Sentences with phrase «more nonconformist»

Diego Luna plays Capt. Cassian Andor, a somewhat less rebellious Rebel intelligence officer, brought in to temper Jyn's more nonconformist attitude.
Pull off the elegant trench coats for women style or try your hand at a more nonconformist design.

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Generally, the Tories were associated with lesser gentry and the Church of England (and in Scotland the Episcopal Church), while Whigs were more associated with trade, money, larger land holders (or «land magnates») and the Nonconformist Protestant churches.
The Independent Labour Party (ILP) formed at that time drew more on the nonconformist religious traditions in the British working class than on Marxist theory and had a libertarian socialist strain.
There's a known rule - breaker among materials, and a new discovery by an international team of scientists adds more evidence to back up the metal's nonconformist reputation.
This tolerance, which as Weeks points out has today too often been transformed into hostility and an invitation to treatment, is part of our lost legacy of innocence — a fact made more apparent by the forbearance shown to mental, physical and gender idiosyncracies in many aboriginal cultures, not least the native American, where sexual and mental nonconformists were allowed dignified co-existence with their kinspeople.
Harvard researchers found that a bit of uniqueness (e.g., a bearded professor in a T - shirt when compared to a clean - shaven one in a suit) can cause others to perceive you as having higher status — most likely because they reach the conclusion that you must have more status to be able to be a nonconformist.
You're in the mood of embracing a more sartorial and nonconformist look.
So, it's been ridiculously exciting to see more roles going to unconventional women and gender nonconformists in 2018.
Being an iconoclast — or at least a nonconformist — has paid dividends in my life, not least by allowing me to see the stock market in ways from... Read More
Some hail from long - ago eras — protagonists of medieval mythology like the knight, the harlequin, the jester — while others are from the more recent past — beatniks, hippies, and other nonconformists.
Now, more than a quarter of a century later — during which time he settled in the US, began collaborating with his wife Emilia, and acquired the status of one of the most important artists among former Soviet nonconformists — the tone and comportment of his work has changed.
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