Sentences with phrase «more labor hours»

We had outgrown the old facility, which was causing us to become inefficient, thus spending more labor hours.

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«Employees are more and more connected during hours outside of the office,» said Myriam el Khomri, France's Minister of Labor, when she proposed the law last year.
However, even among full - time workers (those usually working 35 hours or more per week), men worked longer than women — 8.4 hours, compared with 7.8 hours, respectively, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
He has suggested cutting the corporate tax rate from 33 percent to the E.U. average of 25 percent, for example, and wants to loosen national labor laws so companies can have more freedom to negotiate working hours and pay.
Women have less time for on - the - job labor because they spend more time doing housework than their male counterparts — so they miss out when they're working in fields that reward long hours, based on a new National Bureau for Economic Research study.
A report by the New York - based NGO China Labor Watch says the factories making devices and components for Samsung are guilty of a range of abuses: employees working more than 100 hours of overtime in a month; children under 16 working in factories; failure to provide safety clothing where appropriate.
Each mattress will require more than 700 hours of labor.
The Bureau of Labor Statistics has shown that working longer hours does not always make you more productive — it just makes you more tired.
A 30 hour work week is seen by some as a way to more evenly distribute the shrinking pool of labor among workers, and reduce the potential of automation to increase income inequality.
Third, given more and better capital, workers could produce more for each hour of labor — a force that would allow companies to pay more without raising prices.
Examples include: Company Match Dollars, Employer Tax Burden, Accrual Dollars, Percentage Labor Distribution, Workers» Comp Hours and more.
The optimist's take on this trend is that robots help Amazon keep prices low, which means people buy more stuff, which means the company needs more people to man its warehouses even though it needs fewer human hours of labor per package.
In the broadest terms, experts say, proximity to markets and skill clusters will matter more to business over time, and the nominal cost of an hour of labor will matter less.
The more than 200 jobs that remain, while they pay well for the area, are grueling ones, often 16 hours of physical labor in temperatures reaching 140 degrees.
The very appetite proceeding from labor and peace of mind is gone: we eat just enough to keep us alive: our sleep is disturbed by the most frightful dreams; sometimes I start awake, as if the great hour of danger was come; at other times the howling of our dogs seems to announce the arrival of the enemy: we leap out of bed and run to arms; my poor wife with panting bosom and silent tears takes leave of me, as if we were to see each other no more; she snatches the youngest children from their beds, who, suddenly awakened, increase with their innocent questions the horror of the dreadful moment.
Clearly, if the same number of people continue working an equal amount of time, then the total production of a country will rise when they produce more per hour of labor.
The entire nation embarked on a campaign in the first fifteen years of the twentieth century to control rapacious business, to clean up government, to democratize more fully our political institutions, to protect labor with better hours and pay, safer working conditions, and anti-child-labor laws.
That man who does not believe that each day contains an earlier, more sacred, and auroral hour than he has yet profaned, has despaired of life, and is pursuing a descending and darkening way... It matters not what the clocks say or the attitudes and labors of men.
If an aver - age household today produces more than twice as much labor in hours as an average household did 25 years ago, and receives only a fraction more in real income, then obviously the value of labor has fallen — even while the productivity of labor in the same period has risen sharply.
He would be a new king who was also an intensely ambitious builder and who in consequence demanded from all of Egypt's forces of labor increased hours, an increased tempo, and more bitter, harried working conditions.
«We decided to machine pick all our blueberries, and we continually look to be more efficient in our production systems so we can reduce total man hours and more importantly maintain a steady pace without the labor spikes,» Roy says.
trimester exhaustion, a boisterous toddler, an extended holiday in the UK, and spending more hours in the pilates studio, have left precious little time for this labor of love.
If you experience more than four tightening sensations in an hour (to rule out the ris of real labor).
Not only did the corset keep her posture straight and allow her to carry her son with ease, but it allowed her to sit more comfortably, easing discomfort in her back — and after nine hours of back labor, that was an important feature.
To add to my comment: I realize that it is possible and possibly more responsible and ideal to have a natural birth IN a hospital setting... unfortunately - like Ricki Lake says in her movie - hospitals are in business to make money and their efficiency time table does not usually involve encouraging or allowing natural labor to progress, which can take over 24 hours in a lot of cases.
