Sentences with phrase «more phallic»

We'd just ask if it was a cool weapon or not, and whether we could make it look more phallic.
The giant designs in the graphic novel and upcoming big - screen adaptation take inspiration from other giant monsters in pop culture, like the Ents from Lord Of The Rings, or the kaijū from Pacific Rim, but as the creators tell us, the designs Niimura originally came up with were a bit more phallic.

Not exact matches

Tough as it is to believe (he's the school geek, after all), the pair hit it off and before long are something of an item — but Matt gets more than he bargained for when he and his class buds get dragged into the seedy - yet - strangely - appealing world of skin flicks, big bucks, and phallic - shaped statuettes.
Expect more gore (but probably no phallic monstrosities) in Wheatley's next film, Free Fire, which is due out later this year and is a marker of Wheatley's rise up the Hollywood food chain — Martin Scorsese is exec producing and the impressive cast includes Brie Larson, Cillian Murphy and Sam Riley.
And when a substance of hers, that Buchannon describes as stronger than «bath salts on meth,» washes up on shore, the gang goes into action to solve the crime, but also for additional phallic jokes (more than just Oscar's member is sacrificed on the alter of cheap laughs), near drownings, shootings, various vomiting scenes (a body function that seems to have totally replaced farting in the screenwriter's lowest denomination guidebook), shipboard fires, shark attacks, Mitch getting fired and replaced by Brody, and slow - motion shots of well - endowed women running up and down the beach.
In Hindu philosophy, the phallic - shaped linga has the spiritual... Read more about Pura Linggayoni.
Seeing that I am purchasing the Switch for the new No More Heroes and Shin Megami Tensei titles... I can't imagine onlookers staring at my screen either covered with blood or phallic demons will be interested in becoming my friend.
On the surface, the black inky lines and rich primary colours fit in perfectly with traditional ideas and tropes, but look a little further and things become rather more transgressive — the women on the cards are proudly holding phallic objects, louchely smoking a cigarette, wielding a bloody sword, legs akimbo in suspenders or with prosthetic limbs.
Zoë (1963) consists of nothing more than a kitchen chair with a mildly phallic Pop floor lamp set on top of it.
Beginning with the milestone installation Infinity Mirror Room — Phalli's Field filled with hundreds of red - spotted phallic tubers, the exhibition will also include Infinity Mirror Room — Love Forever, a hexagonal box with a peephole and reflecting flashing lights, Dots Obsession — Love Transformed into Dots, the room filled with balloon sculptures of vinyl, the Obliteration Room, an all - white replica of a domestic setting that will be covered with colorful dots, and more recent Aftermath of Obliteration of Eternity and Souls of Millions of Light Years Away, spectacular LED environments filled with lanterns or crystalline balls.
The landscape, with Hodgkin's familiarly phallic brushstrokes floating across the surface, is arguably the more erotically charged of the two, but for all the apparent distance between them the two works have an unmistakable sympathy.
This phallic imagery is much more clearly apparent in a number of other works of this time, including a ravishing charcoal and graphite drawing, Tantric Detail (1980), which is in the RA show.
McCarthy's phallic paradoxes, Koons's terrifying purity, Hume's hopeless portals, and more at the Saatchi Gallery, London.
Blobs of paint morphed into puffy creatures, and more recently into phallic - nosed alpha males impotently shooting at one another.
The real difference between the «Elegies» and the «Opens» is that the earlier series retains a faint trace of symbolism that can include a Freudian reading of their phallic and testicular shapes, while the latter paintings are more purely visual in their content.
[4] Raymond Mortimer, somewhat depressed by the «gloomily phallic» effect of the triptych, noted: «The Figure in a landscape is no more engaging in form, but here the colour is more varied and the paint a beautiful mosaic.
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