that apply these natural structures to the problem of developing alternative constructions for living that would enable humans to more responsively and responsibly inhabit the planet.
Various Updates You have probably heard that two of President - elect Donald J. Trump's advisors have been pushing for a reboot of the mission of NASA, focusing more on exploration of extraterrestrial space and less on studying the one planet we know is inhabited by 7.35 billion people, with at least a couple of billion more coming along before humanity's puberty - style growth spurt shifts to something new past 2050.
So it raises the question, if you don't live in California, but instead (for better or worse) inhabit some of the more cloudy or colder corners of the nation, then how can you contribute to saving the world, rather than accepting the default fossil fueled destruction of our planet?
Looking at the surface of the planet, it may seem ridiculous to suggest that there is a water shortage given that 70 % of the planet is covered in water, but when you note that only 3 % of this is freshwater and only 1 % of this is suitable for humans, now it becomes way more difficult to stretch those resources among the more than 6 billion people that inhabit this planet.
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