Sentences with phrase «more mental»

She continues to advocate for more mental health supports for children in schools and communities.
A dog digging from boredom or lack of exercise should be provided with more mental stimulation and opportunities for exercising.
The result being that we feel much more mental clarity throughout the day, which, hopefully, inspires a change in attitude toward establishing a longer routine.
Everyday tasks like walking down the street take more mental energy when you must pay attention to each step.
They are an active breed, but require more mental exercise than physical exercise to keep them happy.
The older kids are sometimes tougher to entertain than the younger ones since they need more mental stimulation and more involved activities that can be tough to facilitate in the car.
Additionally, boxes and places to climb provide cats with more mental and physical stimulation, which will help burn off some of that anxious energy.
In other words, he's minimizing his daily decisions to create more mental space for running the world's largest social network.
However, many prisoners suffer from one or more mental illnesses.
Can you provide more mental challenges, such as herding, agility training, or simple obedience games?
In a recent study, people reported more mental distress when the days were shorter and there was less sunshine.
In a recent study, people reported more mental distress when the days were shorter and there was less sunshine.
It's more a mental issue than physical but at least they are a bit more interesting.
No brain fog, and so much more mental clarity have been the biggest benefits of doing IF.
Finally I'll refer to his ten year claims that this year the side has more mental strength than before!
As modern life becomes more complex and we move further away from living in harmony with nature, we tend to experience more mental threats than physical threats.
In fact, like my teacher said, I think I got more mental benefits out of that class than physical!
These furnishings are best next to windows, as your cat will have a better view to the outdoors and enjoy a bit more mental stimulation throughout the day.
Training the dog to walk nicely on leash provides even more mental stimulation, as it allows the human to control the walk and the dog must think about his behavior.
Not only do shooters work harder and sometimes take more difficult and rushed shots but even when shooters are open there is more mental pressure on the open shots.
Here are seven ways to include more mental stimulation and training for your pooch, every single day.
You will have more mental focus and it's much easier on the stomach.
The one other part of it that I see is more the mental part of it.
Outdoor cats may receive more mental and physical stimulation from climbing trees, exploring their environment, and using their predatory instincts to hunt for food.
If you look at the national teams, you never win a tournament with a young team, because it's more mental at some stage to win something big.
To be sure, there is a stamina issue involved, but it is likely more mental than physical.
The increase in suicidal attempts may actually not be as a result of more mental health problems, it can actually be due to medication.
The only thing more mental is he thought that you could bet on this game.
My thought is that it requires more mental intensity to perform the heavy sets so I would tend to do those first when my brain and enthusiasm are the highest.
That's interesting you notice more mental clarity when you don't eat sugar!
Even if sometimes it might be confusing, that's even better — the reader will invest more mental energy in trying to figure out who is speaking.
It's more a mental block than anything else.
While they are both assisting him to perform his everyday duties, the person who has to think more on her feet and exert more mental energy is exhibiting more effort.
What will it take to bring about sensible gun safety laws and more mental health services?
Cats can get bored and therefore may need more mental or physical stimulation.
But as it turns out, I actually had more mental clarity while fasting.
Plus, you have more mental energy at the beginning of the day, compared with the end of it.
In this way, a dog may be indicating that he requires more mental and physical stimulation.
In a recent study, people reported more mental distress when the days were shorter and there was less sunshine.
In a recent study, people reported more mental distress when the days were shorter and there was less sunshine.
I could be in the minority, I think his problem is much more mental than physical.
The biggest downside to being on it is not so much the health effects, but more the mental part that came with it; I didn't know.
Although backyard exercise is perfectly acceptable, daily walks provide more mental and physical stimulation for your dog and help build a bond of trust between you and your new pet.
Are just teaching a couple tricks a day okay, or will there need to be more mental stimulation?
«Making too many decisions about mundane details is a waste of a limited resource: your mental energy... if you want to be able to have more mental resources throughout the day, you should identify the aspects of your life that you consider mundane — and then «routinize» those aspects as much as possible,» he has written.
Irie was given more mental stimulation through feeding enrichment; she now has to work for her food.
This pregnancy involved a lot more mental work - being more mindful and not just muscling through the birth.
«Project screenings show need for more mental health services in youth detention.»
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