Sentences with phrase «more nonfunctional»

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The Supreme fries are a bit more difficult to eat, as the toppings overload can turn the crisp fries nonfunctional and soggy.
DNA INVESTIGATION Geneticists examined DNA from more than 10,000 people in Pakistan looking for people in whom both copies of certain genes were nonfunctional.
High rates of marriage between closely related people there make it more likely that people will inherit two nonfunctional gene copies.
According to sensor readings, the flaps effectively removed sweat from the body and lowered skin temperature, more so than when participants wore a similar running suit with nonfunctional flaps.
However, when it came to Pathways, the primary driving force for us was a much more specific one — a concern for the welfare of our students who were being harmed by an often nonfunctional credit - transfer system — and we were determined to remove that harm no matter how difficult that might be.
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