Sentences with phrase «more markers»

There are many more markers and it may be a game changer.
A blood test for functional medicine also includes more markers that standard blood tests.
So I really wonder whether this news item about the need for more markers is true.
From that spinal fluid, the researchers found that people who reported poor sleep quality had, on average, more markers of Alzheimer's disease — including amyloid and tau buildups, brain - cell damage, and inflammation.
Through this body of literature, we have identified that depression can be induced, in animals and in humans through inflammatory agents, that it is correlated with blood levels of inflammatory markers, in a linear way (more markers = worse depression), and that symptoms can be reversed through pharmaceutical anti-inflammatories.
In response to the DfE, Dawe explained that the new exam system implemented by the DfE requires more markers, and for the situation to be rectified it would take cooperation from all parties.
Hopefully these changes and the further JCQ initiative to recruit more markers will ensure when we hand over that envelope in August, the results it contains are the ones the students and staff truly deserve.
There was no noticeable dissociation, far fewer signs of unresolved trauma than before the workshop and more markers of secure attachment.
This article focuses to much on whether several hundred ng / dl of test can affect a person more than a lower ng / dl in terms of muscle building and strength but testosterone affects (as ive said before) so many more markers that are inherently more important.
Just when you thought he was done, he would put some more markers down and go back to another round of the drill.
While they waited for results, McWilliams's symptoms morphed into near - constant dizziness and achy joints, two more markers of the disease.
The more marker peptides detected and compared, the greater the probability that the match is unique to the suspect.
Research in Psychological Science noted that women who are ovulating act more flirtatious with men who have more markers of «genetic fitness,» such as attractiveness and masculinity.
More markers, new genetic conditions, Holstein coat color outcomes and a proprietary polled test highlight new test features available in October.
Every time you enter or leave an area containing one or more markers you have to roll a die for each to see if you take any corruption or fire damage.
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