Sentences with phrase «more microbes»

A teaspoon of healthy soil contains more microbes than there are humans on this planet.
So while there are more microbes left to find, they may fill up known branches of the tree of life rather than starting new ones.
«There are likely many more microbes living in carbonate mounds than in sediments, their contributions to methane removal from the environment may be more significant.»
But regardless of which one benefits more, microbes usually have an edge on their hosts in one major area, she said: «There are many more microbe generations, [so] the microbes have an evolutionary advantage.»
The human microbiome — the diverse array of bacteria, yeast, parasites, and other single - celled organisms that live in and on our bodies — is comprised of more microbes than there are stars in the galaxy, and the genes encoded in microbiome DNA vastly outnumber our own genes.
Soil microbes consume organic carbon compounds in soil, use some of it to make more microbes and release the rest to the atmosphere as carbon dioxide.
Tests for bacteria found that stethoscopes picked up more microbes from patients than did most parts of the doc's hands.
But discoveries of ever more microbes on Earth that live in highly acidic conditions strengthen the case that life may be able to thrive in Venus's dense cloud layer.
When scientists look at faecal matter from large herbivores, they find a lot more microbe DNA than plant DNA.
For even more microbe - fighting power, add the Terminator II Zapper!
Gilbert's team found that room - mates share more microbes than people who live apart, and couples are even more microbially similar.
@sciencemagazine @ScienceNews One spoonful of #soil contains more microbes than the earth contains humans.
By adding a little more dirt (and many more microbes) to your life, you may just be giving your immune system the exact provocation it needs to become more balanced!
Though the biocrusts that the team focused on in this paper comprise a fairly simple model system, they say they plan to apply exometabolomics to more complex soil systems and more microbes.
For example, low status individuals — like the homeless — tend to be exposed to more microbes and toxins, lack access to high - quality food and shelter, and often engage in risky behaviors like smoking, drinking, and drug use.
People are more microbe than human, with microbes outnumbering our cells by 10 to 1.
It has generally been assumed that this growing population of viruses, in turn, kills more and more microbes, keeping the microbial population in check.
We know that children who are raised on farms and exposed to more microbes, animal dander, and dirt are less likely to have allergies, asthma, and autoimmune conditions than their city kid peers (source).
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