Sentences with phrase «more knowledge you acquire»

«the less free your mindset becomes» If you mean that, the more knowledge you acquire, the less likely it becomes to ignore the fact that Christianity if full of inconsistencies, illogic, and other problems, then yes.
She has learned that the more knowledge you acquire, the more you realize just how much you still have to learn.
I'd settle for poor communication of slightly more knowledge acquired.
The more knowledge you acquire in a variety of legal fields could prove an asset down the line.

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Armed with this newly acquired knowledge, you can be more observant of your current emotions.
Students will also get to showcase what they've learned with a so - called «capstone» project, another attempt by Coursera to make the knowledge students have acquired appear more tangible to employers.
You can always acquire new skills, and gain more knowledge and experience over time.
Knowledge is tricky — it's like Energy & Entropy, the more you acquire of it, the less free your mindset becomes.
as time goes on and more facts are acquired, one has to make an ever greater leap to jump from the world of knowledge into the world of religion.
The more knowledge one acquires, the larger is his share in the command of natural forces to fulfill human wants.
It would be much more effective to have a requirement for acquiring basic knowledge and skills specified in the curriculum as well.
During my Ph.D. and postdoc, I was gradually acquiring more knowledge about the commercialisation of research, mainly by speaking to people informally about business issues.
I also acquired a more thorough knowledge of the structure of English!
Though science is more about acquiring knowledge and engineering more about applying it, the two passions often coexist in the same individual.
People can always acquire more knowledge, but we can't give them a new thinking process.»
If the scientific life is definitely not for you, the skills and knowledge you acquired whilst getting those two little letters will also make you a more attractive candidate in fields such as consultancy and publishing.
That, in turn, helps Chinese get trained by international giants and acquire knowledge of the world's more advanced clean energy technologies.»
Undoubtedly, there is a little envy, but among those to whom Next Wave has spoken, there is also — more often than not — an admiration for the skills and knowledge these scientists have acquired abroad.
Dopamine fosters exploration in search of reward, causing newly acquired knowledge, in Gee's words, «to be stored more deeply and better remembered later.»
For the majority of scientists who won't get tenure - track positions — and may not want them — Research Universities states that the great need is to «better position new PhDs for the careers they will have by providing more information about career options and by providing opportunities to acquire, in addition to the knowledge of one's field, skills that are useful for academic positions (teaching, grant writing, publishing, presentations) and positions in government, business and non-profits (oral and written communication, project management, regulatory compliance, business ethics and innovation.)»
«By increasing their sensitivity to mental states and engaging them in reasoning about false beliefs, we enabled young children not only to quickly apply their newly acquired knowledge to solve a problem in a social situation but also to continue to do so more than a month later,» Lee and colleagues write.
Uni Research, in cooperation with the research institute Nofima and the University of Bergen, is now setting up a Centre for Research - based Innovation (SFI) in order to acquire even more detailed knowledge about how the fish farming industry can benefit from keeping fish in semi-closed or closed systems for part of their life cycle.
My colleagues and I have now shown repeatedly that students who believe their intelligence can grow learn more, acquire deeper knowledge and do better — especially in hard subjects and in negotiating difficult school transitions — compared with equally able students who believe their intelligence is a fixed trait.
Dawid wrote that string theorists had started to follow the principles of Bayesian statistics, which estimates the likelihood of a certain prediction being true on the basis of prior knowledge, and later revises that estimate as more knowledge is acquired.
At Aalborg University, a large part of your knowledge is acquired through project work with your group, but also through more traditional teaching methods.
It's more powerful to speak only what comes from our own acquired wisdom and to present knowledge that we embody.
The more science based nutrition knowledge acquired, the easier it is to unlearn poor habits, feel well, be more productive, and become a positive influence on those around us.
More, she will acquire so much of knowledge that she will be clear of the philosophical aspect, will be practicing yoga and teaching yoga immediately after completing the course.
Both of these actions re-route our journeys and we often end up having acquired more knowledge and wisdom than we had previously thought.
Marijuana laws around the country are becoming more relaxed, but that doesn't mean we should toss out knowledge acquired from decades of research into the consequences of breathing secondhand tobacco smoke.
Determined not only to wreak primal revenge on her captors but also to acquire more and more knowledge, employing her increasing array of powers and skills — she contacts Professor Norman (Morgan Freeman), a neuroscientist who is lecturing about cerebral capacity at a university in Paris.
As a teacher, I want my students to go far beyond just studying famous people and to take their newly acquired knowledge and insights and implement it into their own lives — lives which will hopefully be more creative as a result
This transformation can only happen if society's most vulnerable youth and adults acquire basic literacy skills that equip them with the knowledge and confidence to improve their own lives and build more resilient communities,» Ms Bokova added.
Will you require a subject matter expert who is highly experienced (and more expensive), or do you acquire enough knowledge and experience about the subject yourself to serve as the subject matter expert for the project?
If you are planning to utilize flashcards in eLearning courses, these tips will give you the opportunity to not only boost the excitement factor for your learners, but to also enable them to acquire and retain more effectively the knowledge offered during in the process.
As a result, online learners do not acquire knowledge temporarily, but in a more permanent manner.
For instance, knowledge of rules acquired through game - based courses is more likely to stick longer than information «dumped» on learners through bulleted PowerPoint presentations.
Learning and acquiring knowledge is now easier and more effective thanks to the Internet.
«It was important that my self - directed learners could quickly acquire more knowledge, allowing my team to optimize their time for higher - level strategic coaching.
They often pretend that there are no differences in teaching quality, that no professional knowledge has been acquired by more experienced teachers.
The Rule of Three for learning helps us as teachers to design our lessons with not only multiple opportunities for the students to acquire the skills and knowledge, but it helps us to deliberately increase the level of complexity and difficulty with each iteration, which, as it turns out, helps the students to remember more because they are experiencing the learning rather than just observing it.
What students learn at a school like this, and how they learn it, more closely resembles the varied ways in which any of us acquire knowledge and apply skills in the experientially kaleidoscopic real world.
This evaluation is used more for reinforcing acquired knowledge than an actual exam.
If we make activities genuine, our students will be much more inclined to participate, acquiring new knowledge in the process.
«Our concern must be for education to be more than just the qualifications and connections that will pull the individual out of poverty, but instead a concerted community effort to acquire the knowledge, skills, and values that will transform society,» writes Miriam Mason - Sesay (@EducAidSL).
In most areas of learning, progress occurs as students acquire more advanced knowledge, deeper understandings and more sophisticated skills.
Education systems face the huge challenge of adapting to a changing landscape in which the rapid pace of knowledge generation and technological change demand that students acquire more and new skills.
Instructional Design, or Instructional Systems Design is the term we use to describe the practice of creating educational systems that make the acquiring of knowledge easier, more effective and more appealing to the learner.
(Jossey - Bass, 2009), explains how acquiring knowledge does for the brain what exercise does for the body: The more you learn, the better your brain functions.
The more reliable and relevant knowledge and skills these people acquire, the more productive and profitable the organization as a whole can be.
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