Sentences with phrase «more news becomes»

There is no website that we can link you to for more information, but we will keep you posted as more news becomes available.
I will be covering this in detail on Lend Academy as soon as more news becomes available.

Not exact matches

The motivating force behind this model, Times executives say, is that breaking news has more or less become a commodity because anyone with a website — or even just a smartphone and a Twitter account — can publish news as fast or faster than a newspaper.
Jackie Stone, CMO of MiMedia, a personal cloud storage company, told Business News Daily: «I've worked in digital media for more than 20 years, and as we become more connected, more people have decided that staying «on» 24/7 is socially acceptable — and it's not.»
But such a service could also present the risk of publishers becoming even more dependent on social networking platforms like Facebook for readers and revenue, thus giving the tech giants an uncomfortable amount of control over the news industry's fate.
This is more than the Cold War's simple fixation on Russian villains, however, with StudioCanal producing, for example, «The Tracking of a Russian Spy,» which sees Logan Lerman play a journalist who travels to Russia and becomes a tool of the Kremlin, in a film which sets out to tackle ideas of fake news and disinformation campaigns.
When an article becomes popular on a social - news site, it can mean more than 50,000 visitors to your site.
More from NBC News: Sting to Open Paris» Bataclan Music Venue Attacked by ISIS Clinton: «I Regret Deeply» How Angry Campaign Became Nobel Academy Member Calls Bob Dylan's Silence After Prize Win «Arrogant»
Becky Hammon, who became the first NBA assistant coach last year, and this year coached the San Antonio Spurs to a win in the NBA's Summer League, told Fortune, «Now that this door has been opened, maybe we'll see more of it, and hopefully it will not be a news story.»
Emily Bell of Columbia University's Tow Center and NYU journalism professor Jeff Jarvis have both talked about how the media industry will have to confront this issue as platforms like Facebook become more and more important distribution channels for news.
Canwest's Sunday papers are survived by a few remaining Sunday editions across Canada — most notably the Sunday Star — but the 24 - hour news cycle will undoubtedly continue to force the number down, as sitting with the Sunday paper becomes more of an anachronism, in a country that never fully embraced the idea of a Sunday paper in the first place.
Mintel senior health and wellness analyst Marissa Gilbert says that mirrors integrated with technology are becoming more of a reality, though most applications so far are in the household and involve voice activation to, say, announce the news.
Greek equity markets ended the week higher, even as the news — which was all good on Monday after Tsipras made his first real concessions to creditors since becoming prime minister in January — became steadily more discouraging by the day.
As incidents involving data breaches by hackers litter the evening news, technophiles and technophobes alike have become more concerned about the security of their data, especially that tied to credit cards and other financial information.
Facebook could also become far more searchable, providing people with results — posts by friends, news articles, photos, events — on similar topics instead of ones explicitly typed out by the user.
Industry operators are developing more user - friendly applications for smartphones and tablet devices, which are quickly becoming an effective way for readers to consume news.
They also suggest that the influence of U.S. economic news is even larger in a globalized world economy in which business cycles across major industrialized countries have become more synchronized, leading to greater integration and news spillover across financial markets.
At the same time, CEO Mark Zuckerberg has signaled reluctance to have Facebook become more active in weeding out fake news stories.
Its staunch advocacy of free speech around the world - nothing other than direct personal threats are barred from Twitter - has helped it become an important avenue through which news and viewpoints are shared, from the first inklings of the U.S. military assault on Osama bin Laden's compound to Obama's tweeting «Four more years» when he won re-election.
It would not be surprising if the household sector had become more sensitive to news about interest rates, given the increased debt and debt servicing loads that it is now carrying.
He also said Facebook was becoming more proactive in fighting false news and taking down fake accounts.
In the coming digital decade, news brand management will become more important than ever.
However, as has become typical following the news of major activist involvement in a stock, shares of both firms soared more than 16 % in Thursday trading, taking a little of that potential upside off the table and incidentally earning Singer about $ 26 million on his newly - disclosed stakes.
I know there is a lot of uncertainty regarding this stock but seeing it priced well into the mid-teens it is becoming more compelling as a lot of the negative news surrounding this company seems to be baked into the current stock price.
Facebook continues to rule the news, as the fallout from Zuck's testimony becomes more clear.
Be the first to break industry news and insight to your visitors; you'll naturally become more reputable.
What's more, they increasingly put social media companies in a position that traditional news companies have long resisted — becoming an arm of law enforcement in criminal investigations.
Once the political donation news broke in July 2010 and became a political flashpoint, the two brands took different paths: while Amazon went on to climb modestly from 53 to its current 56 score, Target's score fell for more than three months, from 53 down to 44 at the end of October.
Still, as print advertising erodes and competition increases from other sources of news like Facebook, the company's challenges have become ever more pressing.
Plus, ordering via Amazon Echo — a device that's becoming a hub for your smart home, supporting everything from shopping lists to home automation to news, weather, music and more — makes a lot of sense.
News from the financial world becomes more bizarre every day.
It's no wonder that refinances become more popular when news of an interest rate hike breaks, as homeowners attempt to lock in lower rates for their mortgages before they start climbing higher.
The outbreak of the eurozone crisis has led to a large increase in news coverage, but in a mostly biased way where the national viewpoint has become even more extreme.
Is it possible that the message of comfort for those devastated by the faltering world economy will be nothing more than trite and meaningless words if not accompanied by a biblical response where we, the church, become the Good News, the economic expression of God in flesh?
However, the good news for southern men is that 59 percent of southern women report themselves to have become more sexually active over the last three years as opposed to only a 28 percent rise among women on the west coast.
Speaking on Premier's News Hour, Middle East expert and church consultant Dr Harry Hagopian suggested military action was becoming more and more likely.
Following the news that Philip North has rejected a nomination to become the next Bishop of Sheffield after a backlash over his views on women... More
Religion News Service: Buddhist, Hindu make history in new Congress Congress will become a shade more religiously diverse this January, after Tuesday's (Nov. 6) election of the first Hindu representative and first Buddhist senator.
Americans have become slightly more willing to share news about refugees on social media (14 %) and to donate to aid groups (11 %) than last year, World Vision reported.
Generally, as news anchors and the news itself, more and more become the products of popular culture and consumers» desire to see the handsome and the beautiful, and the dramatic and alluring, television viewers will suffer more and more from inaccurate reporting, inane and nearly meaningless stories, outright stupidity, and a complete decline in journalistic integrity (of which this story on CNN is a part).
It is a topic that becomes news every year to many, yet in more a year I didn't see any article on CNN about where babies are from.
It is another thing to learn the value of something because someone else has it, and then to become the sort of person who makes it possible for more and more people to have that thing by spreading the news of its value, perhaps, or even reproducing it in ways that make it more accessible to others.
«Announcing it on the news, having the mullahs talk about it in their Friday sermons — it's just become a lot more out in the open.»
I began to read more about pacifism as the pamphlets filled my mailbox and news editorials became more and more passionate in favour of war.
The production of news and information became big business, as more and more small town newspapers and even large city independents became part of huge newspaper chains.
So news had to be interesting enough to persuade the local editor to purchase it on a regular basis, and entertainment value became more and more important.
But its popularity is more indicative that it has become just a part of TV «s entertainment package with a religious gloss than that it is the good news of the Christian faith.
Yes, the news is filled with examples of people who've engaged radical Islam from Western contexts — but many, many more have become Muslims and are not radicalized.
«More than ever, as our society becomes increasingly multicultural and religious extremism continues to dominate the news agenda, we need young people to be religiously literate.
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