Sentences with phrase «more nuclear plants»

By contrast, everything is in place to just build more nuclear plants.
Not the development of more nuclear plants or hydro facilities, as these too have damaging consequences to the environment.
We definitely should be constructing more nuclear plants to create our electricity.
Global demand for energy is growing by leaps and bounds, and politicians the world over are responding with an environmentally damaging roll - out of big dams, more coal mining, and a push for more nuclear plants.
Construction of a couple more nuclear plants at this same site would seem to demand prior resolution of the pesky uncertainties Sally Brown discusses here.
Via PR Newswire More on TVs: Flat TV = More Nuclear Plants Sharp Introducing World's First LCD TV with Blu - Ray OLED TVs — Are They Ever Going to Get Here?
According to a September 2017 report from the Idaho National Laboratory (INL), several more nuclear plants are likely to retire early, stymied by an «ongoing industry wide, systemic economic and financial challenge to operating nuclear plants particularly in the deregulated markets.»
In the 1970s and 1980s, anti-nuclear groups forced the cancellation of 150 percent more nuclear plants than were ever built, which led to the building, and continued operation, of coal and natural gas plants.
In 1986, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) licensed the first dry storage installation at the Surry Nuclear Power Plant in Virginia, and more nuclear plant owners followed suit, armed with a 20 - year license, along with expectations that Yucca Mountain would soon begin operations.
I did not write that solar panels are a bad idea (except for gadgets), nor that we should burn coal or build more nuclear plants instead.
The U.K. government today published an industrial strategy to help its businesses make the most of expected growth in nuclear energy as the United Kingdom and other countries begin to build more nuclear plants to reduce carbon emissions.
China is building more nuclear plants (zero - emissions) and ultrasupercritical coal plants, which are much more efficient than conventional plants and thus less polluting, than the rest of the world combined.
For example, 65 % of all AAAS members surveyed favor building more nuclear plants, the same share as among Working Ph.D..
This whole global warming circus have one positive effect: more nuclear plants would be built.
We conclude that if nothing changes, more nuclear plants are likely to close than open between now and 2030.
«The fact is — and I don't want my message to be misconstrued in this part — I don't think we're building any more nuclear plants in the United States.
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