Sentences with phrase «more mainline denominations»

As more mainline denominations ordain openly gay clergy and more states pass same - sex laws, some gay evangelicals — and their allies - are openly deviating from Wheaton's official and long - held positions.

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They tend, by and large, to be more conservative than the mainline denominations of the United States.
In what is becoming something of a pig pile on the GOP from the Christian Left, more than two dozen bishops from mainline Protestant denominations sent a letter to Congress today denouncing proposed Republican budget cuts as «morally indefensible.»
Broadly speaking, it's more true for the mainline Protestant denominations and less true for fundamentalist congregations.
One frequently cited bar graph has been used to suggest, for the decade 1965 - 75, a severe diminution of seven mainline Protestant bodies by contrast both with their gains in the preceding ten years and with the continuing growth of selected conservative churches (see Jackson W. Carroll et al., Religion in America, 1950 to the Present [Harper & Row, 19791, p. 15) The gap in growth rates for 1965 - 75, as shown on that graph, is more than 29 percentage points (an average loss in the oldline denominations of 8.9 per cent against average gains among the conservatives of 20.5 per cent) This is indeed a substantial difference, but it does not approach the difference in growth rates recorded for the same religious groups in the 1930s, when the discrepancy amounted to 62 percentage points.
But as mainline denominations moved away from dependence on revivals and mass evangelism, they came to apply the optimism of perfection more to the arena of social transformation than to the sphere of personal sanctification.17 The result was that Methodist devotion to entire sanctification had to find expression outside the denomination in so - called Holiness groups.
Its church hierarchies are often housed in organizations such as Focus on the Family and independent congregations instead of in denominations, and their relationship with government is more subtle and more private then that of mainline denominations.
Both sides, however, have been coming to a growing appreciation of each other's concerns, with mainline denominations placing more emphasis on biblical hermeneutics and theological conservatives sounding the call to contextualize theology.
The charismatics tended to be the evangelicals and as the mainline denominations became more progressive theologically, the charismatics began to be increasingly uncomfortable.
Some mainline denominations are more accepting.
The future is less mainline denominations or flat evangelical denominations, and more nondenominational evangelical networks.
Let us imagine a (probable) near - future world in which Christian numbers are strongly concentrated in the global South, where the clergy and scholars of the world's most populous churches accept interpretations of the Bible more conservative than those normally prevailing in American mainline denominations.
This has long been true of the creedally vague mainline denominations, but it is surprisingly noticeable among the professedly more defined conservative ones.
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