Sentences with phrase «more paid downloads»

Examining the top 5 paid apps that ranked in the top 10 apps in both the Amazon App Store and Android Market, Flurry found that the Fire drove 2.5 times more paid downloads than the Galaxy Tab.
The second point Saunders disagreed with was the idea that BlackBerry app development isn't profitable, citing data that suggest the App World generates 43 percent more daily downloads per app than Apple's App Store and has more paid downloads than Google's Android Market.

Not exact matches

The Pitch: «Kids are spending more time online, and they need to pay for their iTunes downloads and Webkinz subscriptions.
Google (googl) said it could slow the speed of a customers» downloads if they used more than 15 GB per line per month, unless they paid another $ 10 per GB over the $ 80 charge.
When judging the effectiveness of our Facebook ads, we look at two metrics: click - through rate and, more important, cost per download, or the price we pay for each person who actually installs the app.
Each of the companies are expanding upon «luxury» services previously reserved for a small segment of the population Today, technology brings each of these services to the fingertips of anyone willing to download an app and pay for the service, which are also made more affordable, as greater use and improved technology can bring prices down.
There is even more good news because you don't need to pay $ 99 for a developer account to download it.
Let me show you a really simple technique that you can use with the previous technique i showed you about using individual keywords instead of pasting a bunch of keywords and its really a one - click technique to get even more great keywords from the Google Adwords Keyword tool so I've already gone ahead and done a search for «fishing tips» just a single keyword if you didn't see that previous video you want to watch that because that's a really good little tip there i'll put a link in this video so you can click through and see that video number two in this series but once you've done your search will simply go down here to keyword options click this little pencil icon here and you'll see this option to only show ideas closely related to my search terms now everybody knows about this this year but a lot of people don't take the time to actually use it so if you simply just click the toggle their turn it on and then hit save what it's going to do is going to only bring back keyword terms that are closely related to «fishing tips» and here's one more hot tip for you it is specific to singular and plural so for instance if my original see keyword was «fishing tips» and I've selected to only show closely related ideas my results are going to have the word tips plural in them so if I will just take a second and remove that s after i've downloaded the file for «fishing tips» let's do that again «fishing tips» i've downloaded the file all my terms have the word tips in them now come right back up here i remove the s so singular and i search again now i'm going to get back results that have the word tip instead of tips and then because i have only show closely related ideas now just to show you a sample what will happen when you do that you remember this is the file i showed you in the previous video and you'll remember from that video that our competitors because they're just pasting in a bunch of keywords and hitting search they're getting back 706 results for this sample test here so they would get 706 keywords and that's what they would take off with them and start to decide which what pages they want to make for seo or how they want to set the pay - per - click campaign ok we're using these other methods taking a few extra seconds to really understand how the Google Adwords Keyword tool works and with this new method of both using singular and plural but selecting only show closely related ideas we now have for the exact same keywords we have 2867 keywords we got back so we're walking away with 2867 keywords our competitor for the very saying input terms is only getting 706 we're getting four times as many keywords for the Google Adwords Keyword Tool you can take this information and you can use it to really grow your business because there's some really excellent keywords that your competitors are overlooking simply because they don't understand how to use the Google Adwords Keyword tool so this has been helpful for you once you've used the google keyword planner to find lots of new keyword ideas what do you do with all those keywords the biggest problem is that you can there's so many keyword tools out there you can get hundreds of thousands of keywords by spending a day using the different keyword tools but what you do with all that information the answer is a cool tool called keyword grouper pro and keyword grouper pro is completely free there's not even an opt - in you simply download the tool now at the top of this video there's a link if you click that i'll show you exactly how to use keyword grouper pro it doesn't matter where you got your keywords from i'm going to show you how to take those keywords group them into tight groups and then you can set up your campaigns know exactly which groups represent buyers and once you know where the buyers are at you can simply focus your marketing in that area to make more profit in your business
You can get one that is $ 19.99 where you have access to Lightroom and Photoshop instead of paying the flat $ 2,000 something rate to download it onto your desktop.I posted about it in this post where you can read a little bit more: Hope this helps!!
Shall we move onto the price of cinema tickets, downloading a sky film and paying extra for HD, the iPhone (more than half a season ticket at AFC)...
With over 11 million downloads and 400,000 paid subscribers, Headspace covers it all with guided meditations on relationships, sleep, motivation, overall health, and more.
Bikerkiss is free to download, if you want a higher service or more functions, you need pay some.
Therefore, free interracial dating apps often receive more downloads than paid ones.
Download it today to make meaningful connections with real people, Earlier in the week we asked you which online dating sites you thought were the best, whether you found your match on one or you've tried them all, Best free online dating sites is completely free, meaning you don't have to pay to see more matches or to unlock Indian Online Dating at Its Best!
