Sentences with phrase «more neutral position»

What you need to do instead, is stabilize the pelvis in a more neutral position so that your core muscles can lengthen out of that, and all of your abs can work to carry you up - and - over.
Now you can keep your shoulder in a more neutral position.
With push up bars the wrists are kept in a more neutral position, and will be stabilized by your forearms resulting in your forearms getting more of a workout.
If you have sensitive wrists, use a pair of dumbbells as your base for your hands and this will keep your wrists in a more neutral position and lessen their load.
Thanks to their ability to counterbalance external rotation of the hip that comes from the glutes and hamstrings, they keep your knee in a more neutral position too — a benefit that's extra clutch for runners and cyclists alike.
But the board rejected calls to oppose construction of the telescope outright, saying it wanted to retain a more neutral position in continuing negotiations over the TMT's fate.
While President Donald Trump welcomed the Arab states decision to sever air and land links to their gas - rich neighbour, the US State Department has taken a more neutral position and Tillerson is seeking to broker a diplomatic solution.
When the core is stable and strong and athletes have a more neutral position of the pelvis and spine, then the forces are redistributed throughout many of the lumbar segments of the spine resulting in a healthy and high - performing athlete.
In the long run it is possible that Europe will seek a more neutral position between the United States and this new Asian power.

Not exact matches

One way to talk about 2017 positioning in more concrete terms than just more or less is to start with a basic or neutral portfolio set up to meet specific needs and preferences of a hypothetical investor.
The currency will likely face a deep correction in the coming weeks and we advise investors to wait with opening new positions until a more neutral setup.
We must learn from our mistakes but it's a shame with the way we are reacting.How many of you would put your money on AC Milan beating Bayern in the UCL if they lost 6 - 0 today.As far as am concerned from a neutral point of view I expected both Bayern and Chelsea to beat Arsenal.It's shocking our defeat has come as shock.Players are being played out of position and the teams we've played used far more stronger squads.
So if guard is a neutral position, the judges should favor who ever is more effectively trying to end the fight!
«If you find that you can't sit or stand comfortably in a neutral position (with good posture) for more than five to 10 minutes, it's very likely that you have poor core stability as well,» says Smith.
Neutral - grip pull - ups are slightly easier to perform than wide, overhand pull - ups because they place your arms in a stronger position and allow you to complete more reps; and since there is less strain on your arm muscles, your biceps won't limit your movement and you'll be able to target your back more effectively.
Taking a wider stance can fix this issue and contribute to a more neutral back positioning.
«You won't be able to, but attempting to arch will help you maintain a more neutral spinal position,» says Boyle.
The best way to strengthen the muscles that stabilize the spine, in Reif's view, is simply to hold a near - neutral spine for longer periods and in more challenging positions.
In my experience, thinking «chest to bar» actually promotes a more neutral spine and head position by taking the chin out of the equation.
Place a bolster under your knees in one of three positions that best supports your lower back: Where your buttocks meet your hamstrings (to help tilt the pelvis and ease back strain), under the middle of the hamstrings halfway toward the knees (to allow the spine to stay neutral), or directly under the backs of the knees (to allow more arch in the lower back).
by rolling your pelvis forward to be in more of a neutral spine position, you actually move the attachment site of your hamstrings so in a sense, this would require you to adjust your seat position to prevent you from reaching to far for your pedals.
Holding the Steel Mace in a horizontal position causes the weight to offset one side of the body, demanding more stabilization as well as requiring strength to maintain a neutral alignment of the spine.
The neutral position is less compressive than the abducted position, and when your arm is at your side it is more stable.
It contracts with the biceps muscle in arm curls but the stress on brachialis is more when the arms are in neutral position.
Yet the administration's position is much more radical, stating clearly that a «policy that is neutral on its face» and «administered in an even - handed manner» can still «result in unlawful discrimination» if it has a «disproportionate and unjustified effect on students of a particular race.»
The V8 models have a more sophisticated system, with low - range gearing for steeper inclines / descents and a Neutral position for flat - towing.
Far more disconcerting: The transmission has no «Park» position — as originally designed, you park it in neutral and remember to set the parking brake.
Fascinatingly the authors discovered that tablet use increases mechanical demand on neck muscles by 3 - 5 times more than a neutral position.
Also, BlackRock's proprietary market positioning gauge — which includes fund flow data and measures of price momentum — shows positioning in the U.S. credit market at relatively hot levels, versus a more neutral stance in U.S. equities compared with recent history.
The opposite is true as well - as the price of the underlying increases, you'd buy more of the underlying to maintain a «delta neutral» position.
This in turn allows you to evaluate your open positions from a more neutral and open mindset, triggering a more defensive approach to your trading rather than getting blinded by the potential for reward — that's what being a great trader is all about.
Of the policy options being considered by governments, we believe a revenue - neutral carbon tax is the best — a position we first took more than seven years ago.
While the jurisdiction's fiercest competitor, Singapore, may be seen by some as a more neutral seat for the resolution of international commercial disputes in the region, Hong Kong is uniquely positioned to take advantage of Chinese and non-Chinese parties searching for an acceptable compromise over their dispute resolution clauses.
At the same time, the mediator can set a neutral and safe atmosphere while playing a more jarring role as agent of reality, testing the parties» positions and trying to gain movement toward consensus and a result that both parties can live with.29
The Marshall Mode EQ is a $ 99 in - canal earphone pair that features an EQ switch: The sound signature is more neutral in one position and heavier on bass in the other, and both modes offer a quality listening experience for the price.
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