Sentences with phrase «more pelvic pressure»

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This in turn reduces the amount of space available in the surrounding area and puts a great deal more pressure on the pelvic region.
This places more and more pressure on the pelvis and vagina, giving you a pressure sensation that may sometimes be described as pelvic pain.
Some of the common pregnancy problems, such as back pain, headaches, pelvic pressure, heartburn and carpal tunnel syndrome, occur more often in overweight mothers.
As the baby gets bigger and heavier, more weight and pressure if being put on your pelvic floor muscles and your ligaments are having to work harder to hold it all up.
Polyurethane possesses much more elasticity than polypropylene and is therefore better equipped to sustain the pelvic organs — the bladder, bowel and vagina — exerting pressure on the pelvic floor every day.
The stronger the pelvic floor is, the more downward pressure it can handle without suffering from leaks or prolapse.
This poor posture places more pressure on our pelvic floor and effectively turns our pelvic floor muscles off, leaving us at risk for increased symptoms.
All of this results in more pressure being placed on our pelvic floor and increasing our symptoms of incontinence or prolapse.
Without proper instruction, it is sometimes hard to tell if you are doing the exercises correctly and some women are actually doing more harm than good — creating pressure and bearing downwards on the pelvic organs and muscles.
Perhaps you could work your belly breathing with your relaxation techniques when you are sitting or laying down, but when you stand and have more pressure on your pelvic floor, I would recommend more chest breathing.
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