Sentences with phrase «more military use»

They've seen even more military use since then.

Not exact matches

Third, for those in Congress who worry that a more aggressive national security team in the White House may push the President too quickly to use military force, this week should focus their concern about the increased risk of military response to Iranian actions.
Unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) may be best known for military and defense use, but commercialization of the sector is occurring as recent technological developments have led to more uses for UAS at reduced costs and required manpower.
For American readers, who are more used to seeing their military show its muscle, I should clarify: this is newsworthy in Canada.
A U.S. official familiar with the military planning said there could be more air strikes if the intelligence indicates Assad had not stopped making, importing, storing or using chemical weapons, including chlorine.
Now, more than 30,000 security employees are being used, including police, military troops and private security.
Putin claimed that while the Syrian regime was «fully abiding» by the cease - fire, rebel groups (some of which the US backs) were using it merely as an opportunity to regroup, and he accused Washington of being more concerned with retaining its military capacity in the area than with trying to weed out the extremist rebel groups from the more «moderate» ones.
Doggles are also part of the uniform of many service animals, including those used by the U.S. military, which has purchased more than 1,000 pairs in the last decade.
Tom Price had cost taxpayers more than $ 1 million between his use of private planes for domestic travel and military jets for recent trips to Africa, Europe, and Asia, Politico reported.
The AR - 15 is a military - style rifle that fires a single bullet for each pull of the trigger, but can use magazines with 30 rounds or more.
His use of military jets for international travel, on which his wife, Betty, joined him, cost taxpayers more than $ 500,000, the outlet reported.
Cohen has worked on an alternative system that would use live data on lightning strikes and the radio waves they emit to build a more resilient navigation system for the military that would be much more difficult to disrupt.
Speaking before the Senate Intelligence Committee alongside the heads of other US intelligence agencies, Wray said that to undermine the US's military, economic, cultural, and informational power across the globe, China was using methods relying on more than just its state institutions.
We originally planned to use our military pension payments to purchase more properties, but have instead diversified into low cost index funds and a few selective bond offerings as a hedge.
AR -15-style rifles are a civilian variant of a standard service rifle used by the American military for more than a half - century.
Indeed, Col. Cammermeyer has been described as Amazonian, but Ms. Close managed to look military enough in a manner that it used to be safe to describe as more ladylike - and less likely to get in the way of the message.
Christians will tell you they are better because they don't support global terrorism, but that is because they mostly exist in nations that execute their opporession using aircraft carriers and their military, while Muslims lack those advantages and have to resort to more desperate means.
More and more people have become aware that the absence of military combat does not necessarily mean peace but also that preparing for war is a waste of what may be used for better expression of humannMore and more people have become aware that the absence of military combat does not necessarily mean peace but also that preparing for war is a waste of what may be used for better expression of humannmore people have become aware that the absence of military combat does not necessarily mean peace but also that preparing for war is a waste of what may be used for better expression of humanness.
Collective security involves much more than the use of military measures, such as were invoked in the conflict in Korea.
The U.S. could take stronger initiative in the global development of nuclear power; we are regarded as the creators of atomic energy, but so far military uses have been more impressive than peaceful ones.
This has become an issue in the military chaplaincy of late and chaplains are now encouraged «to use the more inclusive language of civic faith» when praying with religiously diverse audiences.
In 1739 Cardinal Alberoni, in an attempt to gain more political power, used military force to occupy San Marino.
It is hoped it could also be used more widely by frontline medics in the NHS and military to improve diagnosis and treatment within the first critical hour after brain trauma.
And this Al - Monitor (a media site focused on Middle East which was accused of following «the agenda of the Iranian and Syrian governments and Hezbollah») article details a bit more the military budget and the growing trend of Iran's military spendings, although it does not state the current total defense budget and its numbers are considerably lower than SIPRI's for the past years, maybe because the fiscal year used in this article begins near 20th March:
As a general rule, the use of military force to resolve territorial disputes that haven't arisen «imminently» (i.e. hours or days or weeks or maybe even a few months ago), is frowned upon, and the more less imminent the threat, the more problematic intervention becomes.
Gradually, during the 1990s, the Security Council began to use Chapter VII much more to impose economic sanctions, arms embargoes, and to deploy large peacekeeping forces and even military attacks in many civil wars.
