Sentences with phrase «more on faith»

After my first relationship through the site, I decided to work on myself and focus more on my faith.

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Companies on a major stock exchange are often subject to tougher transparency rules, giving more insight into the workings of a company they are putting their faith in.
I also look at it as a gesture of good faith where you have to regulate Uber and bring down the level of regulations on taxis so you have them much more equitable.
An ugly mantra ran through his head on repeat: «I had raised a bunch of money from people and they aren't going to have any faith in my any more.
Cruz and his wife, Heidi, mingled with the crowd, delivered joint remarks for more than an hour, prayed with the audience for some 90 minutes more and took questions on everything from foreign policy to faith to economic issues.
And above all, look for ways to communicate more with your local bank so that it will maintain its faith in you and your business no matter what's going on in the economy at large.
• What the Liberals need now is nerve, a more detailed defence of their policy and faith that average Canadians will stand with them, despite the noise coming from a well - heeled minority, and their well - paid lobbyists, who are loudly protesting this unexpected attack on their long - standing privileges.
«I could not be more proud to stand with President Trump as he continues to stand shoulder to shoulder with communities of faith,» she told Religious News Service, which first reported on the initiative.
As the secular bear market drags on, investors become more and more discouraged with their buy and hold positions and they begin to lose faith in the system, their strategy and stocks in general.
Hence science can not be proof for faith, because faith relies on infallibility and constancy, and science relies on the belief that there's always something more to be learned because we * don't * understand it all yet by a long shot.
I had in my heart and tongue the Name of Allah when ever I had fears, troubles or depression of any kind but from Jan 05 1995 when had lost my father and second brother in a car accident, it was the time I really felt am alone at age of 33 to face all the challenges my father has left upon me to run and manage among other partners therefore had been investigating the Quran as to understanding every word of it rather than to memorize it, have been did a lot of reciting verses of prayers begging God to look upon me and give me strength... am sure through such difficult times if I had no faith in God I would have perished and lost every thing long ago... Another thing my heart always gave me signs and my mind gave me logic of what to believe although have read many books abroad in my youth of many beliefs out of curiosity but could not belief in other than that God is one and Muhammed is his last prophet in all belief of the Quran he brought upon me / us in all that it says... Should mention at times had experienced dreams seeing signs and warnings long in advance of things going to happen A year or more before losing my father in a car accident I had seen him in my dream good bye wearing white cloth and going to board a tourist ship all crew dressed in white uniform rolling a red carpet on front of him and when was on the top of the stairs weaver smiling good bye... seen in another dream how or wealth will be stolen and what I will hold... so many things like that..
I am just saying, we need to stop fighting, we have far more in common than different — even with muslims at an «interfaith» service, and we need to be careful that we don't spend all our time focusing on defending our faith from the the outside, and end up failing to focus on the needs of the families at that service.
In the end, it all boils down to whether you as an individual rely more on verifiable facts or faith to guide your life.
Perhaps the Mormon faith is mired in its dependence on the words of latter - day prophets and even more resistant to change.
I have read a lot on this issue (and am going to be doing some more) and have interacted with many gay people (many friends that are gay)... these interactions all helped me to learn a lot I was not told in that version of the faith.
It is about time leaders of Faith, speak out and call on their people to follow the teachings of Christ, not just mouth the words, but live them... I know more non Catholics that are thinking of converting than I have heard ever....
We are not a Christian nation, we were not founded on Christian faith but had it imposed well after the establishment of this more perfect union — when fe ar of being different (i.e. communist) was great enough to allow religion to be a significant part of who we are as a nation.
If we go by your premise that «Some of us do the right thing because it is the right thing» and those of Faith because we are threatened, then why have we not acted more on the prescribed punishments that are threatened and demanded by God?
Because God's purpose for the path often has more to do with the process — growing our faith, making us more dependent on him, and more loving / forgiving towards ourselves and each other — than the actual destination.
I am sorry there are people that have no faith in God, but I am more saddened by the efforts of ALL in this discussion to cast words of hate on others in some personal attempt at achieving self - worth at the expense of someone else's belief (or non-belief).
In place of traditional American liberty based on the principles of limited government, Obamacarians are erecting a bureaucratic state, complete with centralized control, cronyism, ideological impositions, benefits to favored constituencies, ever increasing dependencies, spiced with an anti religion agenda that would force religious non profits and charities to choose between their service missions and following the precepts of their faith (through the Free Birth Control / Sterilization / Abortifacient Rule for now, more later).
Second: The Creation tale is simply a way for early humans to explain mans creation and «fall» from God's predetermined path... The old testament is full of stuff more related to philosophy and health advice then «Gods word» However, this revelation has not made me less of a christian... In Contrast to those stuck in «the old ways» regarding faith (not believing in neanderthals and championing the claim that earth is only 6000 years old), I believe God created the universe on the very principle of physics and evolution (and other sciencey stuff)... Thus the first clash of atoms was the first step in the billionyear long recipe in creating the universe, the galaxies, the stars, the planets, life itself and us.
Nor was their faith without learning or indifferent to their pluralistic culture; on the contrary, their scholarship and concern for effective proclamation seemed far more profound than the blurred lines of Canberrra.
