Sentences with phrase «more philosophical sense»

For example, Augustinian Christianity survived beyond its Pelagian, Manichaean, and Donatist rivals chiefly because (in its specific cultural setting) it made more philosophical sense than they did.
Johan is implicated in the consciousness movement in a more philosophical sense than Marianne.

Not exact matches

Whatever roles philosophical and theological ideas played in the debates over heliocentrism, biological evolution, and the Big Bang theory, the scientific issues were eventually settled by more and better data and by considerations that were purely «scientific» in the modern sense.
In varying degrees, most of them want practical theology to become more critical and philosophical, more public (in the sense of being more oriented toward the church's ministry to the world rather than simply preoccupied with the needs of its own internal life), and more related to an analysis of the various situations and contexts of theology.
But it was more than a philosophical shift, reflecting the reliance upon facts, things that occur to the senses.
These momentary experiences, too, may be called «atomic» in the philosophical sense, in that they can not be divided into more basic units that have full actuality.
Nagel reasons from principles which are more in line with common sense and empirical evidence than deep philosophical theory.
The problem he saw was that although positing a natural end for man outside of God guaranteed the gratuity of God's gift to man of a supernatural end, it also reduced the relationship between nature and supernature to the level of accidental (in the philosophical sense) or incidental (in more commonplace parlance).
In that flick, it felt odd to see all these absurdly philosophical GIs, but the same sort of thoughtfulness makes a lot more sense here.
Perhaps all of this makes more sense when you learn that Gus also takes life advice from his imaginary philosophical talking werewolf (voiced by).
The current models do not emphasize the more philosophical, associational insight but instead imply a false sense of precision with mathematical numbers.
There's a sense this is more a philosophical decision rather than any lack of technical prowess.
Unlike science and other academic disciplines, humane education has a philosophical component that strives to establish a sense of responsibility and make the world a better, more humane place.
Cheriel's latest body of work, In Search For More Than Another Shiny Object, radiates a profound philosophical sense of self - awareness and hopefulness.
In the purely philosophical sense, Richter's landscapes question the nature of painting as he intends them not be reproductions of nature, instead they are more impressions of it.
The GDRs essay is «Greenhouse Development Rights: A Framework for Climate Protection that is «More Fair» than Equal per Capita Emissions Rights,» a focus that makes good sense given the state of the philosophical debate.
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