Sentences with phrase «more meaningful conversations»

Do you want more meaningful conversations with members of Congress?
Create opportunities to have longer more meaningful conversations.
It has opened the door for deeper, more meaningful conversations, insights and understanding,» said Erika, a home visitor in Snohomish County.
It is one of the best ways to improve intimacy in your marriage and have more meaningful conversations with your partner.
And only talking at length a couple of times a week encouraged us to have more meaningful conversations during our «virtual dates.»
In the four weeks on the new ATS, I've had more meaningful conversations with more candidates than I've ever had in my career.»
Crown File Ownership allows defence and Crown counsel to have more meaningful conversations and use their time more effectively.
She also discussed the power of individual narratives and how the use of story and truth telling transforms their collective experience and provides richer and more meaningful conversations in the classroom.
- travelers hunger for community and want to get involved with causes larger than themselves - engaging in more meaningful conversations and relationships.
Report cards are easily generated from KIDS data and provide the opportunity for teachers to have more meaningful conversations with families around how to best support each child's development.
Kickboard helps us create more meaningful conversations with each other, and with students and parents.
By having deeper, more meaningful conversations you can really start to find synergies and ways to collaborate.
And this summer we will open our own doors a little wider to expand our reach and to create more meaningful conversations and connections.
The union between the dating service and Google comes on the heels of POF's launch of Spark, an in - app feature that helps users quickly and casually initiate more meaningful conversations.
Founder and CEO Dawoon Kang told TechCrunch that January is one of the busiest times for online dating, and that the introduction of «Send a Woo» is meant not only to help users find more meaningful connections, but also to help them have more meaningful conversations after those connections are made.
However, if you're really trying to get to know someone, it's important to have more meaningful conversations in order to determine if this person has significant potential to be your significant other.
When there are no phones at the table, you'll see more meaningful conversations between family members.
I've had way more meaningful conversations with kids at 2 a.m. while we're playing Playstation than I ever have in a church setting.
This makes for more meaningful conversations and ensures that I'm likely to meet the right people at the right time for the betterment of my business and life.
To have more meaningful conversations with your clients and to show your commitment to them and at the same time ask for a commitment from them.
In the wake of the shooting, students are demanding a more meaningful conversation on gun regulation, Robert Runcie, superintendent of the Broward County schools acknowledged at a news conference Thursday.
This creates a more meaningful conversation and is teaching my daughter effective, empathic communication.
At pickup time, since they already know what happened during the day, they can have a much more meaningful conversation with the childcare staff about the child's day and needs.»
A phone conversation makes it so that you don't have to wait all day for a response and can have a more meaningful conversation in a shorter amount of time.
The new integration comes on the heels of POF's launch of Spark, an in - app feature that enables users to quickly and casually initiate a more meaningful conversation.
This is quick and easy to complete and will help us to have a more meaningful conversation that is specific to you.
Messaging tools like Slack offer the perfect means to reach out to people and set the tone for a more meaningful conversation in real life.
offer the perfect means to reach out to people and set the tone for a more meaningful conversation in real life.
Marc Brackett, Ph.D. outlines four questions parents and teachers can ask young learners to spark a more meaningful conversation about emotional intelligence.
This can lead to a more meaningful conversation about the need to lower their price.

Not exact matches

Carr says the Liberals intend to have more «meaningful conversations with indigenous communities,» whose principles of land and water stewardship will be embedded in new policies and processes.
So whilst the closed door discussions will be about how to keep the status quo regardless of the rapidly increasing power costs and breakdown of service that is now being experienced around the country, the open conversations being had by the people are excited discussions about the future because we trust the likes of Elon Musk and Mike Cannon - Brookes to get the job done more than we trust big power and Government to come to any kind of meaningful and affordable long term solution.
The platform's insightful analytics empower operational and technical teams to have more meaningful cloud conversations that simplify the way business gets done.
Also surprising: Young people with the highest rates of social media use reported very similar feelings of loneliness to those who barely use it, Still, Cordani says, «meaningful social interaction» was seen as key to reducing isolation so more face - to - face conversations are needed.
«To enable... meaningful conversations» reflects Facebook's tacit understanding that its platform is more echo chamber than discovery mechanism.
TiLT is a great way to motivate an inside sales team and empower meaningful sales conversations that lead to high - quality meetings and better opportunities Don't let your deals go dark — TiLT is a rigorous, micro-sales-training designed to level up new and more seasoned sales reps quickly.
With the right strategies and practices, it can take administrative burden off your plate, help you better serve your customers, and warm up more prospects for meaningful, personal conversations that create sales for your small business.
Keep track of potential deals, questions, comments, and requests — and start having better more meaningful customer conversations.
According to Harvard Business Review, companies that try to contact potential customers within 1 hour of receiving an inquiry are nearly 7 times more likely to have a meaningful conversation with a key decision maker.
Harvard Business Review reported that companies that contact prospects in an hour or less are 7 times more likely to have a meaningful conversation with key decision - makers than those who wait longer.
Social media is an essential tool for getting your content in front of your target consumers; it also can serve as a powerful engagement platform in its own right, enabling brands to conduct meaningful, two - way conversations that are more timely and relevant than other content formats might allow.
Ironically, the more I disengage from meaningful conversations and neglect important relationships, the more stress I feel.
I usually say «Bless you» when someone sneezes, because it is more meaningful than «Gesundheit» in most English conversations.
I was happy to meet Dave's wife, and a meaningful conversation ensued about parents, illness, children, and more.
For more support on discussing these issues with parents, see our «Having meaningful conversations with mothers» and «Caring for your baby at night» guides.
Whether you go for a walk, watch sunrise or sunset, have a meaningful conversation, engage in a spiritual practice, or partake in your favorite activity, your life is made more meaningful by participating in practices that inspire you and make you feel passionately alive.
Nothing energizes a conversation more than a person talking about something that is meaningful to them.
Our conversations were more meaningful, our time spent together was fun, and our connection was stronger than I had ever experienced.
What is more, it gives a hint how to break the ice and start a meaningful conversation (and you definitely haven't had one before).
Warm conversations about hobbies, interests, life priorities and family values will lead your connection to the more meaningful level.
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