(Danielle was in labor for more than 20 hours, while Nicole's delivery took less than 20 minutes.)
During my 20 hours of labor, I had a loop going in my head of a statement made by a friend of mine who had three children at the time and was intent on adding more.
Prolonged labor, also known as failure to progress, occurs when labor lasts for approximately 20 hours or more if you are a first - time mother, and 14 hours or more if you have previously given birth.
This 2 - hour workshop includes tools for coping during the stages of labor: comfort measures, communication, mind / body connection, essential oils, and more.
It is said that the average first - time mom will dilate just under a centimeter per hour once active labor has started and the mom having baby number two or more will dilate just over a centimeter per hour once active labor has begun.
After 36 hours of laboring at home, my son and I were left to linger for another 12 more hours in hospital, until his heartbeat stopped inside me.
While first - time moms usually spend somewhere between ten and 20 hours in labor, it generally progresses much more quickly for women who've been through it before.
From Essential Imagery: This mama was in labor for more than 72 hours before having a C - section, and I was given unprecedented access to the operating room during the procedure.
This particular supplement tends to dull real labor pain or help the pains of non-real labor go away...... She told me to take more of the calcium supplement every 15 minutes for an hour so we could nip this in the bud and get it to stop... She called back after the first 2 times of taking it, and I was still having contractions, now at 9 minutes apart.
Among 719 women, who used nipple stimulation, they were more likely to be in labor after 72 hours than the controls.
In terms of partner postpartum expectations, you can be assured that she will have sore muscles because the laboring process alone forces many of her muscles to contract and relax many times over 18 or more hours.
But after 36 hours of labor and 4 of pushing, it was more painful and difficult than it needed to be.
They are MORE easily pressured than stubborn teenagers, and they need extra protection to respect the choices they made before several hours of labor or a C - Section.
However, once your water breaks, your baby can be more vulnerable to infection via your vagina, so, within 24 hours of your water breaking, if you haven't gone into labor, your doctor will most probably give you something to induce labor.
One study found that babies born after epidurals were less likely to be fully breastfed on hospital discharge; this was an especial risk for epidural mothers whose babies did not feed in the first hour after birth.112 A Finnish survey records that 67 percent of women who had labored with an epidural reported partial or full formula - feeding in the first 12 weeks compared to 29 percent of nonepidural mothers; epidural mothers were also more likely to report having «not enough milk.»
Moms of two or more babies are told to expect a minutes - long labor rather than an hours - long one.
Fever over 100.4 º F (38º C) during labor is five times more likely overall for women using an epidural; 44 this rise in temperature is more common in women having their first babies, and more marked with prolonged exposure to epidurals.45 For example, in one study, 7 percent of first - time mothers laboring with an epidural were feverish after six hours, increasing to 36 percent after 18 hours.46 Maternal fever can have a significant effect on the baby (see below).
I continued to labor at home for a couple more hours.
I went to the hospital, was given an IV and was put on antibiotics (to combat potential infection because my water had broken more than 24 hours before) and pitocin, a drug that makes the uterus contract and, ideally, prompts labor.
We learned a ton of really useful, practical information that made labor and birth feel way less scary and much more approachable, and it was a dedicated few hours a week where instead of having to worry about work and everything else, we got to just focus on the fact that our baby was actually coming.
In a secondary analysis of a multicenter randomized study of fetal pulse oximetry, of 4,126 nulliparous women who reached the second stage of labor, none of the following neonatal outcomes was found to be related to the duration of the second stage, which in some cases was 5 hours or more: 5 - minute Apgar score of less than 4, umbilical artery pH less than 7.0, intubation in the delivery room, need for admission to the neonatal intensive care unit, or neonatal sepsis (27).
Because an epidural can cause your labor to be longer, it's possible that your body will be more strained from the extra hours of labor and extra pushing.
Any woman who has spent 12 or more hours in labor will tell you that have more productive contractions is a very good goal.
Researchers have found that after a 3 - hour or more second stage of labor, only one in four nulliparous women (27) and one in three multiparous women give birth spontaneously, whereas up to 30 — 50 % may require operative delivery to give birth vaginally in the current second stage of labor threshold environment (30).
If she has five or more in an hour, chances are she is on her way to labor.
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