Sentences with phrase «more money for schools»

The legislature has added more money for school funding in the past two years.
And let's be honest: It's a tough political fight to make the case for more money for schools of choice alone.
The groups are urging state lawmakers to put more money for schools in the budget.
Each candidate says they aim to reduce the complexity of education funding formulas and provide more money for schools.
The governor needs this injection of revenue to pay for a host of campaign promises, including more money for schools, tuition - free community college and road and rail projects.
The state funds public schools largely on the basis of how many students attend, so higher enrollment means more money for school districts.
That's why we have to fight for more money for school meals, that and because it can cost more to buy the foods needed to cook from scratch.
There will not be much more money for schools, but differences in how the two chambers pay for schools are important.
But if the charter school fight proved to be too narrow a focus to win broad support, so too might an effort focused solely on more money for schools.
Despite the tough economic times, some states are not easing up in their efforts to secure more money for school facilities.
Schools are being offered up because local leaders think that it is the only way to access more money for their schools.
In the 529 plan, there are no taxes so there will be more money for school expenses.
A new funding formula also will mean more money for some schools, particularly elementary and middle schools in neighborhoods plagued by concentrated poverty.
The case for more money for schools and a lift of the 1 % pay cap is overwhelming — and urgent.
Unless the Government finds more money for schools soon even more schools will be forced to cut staffing which will ratchet up the pressure on the remaining staff.
The proposals include measures to authorize advance voting, extend the statute of limitations on child molestation and set aside more money for school security in the wake of school shootings.
Diane Pratt - Heavner of the School Nutrition Association described the bill as «our best chance» for getting more money for school meals.
Advocates of increasing education funding had a setback yesterday, as the state's highest court narrowed a lawsuit that sought more money for school districts statewide.
: And after the big show Trump made meeting with HBCU leaders it was surprising to see that he didn't follow through and offer more money for these schools.
Voters in 36 states sent a powerful mix of messages last week when they selected governors who back a blend of more money for schools, softer tones on high - stakes tests, and greater support for expanded school choice.
In other words, while I'm pleased that the SNA has finally decided to ask Congress for more money for school food, I've been worried that, in reality, the organization will instead devote all of its lobbying efforts to no - cost rollbacks of school nutrition standards.
«There is more money for schools now than there used to be,» said Howard Fleeter, the main budget analyst for the Ohio School Boards association, Ohio Association of School Business Officials and Buckeye Association of School Administrators.
«Obviously more money for those schools means less money for traditional education,» Silver said.
Alicea said the district is working with elected officials to obtain more money for school security.
Education advocacy groups are giving Gov. Andrew Cuomo bad grades when it comes to spending on education in his proposed 2014 budget, as Syracuse parents and community members believe the state needs to come through with substantially more money for schools in the spending plan.
He addressed K - 12 education, too, but only on the «compulsory attendance» and «teacher quality» fronts — and while the latter hinted at merit pay and nodded at schools having the flexibility to «replace» instructors «who just aren't helping kids learn» — mostly what he did was urge more money for schools - as - we - know - them and those who teach in their classrooms.
How many total dollars these suits have contributed to the rapid increase in education spending is unknown, but we do know that, since 1989, adequacy lawsuits have been launched in more than 30 states, and a vast majority of them have resulted in a court award to plaintiffs mandating more money for schools.
ACCOUNTABILITY While voters favor more money for schools, it's also clear that they want to see results for their investment.
Although the $ 3.55 - billion package would allocate more money for schools than did an earlier budget released by the Florio administration late last year, the Republican plan is $ 127 million short of the revised figures that Mr. Florio released in January.
I'm sure Justine Greening would love more money for schools just as much as we would.
Unlike tobacco companies, which want to get more kids to smoke, and gun manufacturers, who want to sell more automatic weapons, a third grade teacher wants more money for school supplies and school funds to reduce overcrowding of classes.
If those taxes are cut, municipalities won't be able to generate more money for school budgets, and states won't be able to generate more money for state aid funding — even as federal sources shrink.
Illinoisans voted in favor of a 3 percent tax increase for millionaires in order to collect more money for schools, although this referendum was not attached to a binding proposal to raise taxes.
While Connecticut's privately owned charter schools left the legislative session with a higher reimbursement rate for each student, more money for school equipment, and funds to expand the number of charter schools, Governor Malloy and the legislature failed to come up with the money need to maintain existing services at Connecticut's public magnet schools, let alone fill the extra magnet school classrooms that have been built and are ready to be used this coming September.
Because of this, students have had to borrow more and more money for school until, at this point, more than 45 million Americans carry student loan debt, with a median balance of $ 17,000.
For example, if you've reached your annual or aggregate loan limit with federal student loans and you still need more money for school, you may want to consider a private student loan.
The Kansas Senate approved an amendment that would prohibit the courts from ordering more money for schools («The financing of the educational interests of the state is exclusively a legislative power under article 2 of the constitution of the state of Kansas and as such shall be established solely by the legislature.»)
The state budget will go up by $ 6.3 billion, yet the Legislature couldn't find more money for school safety as well as education needs?
The budget is expected to be somewhat more complicated beast this year, with a $ 4.6 billion deficit for lawmakers to close in an election year and the traditional pressures of adding more money for schools.
If you want all organic, GMO - free, clean - label, local, scratch - cooked meals, you are going to have to help schools lobby local, state and federal decisions makers to provide more money for school meals.
The $ 137.2 billion dollar spending plan includes more money for schools, including a phase in of funding for universal pre-kindergarten programs.
«Unless the Government finds more money for schools and fast, today's school children will have severely limited choices at school and children from poorer families will be even further disadvantaged because their parents may struggle to provide the resources schools can no longer afford.»
In return, John Boy will get more money for schools — mostly LI schools.
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