Sentences with phrase «more known about»

I am responsibly informed that there is a great deal more known about how to teach reading, to all kinds of students, than is known about how to teach mathematics.
In this case, the more you know about the stock market, the better you'll do.
The more you know about your visitors and why they show up, the better you can gear your website toward them.
The more you know about the candidate ahead of time, the more you can ask questions that give the candidate room for self - analysis or introspection.
The more you know about your advisors, the better prepared you'll be to evaluate their advice and instructions.
Well, the more you know about yourself and the more you're able to unlock the truths of your life, the easier it is to head in the right direction.
The more you know about how people use your site, the more you can do to boost engagement.
The more I know about myself, the better I'm able to work around my own shortcomings and lead more effectively.
The more they know about what customers and citizens think, the easier it is for them to improve and adapt what they supply.»
The more you know about the stocks you hold, the better you'll do.
The more you know about personal finance, the more security you'll have as you minimize risks.
This podcast delves into these three areas of experience and shows how the more you know about your industry, the greater your chances for success.
The more experience you have in your industry, the more you know about the products, services, competitors, suppliers, channels of distribution, customers, and opportunities.
The more you know about your own finances, the more confident you will feel about managing your money for the long haul.
As a webmaster, the more you know about your website visitors, the better able you'll be to target future promotions, stock changes, content and more to their needs.
The more you know about the candidates the better hiring decision you can make.
This is where your customer personas really come into play; the more you know about your users» goals, the more you can shape content to provide solutions before their problems arise.
The more you know about a contact's personality, she reasons, the easier it is to structure the tone and content of initial E-mail to that person.
The more you know about your audience, the easier boosting revenue becomes.
The more you know about the type of loans that work best for your business need, the less time you'll spend applying for financing that won't help your business.
The more you know about credit, the better you can manage it.
The basic premise of ABI is that the more you know about an account, the better able you are to segment leads and personalize messaging.
Create a Detailed Budget: The more you know about how much you are going to spend and how those expenses will change over time, the better you will know how much you can withdraw at any given time during retirement.
Traditional IRAs aren't overly complicated, but the more you know about how yours works, the better.
Like anything else, the more you know about investing, the less scarier it is.
After all, the more you know about the people who visit your website, the better your relationships will be and the better your social customer acquisition process will be.
Of course, the more we know about yourself, the more this limit can be increased.
The more you know about how your body and if you are doing the movements correctly, the stronger you will get.
«Finances are an important part of life, and the more you know about the products you use, the better off you'll be in the future,» Freeman says.
The more we know about the world, the fewer gods we need.
Plato's «divine» may seem like nothing» a philosopher's god» but the more you know about Gadamer's sense of Being, the closer it brings you to your own God.
«The more we know about the structure and interconnectedness of the physical universe, the less easily can we imagine alternative universes which retain the good features, but lack the bad» (ESR 73, cf. PRT 187).
The more we know about it, the more amazing it appears.
Since we can never affect anything of which we have no knowledge, every general or hunter recognizes that the more you know about the activities of the enemy or prey, the more successfully you can kill them.
The more you know about science today and the religions of the ancient world, the less it is possible to believe what you were taught as a child, even if you wanted to.
The more you know about religion, the less you believe?
Indeed, the more we know about Heidegger's attempts to live his philosophy, the less it recommends itself.
The more you know about religion and the supposed evidence for a god, the more obvious it becomes what a big hoax it's been on humans for the past thousands of years!
Those ingredients which range from 580 - 720 continue to increase not decrease the more we know about our universe.
The more you know about the audience, and how they lived, and how they thought, the more sense the parables will make to you.
They realize that events can have no meaning if they are not understood; conversely, the more one knows about the events the sharper faith's meanings may be.
In fact, the more I learn about the world, the more I know about science, the more I am amazed about the mystery of this planet and this universe — and it strengthens my faith as opposed to weakens it.»
The more one knows about the world of nature, the more likely that one's eyes will be opened to these wonders.
The more we know about a culture, the better we can understand it.
Yet the more we know about counseling, the more clear it becomes that the whole self of the counselor does come into the process in hidden if not in overt ways, and that if he is not thus fully involved, the process of therapy is likely to be blocked.
The more you know on this subject, the more you know about where it came from, the less likely it is that you can possibly believe it, even if you wanted to.
In the background of every significant human activity is the discovery of something in the cosmos that we can rely on, depend on, have faith in, and the more we know about the universe the more we find factors here that answer our trust so that we can act on the basis of their dependability.
However, the more you know about human thought, the more you know about yourself.
Our measurements of the particle's location and its motion (actually, its momentum) are reciprocally land inversely] related to each other The more we know about one, the less we know about the other,»
If he believes his dubious assertion that «the more we know about Shakespeare the more we will understand his work,» then why has he failed to consult important biographies by Park Honan and Katherine Duncan - Jones, as well as James Shapiro's award - winning A Year in the Life of Shakespeare: 1599, among scores of other books and articles?
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