Sentences with phrase «more objective proof»

We need more stats, more facts, more objective proof of the efficacy of standard processes, not only to convince disgruntled Writer Beware readers that they should regruntle themselves, but also to confirm that what are subjectively assumed to be best practices based on experience and professional culture really hold up to objective scrutiny.

Not exact matches

Hundred Proof's brunch fare upholds this objective through a mix of approachable menu items with fun and bold flavors, with dishes more savory than sweet.
But when some of those same know - nothings want something more than scientific consensus — namely, objective proof beyond a shadow of a doubt — the name calling and marginalization begin in earnest.
On paleo data, I think the real problem is two-fold: first of all, there is the flimsy and dicey nature of the proxy data being used and the tiny GH effect that's being read in, which you mention, but then there is the more basic problem that these studies have almost exclusively been «searches for proof» (that «CO2 is the climate control knob», as Richard Alley puts it), rather than objective «searches for the truth».
Proof reading the resume objective many times and getting it checked from friends will help reduce the errors in the objective section and catch the attention of more employers.
Proof reading the objective and the complete resume will help to reduce the common mistakes in the resume and make your resume more effective.
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