Sentences with phrase «more powerful motivator»

Case in point: Numerous psychological studies have demonstrated that the fear of losing something — such as a large amount of cash — can be a more powerful motivator than the likelihood of gaining an identical sum.
And when they do so, I doubt they'd find the ideology to be the more powerful motivator.
Positive incentives are a more powerful motivator to make positive choices.
«My prejudice is that ownership is a more powerful motivator than money.
A number of whom seem to be more interested in the cognitive processes of human thinking and in the way that belief systems and the way that information is processed end up being more powerful motivators than the facts in themselves.

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Improving the lives of others is a powerful motivator and far more likely to coax success than merely pure financial incentives.
Positive emotions are more powerful and more sustainable motivators than fear (of consequences).
True and sustained engagement of the learner can only be achieved when the intrinsic motivation of the learner is more powerful than artificial external motivators.
Snow tires are powerful traction motivators, especially in deeper snow, meaning more than six inches.
What I think he pinpoints is that a sense of fairness and human dignity is a more powerful political motivator than the promise of an infinitely expanding supply of material goods (a promise that anyway looks increasingly hollow in the light of what scientists tell us of the likely impacts of unchecked climate change).
and human factors (i.e., money, motivators, buy - in, resistance, etc.) Either way, within a firm, LPM success more often is led than pushed, both by powerful business opportunities (or threats) or by powerful people.
Nostalgia is clearly a powerful motivator and Nintendo finally seems willing to placate users who clearly care more deeply about the Nintendo experience they grew up with than they do about more modern titles like Super Mario Run.
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