Sentences with phrase «more phones»

The first impulse of many employees would be to work longer hours, make more phone calls, and generally double - down on the work that they have already been doing.
They have to do whatever will make them sell more phones in a competitive market.
We expect to see more phones with dedicated chips for artificial intelligence in the near future.
Couldn't you increase your odds by spending the time instead customizing your resume, doing more company research, making more phone calls or networking?
Do you want this hardware to be in more phones in the future.
But it only works with compatible content, which is still limited, though we'll likely start seeing more of it as more phones support the standard.
It will take time for more phones to become LTE capable and by then competitors will have launched their services.
If Android becomes more of a framework than a full operating system, it will be easier to get that framework updated on more phones at a faster pace.
As each month passes, we see more phones with 18:9 screens.
But in the following week I received a few more phone calls and eventually I was able to pick the best offer.
Making these quick buying decisions causes you to look around more, get more phone calls from agents, and sometimes to even cancel the policy before you receive it in the mail.
This testing will allow us to support A LOT more phones for the next flight.
As you can imagine, the update will be rolling out to many more phones in the near future.
If this 64 GB version thing pans out, we just might see more phones from the other makers provide more internal storage in response.
More and more phone makers are adopting this screen ratio for their phones.
Even though there would be more phones coming, many customers simply preferred to shell out the cash and put forth more than the average effort to get one of the first ones.
We actually wish more phone manufacturers used this technology.
We're sure that we will see more phones like these as time goes by, but it's a bit of a rush to see it this early in the game.
The company needs to get its act together with Android updates and we expect more phones to be updated this year.
If you truly want to get more phone numbers and more dates, then you have to make a change in how you approach the whole dating thing.
You can access this scheduling system 24 - hours a day, so no more phone tag and waiting to schedule your counseling appointments!
It's the kind of practice we wish more phone manufacturers would adopt.
3 weeks later, after several more phone interviews and an in person interview, I was offered the position.
Increased web traffic means more phone calls leading to more new clients.
The whole layout is conveniently designed, and it makes me wonder why more phones don't offer dedicated camera controls.
Meanwhile, as more and more phones ditch the headphone jack, an increasing number of companies have taken the leap into wireless headphones.
3.5 GHz, meanwhile, will provide ubiquitous coverage and is also supported by more phones.
That may be especially true if more phones adopt facial recognition technology to replace fingerprint sensors.
Sure, this would reduce revenue, but at least it would move more phones.
If we see three or more phones before the end of the year, that is indeed a significant start.
We don't need more books, and definitely don't need more phone calls.
If a second month goes by and you've done nothing to alleviate your situation, you're probably going to receive more phone calls from your lender.
This year, we've improved the app and tested more phones than ever before.
Either way, you deserve to know what's working, what's being wasted, and what you can be doing to drive more phone calls for your practice.
And as more phones become smartphones, it's just this massive opportunity.
I like the reversible USB Type - C charging port in theory, and once more phone - makers start using it, charging cables will be easier to come by.
But spending a thousand dollars on a phone is not an easy thing to do, and you can get way more phone than you'd expect for hundreds of dollars less.
The power didn't work in the master bedroom, but we didn't want to spend more phone time figuring it out, so we let it go.
As a dating expert, I came up with an easy way to remember this rule: more phone equals less interested and less phone equals more interested.
That way you buy more phones, more often.
When the economy went sour, the number of potential clients signing up for consultations slowed down, even though I was getting slightly more phone calls and a clear increase in website traffic.
With more and more phones dropping the headphone jack, we decided most people would be better served with Bluetooth option.
The company is framing it as a real achievement for them; in reality, it's probably an attempt to sell more phones faster.
While this isn't as simple as just buying a phone directly from the carrier, it gives you many more phone choices.
The drawback to this type of activation, however, is that it is only available on higher - end phones right now, although more phones are starting to get the feature.
This one is incredibly impressive and I wish more phones behaved like it.
Considering how clumsy I am, it's surprising I haven't destroyed more phones.
The latest update includes no new features, unless you consider «smaller, faster, and works on more phones» to be a feature.
Ironically, having the longest battery life doesn't really sell more phones, while other more visible features certainly do.

Phrases with «more phones»

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