Sentences with phrase «more positions»

Even though I am more toward staying at 4, but this obviously could get top men for more positions in need of upgrade than just 2.
Even though there may be many more positions in this field, the best jobs will go to applicants with the strongest resumes.
Apparently, the ones with more positions cost more.
The trader has some positions He seeks to finance them by opening more positions, each of which comes with a net positive cash flow.
Bar or restaurant work, work in a retail shop, hospitality and many more positions are relevant to the Customer Service industry.
Add more positions until you have your Experience section completed.
First off, you can adjust to way more positions (11 to be exact; from decline to fully upright).
Medical assistant jobs are some of the fastest growing in the country, with an estimated 31 percent more positions available in 2020 than in 2010.
Demand for nurses is rising as the country's population ages, creating more positions in both the public private health system and at private facilities.
Though, this is in part due to the fact that it offers more positioning options for the seat, which is a nice addition.
If I traded more positions, with tighter stops, would I then be more likely to hit on some winners?
Hence, it is better to get one that supports more positions where the last one is pretty high.
We have only 7 cases, will update daily 2 cases per day as 4 would be difficult get more positions daily.
She is the one that knows more positions and knows exactly what to do to make him happy.
The district's fiscal 2014 budget outline proposes closing two more schools this fall, and reducing more positions, among other cuts.
The major difference in the bond fund is that you're selling more positions in a more diversified manner so the selling is likely to be more controlled and have a lesser impact.
It also helps in cutting down the hard work involved in job hunting process and lets you apply to more positions without the hassle of filling out forms every single time.
However, it is important to remember that more positions means more people getting into the industry.
They'll still be hiring after the budget year ends, but right now there are more positions posted.
I use to think it allowed us to experiment with more positions.
In this case, you may choose to make further deposits into your trading account in order to keep or open more positions.
Also, as older babies are more mobile and curious, you need a baby carrier that will allow for more positions.
Does a portfolio of long and short allow one to trade more positions?
See more positions on the Old Town Alexandria Patch Jobs page.
The underlying assumption being that, if women reached more positions of power, they would act in a radically distinct manner from their male counterparts: for instance, by making more empathetic decisions or introducing a more cooperative or pacifist style of politics.
«With our improved relationship with Epic Games, we're now able to recruit for many more positions at Pitbull — accelerating the development of Unreal Engine 4 as well as supporting several game titles currently in development with both UE3 and UE4,» said Troughton.
We are still looking for quality candidates to fill a few more positions in the 2016 - 2017 School Year to join our mission to close the achievement gap before children enter kindergarten.
It does not mean energy stocks can not go down more and there is a fair chance that oil may still go down further, however, I feel good about nibbling now to build up positions and add even more positions later if the energy stocks were to go down further, getting Santa Claus gifts even before arrival of Christmas to patient investors and we will be rewarded for that for long time to come.
where he is average (nice flick horrible last minute miss) above keeping position and lending a defensive hand... They were all over bellerin all game and he was constantly exposed... El neny seems more reliable in middle and Campbell is a better winger... Though neither are the top level we are looking for... But Wenger has to stick to same team for next 8 or 9 games as there is so little understanding right now it's shocking really... Man of match was ospina which says it all
These drivers gained more positions from rivals» penalties than they lost from their own.
The clinch game now includes more positions and is much more difficult to escape from and easier to maintain.
In the race he was up to P3, and might have held on to more positions if the timing of the VSC had been different.
About five hundred academics, mainly sociologists, heard papers suggesting, inter alia, that ordained women are finding more positions in the Protestant oldline churches, but the positions are typically part - time and marginal.
Played more positions at VT Than what barr did at UCLA.Barr and Khalil played the exact same position.
This view needs to change, and more positions need to be created for the increasing number of qualified scientists who are not interested in opening their own labs or who do not secure the few faculty positions available.
I think he offers more position flexibility and could be complimented by drafting a dancing bear later.
It all worked well today vs. Zagreb but he will need to maintain a bit more position discipline vs. some stronger clubs.
With 6 handles it gives more position choices than ever before, and a white non-slip... Keep Reading
driver seat should have more position options.
Hagan added that while this year's $ 1.8 billion county budget calls for funding 292 police officers, there is currently no indication from County Executive Rob Astorino, a Republican, whether or not there will be any action to hire more positions to meet the needs of the department, prompting the potential cut - backs in the specialized units.
As the CZ - 5 can launch multiple Beidou satellites in one mission, it could have helped China's plan to launch dozens more positioning satellites to establish global coverage by 2020.
While Anderson recognizes that there is a unique opportunity in New Orleans for education reform, she foresees more positions geared toward instructional leaders in the future.
Euclidean's recent results would have been better had we spread our capital across more positions.
The WSLA illustrate the importance of diversity in the sustainability field, and inspires others to infuse more positions with sustainability - related responsibilities.
While numbers still lag behind in terms of women's equality with men in occupying client leadership positions, the relevant news is that women today maintain more positions of significance and power than ever before.
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