Sentences with phrase «more oppressive»

This was yet another reason why the wealthier city dwellers appreciated the opportunity to vacation away from the city during the more oppressive seasons when disease was more rampant in the city.
Muggy heat is more oppressive than the «dry» kind, because humans and other mammals cool down by sweating; sweat evaporates off the skin into the air, taking the excess heat with it.
In their attempt to make the museum less «institutional,» they managed to make the Breuer building even more oppressive.
But a number of current exhibitions offer a more oppressive — even macabre — vision of domesticity, in which the home appears as a site of burden and confinement.
Some of the color schemes used in the later levels (especially the dark red and pitch black) are a far cry from the pastels of the original, leading to an atmosphere that feels more oppressive than fantastical.
The reason Prime 2 makes this list is because it's probably one of the more oppressive Nintendo games you could ever hope to play.
As her body grew weaker, the pain grew more oppressive.
I am fortunate enough to have a wife who doesn't mind me turning my light on after she's gone to sleep, but I can see how the sidelight could be huge for those in more oppressive domestic situations.
Hollinghurst's project in this book is much larger than that of his scholarly characters who seek to unearth proof of homosexual relationships that took place during more oppressive times.
With a new school year already under way, Arizona's escape clause from of some of the more oppressive NCLB requirements is in question.
The effect was to set people free for a new and more oppressive bondage, unrestrained by the custom and ceremony from which, as the Irish poet William Butler Yeats reminded us, innocence and beauty come to enrich our lives.
In the present vicious circle, oppressive discriminatory policies produce violence, which justifies the creation of policies still more oppressive.
I can't help to think students are more difficult than they used to be a few years ago, and pressures from accountability are becoming more oppressive.
The film is grayer and darker and more oppressive than the original, drawing you in as it unravels its mysteries of identity and humanity
Set in 1951, the coming - of - age story sees Marcus (Logan Lerman) move away to college to avoid being drafted to Korea — only to find that his school is even more oppressive and straight - laced than his family home.
And, as many people know, muggy heat is more oppressive than the «dry» kind.
Defense has never been more oppressive.
The pain resulting from unlived life and wasted potential becomes more and more oppressive during the mid-years.
For example, according to the book of Exodus, God might choose to «harden Pharaoh's heart» so as to make conditions more oppressive.
We all know of instances in which racial minorities, women, and colonized countries — as soon as they have gotten into a position of independence and power — have become more oppressive than those who had oppressed them.
There is NOTHING more oppressive in the US then Christianity.
However close study of the time shows that Roman rule was no more oppressive and usually less so than the people they conquered.
I find your comment, «There is NOTHING more oppressive in the US then Christianity.
Hey man, if that is oppression, people against religion are far more oppressive than those for it.
Just how much, if any, of this course - correcting for consumers (read: lower prices) comes out of employees» hides (read: lower compensation, less training, a more oppressive pace) remains to be seen.

Not exact matches

In today's fast - changing business world it is more important than ever that employees work in environments that are mentally and physically stimulating, or at least not oppressive.
«When you have freedom of speech and freedom of expression and don't get thrown in jail by criticizing a bad idea, it's more likely bad ideas will get exposed, and it's not a coincidence oppressive regimes are also oppressive in clamping down on free speech.»
I mean, think about areas outside of the United States that have high inflation rates, if you are a consumer there, in an oppressive regime, you want a way to have more control over your assets and not be at the whim of governments, so that's kind of how it all started.
The website suggests that «ethical oil» is a «fair trade» alternative to «conflict oil» exploited in some of our world's more politically oppressive and environmentally reckless countries.
What is more unfortunate is that contemporary bishops, who have been exposed to and educated in the modern world and its global challenges — at least by comparison with their predecessors, who were restricted by the «iron curtain» or oppressive xenophobia — appear less interested in transcending any prejudice and parochialism.
It really does nt matter what my beliefs system was, let's just say it was based on chaos theory and science as applied to occult arts, I have since moved on to more pragmatic beliefs but I clearly recall how oppressive they were and surprised at how much propaganda they spread that was based on their ignorance.
As every cause must have its antithesis, the movement has been greatly energized by radical feminist hostility to the family as an oppressive institution, and, more recently, by homosexual agitations to relativize the meaning of marriage and family by the formal recognition of same - sex unions.
Would you say that womanist perspectives on the Old Testament are more about finding the redemptive notes in what I often take to be an oppressive narrative for women, or is it more about reimagining the central messages and letting it speak fresh to a modern reader?
Just more intrusion into private lives by an over oppressive government.
If we conceive of the Word or Spirit as moving more and more fully into the body of the profane in response to the self - negation of God in Christ, then we can understand how the Christian God gradually becomes more alien and beyond, receding into a lifeless and oppressive form, until it finally appears as an empty and vacuous nothingness.
Also applicable to much more than the plight of Catholic sisters is this devastating critique: «Tradition has been abandoned, and the past is perceived as oppressive.
Today around the world, the Church is alive and flourishing in places like North Korea, Sudan, Pakistan, Eritrea, Nigeria, Vietnam, Kenya, India, Ethiopia, China and more — despite restrictive and even oppressive violent government policies and practices against Christians.
To be sure, this oppressive regime does not obtain in all seminaries, but the evidence suggests that it is widespread, and was even more common ten and twenty years ago, thus lending support to the claim that the crisis in priestly vocations is, in large part, «artificial and contrived.»
More fundamentally, how is it acceptable to tell religious minorities that things are comparatively good for them because they can «choose» to accept oppressive and demeaning treatment and manage to survive?
Counterforce networks — often made up of faithful individuals in opposition to institutions, systems and oppressive governments — may have much more influence on the future than we can foresee at present.
But in our age those themes have been given a much more acute vitality by spokespersons for the minorities and majorities whose human dignity has been denied by oppressive social structures.
I take seriously my co-responsibility — moral, political, and intellectual — for causing and tolerating the oppressive consequences of systems and ideologies from which I benefit much more, and much more often, than I suffer.
Liberationists initially took it as just one more instance of comfortable members of the white male establishment indulging their intellectual interests in a profoundly oppressive world.
Survival of the fittest, the law of instincts and habits, social process, dialectical materialism, cultural cycles — all work together to form a more tenacious and oppressive belief in fate than has ever before existed, a fate which leaves man no possibility of liberation but only rebellious or submissive slavery.
But maybe the oppressive unreality of evaporating modernity can prompt the mind to seek for something more enduring.
Maybe Christian Privilege is more real than I'm giving it credit for, but I'm willing to bet that nearly every oppressive institution in America that enjoys these so - called inherent Christian advantages is a white one, too.
And liberation involves not mere personal repentance but, far more important, social revolution, freeing the downtrodden from the oppressive structures of society.
The French Revolution of 1789, perhaps more than any other event in recent history, has implanted in western consciousness the myth of the heroic popular revolt against oppressive authority.
If my grandparents had been beaten or lynched for the colour of their skin, if my parents had suffered under oppressive segregation, if I had a friend or relative who had been shot down in cold blood by a police department because that is just way more likely if you're Black in America, I'd have been angry, too.
He pronounces woe upon those who join house to house, who add field to field, until there is no more room (5:8); and upon those who make iniquitous decrees, who write oppressive statutes, to turn aside the needy from justice and to rob the poor of Yahweh's people of their right, who make widows their spoil and orphans their prey (10:1 - 2).
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