Sentences with phrase «more mass»

Unfortunately, as seed investing moves from a boutique practice to more mass market, its value is diminished dramatically.
Of course, we also know that we can't only make games that appeal to our fanbase, so we also work on titles with more mass commercial appeal.
When I say «bigger,» it means that you will see a bit more mass in those specific areas but it does not mean that you will gain muscle quickly.
As the most abundant protein in the body, collagen accounts for more mass than all the other proteins put together.
It would eliminate all climate - changing pollution by 2050, including from power plants and cars, build more mass transit and do more to encourage electric cars.
Though they both have their place, I find milk chocolate to have a bit more mass appeal than the darker stuff.
«What we're seeing now is that there are a lot more mass affluent consumers who are looking for more tangible benefits,» he says.
Is the atmosphere adding more mass than the ocean is taking away or is it the other way around?
They have far more mass than the atmosphere so they contain far more of the additional energy.
Due to their heavy weight, large breed dogs put more mass on their joints.
The typical discount to retailers is 50 %, but I could see this one going into more mass outlets than usual and probably being part of some other deeper discount promotions.
How many more mass shootings must this nation endure?
My concern is that it's «just more mass effect».
This does happen to a point, because eventually you will need more mass to get stronger.
A few years ago, the blogging industry was not as evolved and influential, whereas now it has become more mass produced.
Marketing is more mass focused - building reputation, name recognition, thought leadership, etc..
If that were true there would be a lot more mass killings or some other high crime offenders.
Many galaxies appear to have stronger gravity — and thus more mass — than can be explained by their visible matter alone.
The way stars and galaxies move shows there is more mass present than we can see.
By varying the weight of each dumbbell and the repetition range, you can make this exercise more mass building.
The thick denim fabric that covers the zipper also creates more mass right at the spot where I don't need it!
If she's more traditional, a halo is a budget - friendly way to give the center more mass.
However, she gives the hips more mass and more of a turn, stacks both breasts on one side opposite a massive half chest, and calls it Self - Portrait.
When compared to a passenger car, a semi truck is much larger and heavier which means that it has more mass carrying it forward.
Just think what would happen if we were to have two or more mass school shootings at once?
Can't do one without the other, and if you stop doing them both, you've given up on your quest for more mass.
They needed more mass to accomplish less than the antioxidant group.
This is a very complicated process, but reduces bulk compared to other, more mass produced methods.
Freeway and city driving was all smooth rolling, although I sensed the underlying firmness of a suspension designed for much more mass in the cabin.
«We do strongly feel that there's significant opportunity for us to gain more share through the launch of more mass appeal devices in the category... most importantly all at the right price point.»
This week, the institute announced that Greenland's ablation season, the period when its ice sheet loses more mass from melting along its edges than it does from snowfall in its interior, started on June 6.
Some regions contained more mass than others.
Everyone knows that more protein means more mass, that «s why Dianabol offers some remarcable results.
This presented a problem, as either our understanding of gravity was flawed, or there was about five times more mass in the galaxies than astronomers could see.
Now in 2017, Nintendo brings a sequel to the Switch that attempts to gain even more mass appeal.
Just the third all - new foundation in the 911's 51 years, the 991 was lengthened and re-proportioned to increase interior space and move more mass forward of its rear wheels.
Now that result has inspired a forecast for the system's future: The black hole will swallow even more mass from an unfortunate star circling it, then likely dash away on its own when its companion explodes.
August 15, 2014 The Comet Galaxy, a spiral galaxy in Sculptor Image Credit: NASA & ESA The Comet Galaxy is a spiral galaxy with a little more mass than our Milky Way galaxy, located 3.2 billion light - years away from Earth, within the galaxy cluster Abell 2667, in the small southern constellation of Sculptor.
The black hole surrounded by the small galactic remnant is currently speeding away from the core of the much larger galaxy, and will continue to lose more mass as it does so.
And at least one more mass extinction coincides with massive flood volcanism.
Following the news of the tragic school shooting in Santa Fe, Texas, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo shared an open letter to President Trump and elected leaders in Congress imploring them to take up legislation to help prevent more mass shootings.
This situation could occur if, for example, the amount of mass leaving a star was not the same at every point on the surface of that star — say, if more mass was driven off from the equator of the star than from its poles.
«Transportation problems can slow us down,» Rahael adds, «But [local government is] working to bring more mass transit.
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