Sentences with phrase «more potassium per serving»

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With only 24 calories per date (248 per 100 gram serving), dates are high in dietary fiber, carbohydrates, and contain more potassium than bananas!
Potatoes are natural, fresh and nutrition - packed; one medium size, skin - on potato has just 110 calories per serving, with more potassium than a banana and providing almost half the daily value of vitamin C with no fat, sodium or cholesterol.
Pumpkin is packed with filling fiber (containing more than 20 % of the daily recommended amount per serving) as well as potassium, vitamin B, and beta - carotene.
The Humble Potato: Baked potatoes provide more than 35 % of your daily B6 requirement per serving (about the size of a computer mouse)-- make sure to include the skins for extra fiber and potassium.
They have 35 % more potassium per unit weight than bananas, a diverse range of vitamins and minerals, and are fiber - rich: 78 % of the carbohydrate in avocados is fiber, totaling 7 g of fiber per 100 g serving.
With more than 10 percent of the daily value for potassium per serving, both fresh bananas and banana powder qualify as good sources of the nutrient.
Sweet potatoes actually have more potassium, with a whopping 694 milligrams per serving.
While red wine and white wine are comparable in calories and carbs (120 calories and 3.8 g of carbs per serving) white wine has more sugar, while red wine offers more potassium, phosphorus, and magnesium.
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