They focus less on «end times» and focus more on helping the world as it stands, although many faiths do the same.
There he was far more warmly received as a Wheaton College representative than he would be at any secular American philosophy conference, and he was given a chance, on television, to testify to his faith in Christ.
«The chanciness is part of the lasting magic of gay life,» writes Browning, «a sort of radical plot twist that characterizes queer life and sets aside so many conventions of social judgment, class, race, and attitude, supplanting them with a direct and naive faith that bonds of great value can be forged on nothing more than instinct....
Philippians 3:8,9 «More than that, I count all things to be loss in view of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them but rubbish so that I may gain Christ, and may be found in Him, not having a righteousness of my own derived from the Law, but that which is through faith in Christ, the righteousness which comes from God on the basis of faith
Guiding Principles Religious and theological studies depend on and reinforce each other; A principled approach to religious values and faith demands the intellectual rigor and openness of quality academic work; A well - educated student of religion must have a deep and broad understanding of more than a single religious tradition; Studying religion requires that one understand one's own historical context as well as that of those whom one studies; An exemplary scholarly and teaching community requires respect for and critical engagement with difference and diversity of all kinds.
You wrote: «And yes, I could say my life based on â $ œatheistic standardsâ $ was more than satisfactory, because I based my beliefs on reason, logic and evidence, not faith, gut feelings, wishful thinking and guessing.
Our son's family are members of a community church (Southern Baptist, more or less), where, last Sunday, the pastor preached on putting faith into practice, and pointed out that there are about 250 orphans living in our area.
My comments are more for those who think they know more on morality and faith than the Church Jesus started 2012 years ago.
Paul Barber's speaking after the government announced in September it would be relaxing a cap on faith schools, which forced them to selectively choose no more than half of their pupils
I suffered a terrible car accident... during 3 weeks I almost died «many times»... Now I can read a beautiful article like this one and agree with it... Believe me... no matter your faith, your fortune or whatever you may be involved with... on the face of death if you are human you will only care about your loved ones... you will remember about the moments you were happy together and dream they happen again... you will remember your childhood like you were 7 again... you will ask forgiveness and try to show your love, no matter how hard you are... In the face of death we realize that nothing more then our family matters... For the professor, once his life of arrogance reaches an end, he will then understand what is the meaning of family...
More power to her if she found faith in religion, but she lost me on «facts.»
Faith that the sun will rise is more of a resonable expectation than a belief despite evidence — there is a precedent set based on long observation by not only the person making the belief statement, but also by everybody else in the world (except maybe the Inuit).
This is why good stories can give us the faith to carry on; they are more real than the private universes we have constructed.
But the problem is what this faith is based on... The story of Joseph Smith makes David Koresh look like a patriot... And Bringum Young is even more disturbing these guys too up arms against the country.
Faith, Reason, and the War Against Jihadism brings together in a little more than two hundred pages a treasure of information and perspectives on what may well be the defining conflict of the twenty - first century.
To me, a theologian, what is interesting is that, though people think of the more anarchical forms of Protestantism as being founded on experience, here at the heart of Catholicism, impelling people to believe that their faith is anchored in Truth, is an experience — the experience of active and personal grace.
Or, on the other hand, as CNN knows that faith is a big sore spot for controversy, they continue to publish this dribble for the sake of stirring up the comments and the bottom of the story (adds more hits to their page, increases the amount of advertising dollars they receive as a result of more hits).
The Protestant evangelical primacy of justification by faith, coupled with an overemphasis on discontinuity between the covenants, has more often than not resulted in the confusion of soteriological and ethical categories, in the end breeding among evangelicals a moral mindset devoid of both foundations and fiber.
While these contentious issues have already generated a heightened interest in Pope Francis» words and the American bishops» public statements, they also call on young Catholics to reflect more deeply about the seriousness of their faith and Catholic identity.
Churches and Christians divided by race and culture have the opportunity to work together on the front lines of the fight against spiritual darkness and nurture the hope and faith that might prevent more deaths like the one Freddie Gray suffered.
I love how republicans cite their faith as their guiding principle and say that America needs more faith and religion... but only as long as that religion doesn't impede on their tax cuts to the rich.
The worst harm done by gratuitous, judgmental proclamations that «AIDS is God's damning curse upon homosexuals» is precisely in the tremendous temptation on the part of the AIDS sufferer to believe it, thus raising one more obstacle to faith in God's all - sufficient grace.
She has survived for more than a century with a profound faith in humanity intact and a smile on her face.
Moreover, in keeping with the Church's teachings on subsidiarity, free will and real love, it seems most if not all the issues raised in the letter questioning Speaker Boehner's faith would be more efficient, effective, just and respectful of human dignity if they were left to the individual, family, community or state level.
The incredibly far - fetched postings here by the self - proclaimed religious folks are likely causing far more Americans to question their «faith» and beliefs» than anything we atheists could do on our own.
The one thing they all have in common is willingness to believe without question based on nothing more than faith — the world's worst decision - making method.
Regardless, in light of this more proper definition of «faith,» particularly the not based on proof portion, you still don't «know God exists» where the relevant definition of «know» would be:
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