Sentences with phrase «more precise calculations»

Before actually making the move, contact your lender for a more precise calculation.
A more precise calculation using the full apparatus of kinetic theory gives the same qualitative result.
A more precise calculation gives the 33 %.

Not exact matches

The new method of calculation may be more precise than current tactics and could present an opportunity to assess Alzheimer's - prevention techniques.
More precise assessment of the initial conditions preceding extreme weather events is indispensable in making accurate forecast calculations.
They repeated a calculation first done in the 1980s by Klaus Schreckenbach at the Technical University of Munich, using more modern techniques that allowed them to be much more precise.
Matching those redshifts to distance measurements calculated from gravitational waves should give estimates of the current rate of cosmic expansion, known as the Hubble constant, that are independent — and potentially more precise — than calculations using current methods.
Well, to be more precise, the calculation is the demon's combined levels divided by two, plus three.
Therefore, for calculation purposes, the most readily available measure to use is the NAV but if you need to calculate more precise performance, then you can use the intraday net asset value (iNAV) if available.
Also, precise assumptions and calculations get a lot more useful as you approach retirement age.
If you're just trying to get a very rough sense of your finances, you may find it simpler to do rough calculations assuming you'll wait until 65 to draw CPP, instead of going to the greater effort of making two more precise but largely offsetting adjustments.
And given that the authors had to redo «all the forcing calculations from Miller et al to make sure they were correct» to find «that in one case» there was an error, my take is that the wording is also more precise.
«Our precision is about 0.2 ºC (0.4 ºF) now, and the warming of the past 50 years is only about 0.1 ºC,» he said, adding that advanced equipment can provide more precise measurements, allowing scientists to make better calculations going forward.
The fact is that the first precise calculations about the impact of increased CO2 concentrations on the earth's surface temperature were made by Svante Arrhenius in 1896, more than five decades before the NSF was founded.
It is clear that the two assumptions are not precise, but they may be good enough to act as a good starting point for a more accurate calculation.
Statement made, continuing to insist that less - precise bridge load calculations are as precise as accepted - as - more - precise solar calculations may lead to the downgrading of personal opinion as to the precision of solar calculations.
Notably, both the trial judge and Court of Appeal acknowledged that determining remoteness through a contingencies analysis» [did] not admit of precise calculation» and was not «an all or nothing proposition because the concepts are more than a little «soft» and difficult if not impossible to pin down».
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