Sentences with phrase «more muscle fibers because»

Your body will use more muscle fibers because you have to move as fast as possible.
This is effective because you're applying maximum out of force, it recruits more muscle fibers because of the extra effort needed to increase the speed of the movement.

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The first concept to understand in the trifecta is that using resistance training draws more energy from your body because you use type II muscle fibers «'' which have a high power output but fatigue fast.
Then, weightlifting creates a lot of muscle damage that increases post-workout metabolism because it takes energy to repair the muscle fibers you've destroyed while training, which equals to even more calories burned.
The majority of studies seem to support the claim that the dumbbell bench press is a better option for anyone looking to increase his chest size, mainly because of the greater range of motion involved — a greater range of motion on pressing movements means more horizontal flexion and adduction and a greater recruitment of chest muscle fibers.
The technique forces your muscle to recruit more muscle fibers to complete a movement because many of the fibers inside the muscle are already blasted.
We get stronger and lift more weight or do more reps because there's an increase in both the water and the blood volume in your muscle fibers.
This means that force production is greater (and more efficient) in the eccentric phase than the concentric phase, because passive elements resist lengthening of the muscle fibers in the eccentric phase, but not in the concentric phase.
It is particularly difficult because type II muscle fiber area tends to increase by more than type I muscle fiber area anyway.
Because the heavier weight uses more muscle fibers you can get away with less sets and reps.. Another thing to consider when you go heavy is that the high threshold motor units are activated.
But if you can increase your strength with these movements then you'll be able to push yourself harder when using kettle bells, steel clubs, battle ropes, etc because you have more muscle fibers to recruit.
The reason Reclining on the Sun Exercise works so well is because you are incorporating the stability muscles in your triceps which means essentially that you are incorporating more muscle fibers.
Reduced time was working out: Because you will be engaging more muscle fibers with each lift during your workouts on the powertower, you won't need to spend as much time working out.
, squats are the «King» of all mass building exercises because they use more total muscle fibers than any other exercise.
In all seriousness, free weight exercises (think dumbbell press) and multi-joint movements (think squat) are going to give you a much bigger bang for your buck, because they recruit more muscle fibers.
The reason more mitochondria don't always mean that you run faster (instead of longer) is because (1) you may have far more mitochondria than necessary to process the maximum amount of oxygen your lungs can take in and your red blood cells transport at any given time, (2) regardless of how many mitochondria you have, the motor neurons connected to your aerobic muscle fibers are smaller than those connected to your anaerobic muscle fibers.
This is because your body compensates for the instability by firing more muscle fibers in order to stabilize the resistance.
The greater the force, the more work there will be for you fast - twitch fibers, because our bodies recruit muscle fibers based on the demands placed upon it.
This can play a more important role in development than traditional sit - ups because you can contract the full spectrum of muscle fibers.
Longer muscle fibers contract more quickly than shorter muscle fibers because all of the sarcomeres in a single muscle fiber contract at the same time.
This hardcore approach, used for years by strength and power athletes, is just now coming into vogue for more casual lifters because of its ability to help your body recruit more muscle fibers.
Because you are getting a fuller range of motion you can target the muscle fibers in your chest more effectively.
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