Sentences with phrase «more oxytocin»

The partners who were more invested in a relationship released more oxytocin when they thought about their relationship than the less invested partner did.
Knowing all those benefits, you definitely want more oxytocin in your life.
In research studies, mothers with more oxytocin reported having more pleasurable feelings with their babies than mothers with lower levels of oxytocin.
This in turn causes the release of more oxytocin.
One reason is that feeling grateful floods us with oxytocin, which creates more oxytocin receptors, which makes us happier.
I hug my friends every time I leave them because I want more oxytocin.
More breastfeeding means more oxytocin, which lowers stress levels and can make a woman more calm and relaxed in the long run.
It can also get you into the awesome habit of bringing more oxytocin into your life.
If the immersion is right, mother's body will respond by releasing more oxytocin, which helps to speed up the labor process.
It's fascinating to learn that the vagus nerve produces more oxytocin when we witness virtuous behavior in others that makes us want to be better people ourselves.
So basically (and I mean on a veeerrrrry basic level), More Love = More Oxytocin = Stronger Contractions = Shorter, Easier Birth.
More oxytocin from the mother signals the baby to release endorphins, the hormone which helps the baby feel pleasure instead of pain while exiting the birth canal.
Oxytocin is another hormone released during sex (and also during childbirth and nursing) that strengthens social bonds, and female voles with more oxytocin receptors are also more likely to mate for life.
«And labor itself is associated with a huge hormonal change in the body, way more prolactin, way more oxytocin, way more beta - endorphins — these are the molecules of ecstasy.»
I had no idea why that would be when I read that stat, but it stands to reason that since breastfeeding produces oxytocin, which is the same hormone released during orgasm, moms with more oxytocin racing through their systems would be more interested in sex.
Specific techniques in acupressure can hit points that allow your body to produce more oxytocin as well, thus increase contractions.
Besides being fantastically knowledgable about all things oxytocin she is exquisitely articulate on how to help new families understand this information and why they might be interested in adding more oxytocin to their lives.
While you're breastfeeding, your body is making more oxytocin, also known as the «love hormone.»
«Perhaps, when women are starting to experience early signs of depression, their bodies release more oxytocin to combat it.»
To create more oxytocin in your life: hug, laugh, play, look into someone's eyes and smile, orgasm, give gratitude and thanks, get and play with a pet, stay in the present, control the stress we can and manage our thoughts around the stress we can't control.
So far, this has only been tested on men (although women naturally produce more oxytocin) and Van Cappellen confirms that «oxytocin's effects on women's spirituality still needs to be investigated.»
Knock - on chemical and behavioural effects occur when humans bond: eye contact leads to release of the «love hormone» oxytocin, which elicits caring behaviour, and this in turn causes the release of more oxytocin.
We found that the more money people received (denoting greater trust on the part of senders), the more oxytocin their brains produced.
«That then tells the pituitary to produce more oxytocin, intensifying labour, helping your cervix to dilate and giving that urge to push.»
The more fathers engage in caregiving tasks, the more oxytocin they produce, and the stronger the activation in the mentalizing areas of the brain.
Besides offering him comfort and security — and giving you a chance to see him close up — his suckling will prompt your body to release more oxytocin, the hormone that stimulates contractions, which will help the placenta separate and be delivered.
It encourages the body to release more oxytocin.
The more oxytocin in the body, the more love one feels.
The more oxytocin your baby is exposed to, the better their brain develops.
Since the release of oxytocin can be classically conditioned, after repeatedly having sex with the same partner, just seeing that partner could release more oxytocin, making you want to be with that person all the more, and you bond, she said.
This will prompt your body to release more oxytocin, a hormone that will cause your uterus to contract further so it should expel the placenta on its own in about 20 minutes.
As your baby continues to breastfeed, more oxytocin is released, and your breast milk continues to flow out of your breasts and to your baby.
With the lactating women, we know they have more oxytocin, and we know they manage stress better.»
«It's seems contradictory that you would release more oxytocin both when things are going well and when they're not, but that's how it is,» says Aarseth Kristoffersen.
Other groups have shown that when a mother stares into her baby's eyes, the baby's oxytocin levels rise, which causes the infant to stare back into its mother's eyes, which causes the mother to release more oxytocin, and so on.
Having more oxytocin in our brains when thinking about ourselves may make us more sure, but conjuring up these thoughts requires emotional processing — something that oxytocin may facilitate.
We know that, like we said, cortisol's that stressful hormone, so having more oxytocin is great for that.
Those women with a good social network will release more oxytocin than those who don't.
But women can roughhouse as well as men can, and men who actively parent have more oxytocin and other «nurturing» hormones circulating in their bloodstreams than other guys do.
It's also a hormone we secrete when we have an orgasm; the stronger the orgasm, the more oxytocin we secrete.
The more oxytocin you have in your system, the softer, more nurturing and connected you will feel toward yourself and your partner.
When hormone production was measured again, the girls who had heard their mother's voice produced more oxytocin, which is associated with positive feelings, and the amount of the stress hormone dropped.
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