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Although men are more likely to download a dating app, women are more likely to pay for a subscription, according to a new mobile report.
Once the app is downloaded, there's no more to pay, as every last shred of content is yours to enjoy.
Beyond these 6 tips for promoting learning outside of the LMS, you can learn more about raising training engagement by downloading this free report: Bringing Learning to Learners: How It Pays to Deliver Training on Their Terms.
For more on how much it will cost you to buy a new Learning Management System, download the free eBook How Much Will You Really Pay For Your New LMS?.
For more on what you need to know when shopping for a Learning Management System, download the free eBook How Much Will You Really Pay For Your New LMS?.
If you want to know more about buying a new Learning Management System, download the free eBook How Much Will You Really Pay For Your New LMS?.
Notably, customers who own hybrid tablets have downloaded more paid apps within the previous 30 - day period than those who own non-hybrid tablet devices (2.9 vs. 1.3, respectively).
Are KU subscribers really reading more, or are they just downloading more short titles that they would never dream of paying 0.99 for as a regular sale?
It might be manipulating the rankings through free downloads, paying armies of reviewers or hiring out to a company that can produce hundreds of reviews, and even the outright theft of content and publishing... [Read more...]
Sadly, you can can not download paid or free content... [Read more...]
Sure, it was downloaded a couple thousand times, but that didn't translate into hardly any paid sales, and I wonder how many more buyers I could have reached with a little more planning ahead of time.
This year's US sales statistics show that more people are streaming music and fewer people are paying for downloads or CDs.
Orange users on monthly, pay as you go, business, mobile broadband or even home broadband contracts can download a free film each and every Thursday from iTunes at no cost whatsoever — with titles such as The Wrestler, The Ghost and Che: Part One being immediately available, with more being unveiled soon.
Better rankings (so you appear on more «you might also like» «customers also bought» lists), better visibility (often the free downloads will help sales of other books as well as get you reviews) and higher sales (the majority of people do see a huge jump in sales once the book goes back to paid).
All together for three days I got over one thousand one hundred downloads, which is excellent, and helped me gain more paid sales once the free promotion was over.
One of the most popular ways they do it is to pay Chinese ranking manipulation farm who download, install, and uninstall specific apps over and over again to boost their App Store... [Read more...]
You can download Ignore No More for $ 2.50 CAD, which is a small price to pay to remind your children just who makes the rules.
It offers people the ability to download paid apps for free and developers get paid the more people use the app.
I'm not bad at giving away books — my free romance novelette Trapped by Love has been downloaded more than 28,000 times — but books that people have to actually pay money for aren't as popular.
I also expect to see more reader reviews, and because of all the paid downloads, Swimming with Maya will now be featured on the pages of other e-books under the «Customers Who Bought This Item Also Bought» heading — which amounts to free advertising.
So, the more books downloaded and then read to the magic percentage point, the lower the monies paid out per download.
Free books get somewhere between 600 to 900 times more downloads than paid books.
So they can download the book today and not open it for months — or more — and you won't be paid until that set amount is read.
Today the company expanded its list of supported countries, giving international customers the ability to download free and paid... [Read more...]
According to the latest intelligence Apple users traditionally download six times more paid apps then Android ones.
«Kindle 3G is more convenient - customers never have to hunt for or pay for a Wi - Fi hotspot - they simply download and read books anytime, anywhere.
«It not only allows patrons to discover and instantly enjoy our titles, it also allows all eRC libraries to make more eBooks available to their patrons for download without paying for the books upfront.»
With its outrageous download fees for ebooks (megabyte for megabyte, over five times more expensive than Verizon cell phone data charges) and the low royalty it pays on books outside a narrow price range ($ 2.99 - 9.99), Amazon is probably earning double the profits on ebooks as competitors such as Apple or various national ebook retailers.
Amazon has announced that it will begin paying its authors based on the number of pages read, rather than books sold.From 1 July Kindle Unlimited and Kindle Owners» Lending Library authors will no longer be paid for each title downloaded, but rather on... Read more
Over 78 % of the apps removed from the Android Market were free, which could mean that publishers put more effort into the applications they place with the pay - per - download business model, thus ensuring that it is kept longer in store.
But deep - pocketed Amazon is offering to pay authors for each download that the consumer reads more than 10 % of — the same as if it were a sale or a Kindle Lending Library download.
There are literally hundreds of thousands of free books to download and these books can more than pay for the Kindle.
With the introduction of Kindle Unlimited (read more about Kindle Unlimited by clicking here), many authors are wondering how much Amazon will pay for each qualifying download (i.e. where the customer passes the 10 % mark).
When you add in the extra visibility for borrows, and the fact that readers aren't paying for borrows (and thus more likely to download vs. a sale), this means KU is potentially lucrative for both shorts and novels.
So even if KOLL pays $ 1.10, I would still be making over 50 % more for Kindle Unlimited downloads than I ordinarily would have made from Amazon Prime borrows.
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