Use of military force without Congressional authorization is a far more contentious issue, but this did not happen during the Iraq War.
Any hypothetical military engagement where a nuclear armed country were to be in danger of being completely overrun would change the calculation on whether they would be willing to use nuclear weapons, but Russia probably would not, for example, use their nuclear weapons as a deterrent against attacks against their conventional troops in Ukraine, even if they were in danger of being forced out of Ukraine completely because the retaliation would cost much more to them than what they would be losing.
The War Powers Resolution requires the President to notify Congress within 48 hours of committing armed forces to military action and forbids armed forces from remaining for more than 60 days, with a further 30 - day withdrawal period, without a Congressional authorization for use of military force (AUMF) or a declaration of war by the United States.
There's more... U.S. Military Uses YouTube to Get Its Story Out (nice outflanking maneuver, guys).
Overseas and military absentee voters will use Read more»
«Nigerian authorities have made a commitment to make schools safer and more resilient to attack, and UNICEF stands with them to implement the Safe Schools Declaration, by which Nigeria commits to protecting schools and universities from violence and military use during armed conflict.»
I would be surprised at the military or secret service using a technically incorrect name because it sounds better, but more importantly we came close enough to it happening long enough ago that there ought to be an official and unambiguous source.
Gove's more pugilistic side may have softened since his time as education secretary — you'll no longer find him using military metaphors and pledging to vanquish «the enemies of promise», in public, at least — but he clearly retains his impulse for confronting the inertia of the political establishment.
More than half of Americans lack confidence in Donald Trump's ability to «prevent major scandals,» «handle an international crisis,» and «use military force wisely» once he becomes president, according to a Gallup poll released today.
Rhodes also said the United States spends more on its military «then the next seven nations combined» and that it should focus more on diplomacy and reforming military spending so that more money can be used on education.
Griffiss has been transformed into a mixed use business and technology park with more than 70 employers (including the retained military missions) and has more than 6,400 employees.
In general, a military base provides accommodations for one or more units, but it may also be used as a command centre, a training ground, or a proving ground.
He pointed out that the general public is further advised to be more vigilant in crowded places as terrorists can disguise in any form to achieve their evil intents including the use of military uniforms.
Significant advances emerging from neuroscience and computer technology have long been a goal of the U.S. military in its quest to find better ways to use brain - related technology to boost national security, and more recently, address debilitative injuries resulting from improvised explosive devices and posttraumatic stress disorder, according to two experts on neuroscience and ethics.
The U.S. government cracked down after both nations tested nuclear weapons in May 1998, requiring U.S. organizations to obtain a license before shipping civilian materials deemed to have a dual military use to more than 300 institutions (Science, 24 July 1998, p. 494).
Alternatives for aviation industry and the military pose issues related to land use, clearing peatland, fertilizer use, costs and more emissions
Those with more knowledge of optics might point out that this «Er: YAG» crystal is used in solid - state lasers and be able to point out that a rod of this size could be found in a handheld device such as a military range finder.
New results from a clinical trial involving more than 900 military veterans at high risk for keratinocyte carcinoma skin cancer provides evidence that using the generic skin cream fluorouacil 5 percent for two to four weeks may reduce the risk of a squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) needing surgery by 75 percent within a year.
If used for military purpose, fish robots would definitely be more difficult to detect by the enemy.»
I couldn't agree more with your comment that, when it comes to the US military's goal of using costlier green...
Though the most infamous of these efforts, called Project Camelot, focused on preventing insurgency in Latin America, other projects looked more broadly at using social sciences to help guide military actions, and like current efforts, they included quantitative and predictive uses of social science models.
The paper, written by authors at King's College London and Baylor College of Medicine, reviews contraceptive devices available including those already used by military and aviation personnel, and calls for more research into the effect of hormone treatments on bone mineral loss in space.
«Studies of women in the military have shown that many would like to suppress their menstrual flow during deployment, but only a proportion of them use the pill to do so; the majority of women surveyed also wanted more advice from the military to help them make the right choice.
Pia Glatz, M.D., of the Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden, and coauthors conducted a nationwide study of more than 2 million children born in Sweden from 1973 through 1993 by using a variety of national health care databases, school achievement registries, and the military conscription register.
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