Sentences with phrase «more of a habit»

«One or more of these habits can distract the audience from your message and jeopardize your credibility,» Price explains.
In the spirit of making healthy eating more of a habit & everyday occurrence rather than short strong bursts of «being good» followed by falling off the wagon, I am always on the hunt for delicious snacks and meals that are easy and fun to incorporate into daily life.
cazorla's tendency to drift to the middle is becoming more of a habit mor than necessity.
Then we spend time shaping even more of their habits so we hope that they will do well in the adult world.
At 9mos check up I asked pediatrician when does this sleeping through the night thing suppose to magically happen, his response was if it was going to happen on it's own it would have happened before 6mos, so now it was more of a habit than a need.
If he does not and it is more of a habit then it is important to address that also since I don't want you to be inconsistent in your responses (sometimes I feed you when you wake up and sometimes I don't).
Drinking green smoothies is more of a habit you create than a craving you satisfy, at least at first.
It also reminds me that I should share more outfit posts, like making it more of a habit.
If saying «I love you» is becoming more of a habit, it might help to break out of your daily routine — spontaneity can be a great way to show your partner you love them.
And, if saying «I love you» is becoming more of a habit, it might help to break out of your daily routine — spontaneity can be a great way to show your partner you love them.»
While self - care is more of a habit or practice for your own well - being than an actual classroom management strategy, the benefits include improved executive function, greater empathy, and increased resilience — all qualities that will empower you to make better decisions when confronted with challenging classroom situations.
He still gnaws on grass occasionally but I feel it's more of a habit at this point since he was doing that beforehand.
Once you get into the routine of cleaning your guinea pig's cage, it becomes more of a habit and less of a chore.
I'm glad to know that if you make more of a habit of brushing your pet's teeth, it will become easier and they will get used to it.
OK, maybe more of a habit.
We've learned that (a) we need to make it more proactive for people to build more of a habit, and (b) we've learned that we needed to build a variety of vertical bots to fulfill different types of intent.
That occasional drink has become more of a habit.

Not exact matches

Europe's leaders, who make a habit of all - nighters, surely will suffer through a few more before a decision is reached.
Management and supervisors can also force themselves to become more aware of their employees» habits and be on the lookout for things like stress or specific types of lifestyles that may force an employee to take more time off.
If you're seeing some sort of discoloration, whether in large or small amounts, you might want to switch up or be more conscientious about some of your usual habits.
While more than half of employees forfeited paid time off at year's end, some bright spots in the survey results hint that Americans may be in the process of reversing their bad vacation habits.
If you desire to become more persuasive, get in the habit of addressing the concerns of others.
As soon as personal and professional browsing habits co-mingle on a device that is used at both work and home, «you're more than doubling the risk [of a security breach], because traditionally what people are browsing on their personal time is usually more susceptible to infection than work destinations,» says Stroz Friedberg co-founder and executive chairman Eric Friedberg.
The giant enterprise keeps tabs on the buying habits of 26 million American households through more than 100 private label credit cards that it administers.
Richard Branson says the key to success isn't a university degree Why billionaire Richard Branson believes everyone could benefit from a shorter workweek Richard Branson's daughter says this habit of her dad's will make anyone more successful
«Wastewater analysis,» Kelly explains, «can reveal the collective drug habits of communities, providing a more accurate picture than self - reported surveys.
Here's how different types of tunes affect your productivity, creativity, spending habits and more.
Today's consumers have become much more intelligent with their buying habits, less loyal to the companies they frequent, therefore it's important to be honest about your intentions and cater to the needs of your audience or you're more likely to lose their interest.
Inexperienced managers, for example, are going to make mistakes as a matter of course; those of us with more experience may become so set in our habits that we don't even recognize there are other ways of doing things.
Learning more about these simple things may even help them develop healthy habits outside of work.
«I discovered that spending some extra moments in bed, centering myself toward the day, wasn't so much a habit as an essential way of being, and it made me much more productive as a thinker and writer,» she relates.
But it also looked at who's putting that knowledge into action, factoring in the percentage of state residents who held to good financial habits (like building an emergency fund), as well as bad ones (spending more than they earn or using payday loans).
By promoting habits like taking frequent computer breaks and putting sleep on the agenda, business owners, managers and employees alike can create a healthier work environment more supportive of better sleep and long - term productivity.
As you kick off the new year, let go of old habits and focus on becoming more efficient.
As part of our pre-course paperwork, we'd completed a 360 - degree evaluation, wherein we'd rated ourselves in response to questions about habits and performance, about our time management, our self - awareness and trustworthiness, our ability to accept criticism, our ability to listen, and dozens more items.
Learn why more companies are recognizing the power of habit in product design in this short video.
He eats healthier, exercises more regularly, gets better sleep; he leaves work at the office and focuses wholly on his family when he's home, and he's curbed his habit of being short with his employees.
What time - wasting habits can you let go of to find more time for what matters?
The social media giant also commissioned Ipsos to look at holiday shopping habits and attitudes among more than 21,000 people over the age of 18 in 17 countries.
Employees who are more aware of their habits are more likely to improve their sleep quality.
Sometimes these habits form naturally, but they are more often than not the result of conscious effort.
If you've struggled with focusing, and you make habits of any of the above, you'll be shocked at how much more focus you'll have when you cut them out.
He recognized that while you may have the best of intentions to achieve a certain goal, your habits are far more powerful than your intentions.
Charles Duhigg, in his book The Power of Habit, explains how I can hack the micro-moments to get to the gym more:
Eating a mid-afternoon meal replacement bar doesn't just bridge the lunch and dinner gap, it's an easy way to get in the habit of eating smaller meals more frequently.
A new study about the path to purchase habits of younger shoppers offers merchants an opportunity to be more competitive this holiday season.
An Edison Research study on the audio habits of Americans found that podcast listeners are actually «super listeners,» consuming more than one hour and 45 minutes of audio per day than the average American, and they spend more than 25 percent of their total audio time listening to podcasts.
Using Project Oxygen, an internal study that analyzed more than 10,000 manager impressions including performance reviews, surveys, and nominations for top - manager awards and recognition, Google identified eight habits of highly effective managers.
A Duke University researcher in 2006 found that more than 40 to 45 percent of our daily decisions are actually not decisions at all — they're habits.
According to Nataly Kogan, author of Happier Now: How to Stop Chasing Perfection and Embrace Everyday Moments, «There are more than 11,000 different studies that have shown that if there is one habit that we can all adopt to improve our physical and emotional well - being, it's the practice of gratitude.»
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