Sentences with phrase «more precise estimated»

This will give you a more precise estimated what does dating scan show date.
Knowing the properties of the stars that produce these type 1a explosions could help researchers better understand their variations, allowing more precise estimates of the acceleration of cosmic expansion.
Along with radiocarbon dating on charcoal remains from human - made fires, these analyses yielded a much more precise estimate for the age of sediments surrounding artifacts at various depths.
With an accurate understanding of surface motion in a given zone, researchers also get more precise estimates for how a building will be affected by shaking.
Because this angle dictates how much gravitational - wave energy is emitted in Earth's direction, combining polarization with other data allowed researchers to derive a more precise estimate of total energy released by the event and so reduce the error in their distance estimate.
In their «Editorial comment to the «NIA - AA Research Framework: Towards a Biological Definition of Alzheimer's Disease,»» Nina Silverberg, Ph.D., Cerise Elliott, Ph.D., Laurie Ryan, Ph.D., Eliezer Masliah, M.D., and Richard Hodes, M.D., of NIA point out that the Framework — in addition to improving early detection and the development of new therapies — could potentially «allow more precise estimates of how many people are at risk [for or living with] Alzheimer's disease, how best to monitor response to therapies, and how to distinguish the effects of Alzheimer's disease from other similar pathologies.»
A more precise estimate of the antelope's range would help to target conservation efforts, says Nicholas Wilkinson, a Vietnam - based wildlife ecologist at the University of Cambridge, UK, who is working with the conservation group WWF.
This should ultimately lead to a more precise estimate of the age of the galactic bulge.
Krueger and Zhu also note that their inclusion of all students in the sample generates more precise estimates.
This analytic approach generates more precise estimates, the results from which are presented in Figure 2.
This provided us with what are known as «baseline test scores» that can be used to obtain more precise estimates of program effects.
If it can not be proved that those gains are due to improved school accountability, it is heartening to know that Margaret Raymond and Eric Hanushek found, in more precise estimates of accountability impacts, somewhat larger gains on the NAEP in those states that were the first to put accountability systems into place (see «High - Stakes Research,» features, Summer 2003).
Leaving them within the analysis, however, does improve the precision of estimates for other covariates, which results in a more precise estimate of the treatment effect.
And using larger samples can yield more precise estimates.
Perhaps the analysis should be weighted by the inverse of the standard error of the test score for each country, to give more weight to countries with more precise estimates?
Alternatively, you can ask each contractor what they will require from you to get a more precise estimate.
For a more precise estimate, you can look up the «PMI rate charts» or «PMI rate tables» that many mortgage insurance companies maintain online.
If you're out to make a more precise estimate of the nest egg you'll need for early retirement, you should estimate your CPP based on when you expect to start it.
The projections will provide more details about sea - level rise, for which observations show rates increasing, and should give a more precise estimate of the levels we will see at the end of the century.
In other words, studies with larger sample sizes are expected to have lower variances and will accordingly provide more precise estimates of the true population effect size (Hedges and Olkin 1985; Shadish and Haddock 1994; Cooper 1998).
Following these findings, the researchers recommend shorter productivity measurements to help minimize the effect of respiratory and dissolved organic carbon loss and hopefully produce more precise estimates of the ocean's global carbon productivity over smaller increments of time.
The more precise the estimates, the more confidently you can set the right litigation course.
This would provide a somewhat more precise estimate of premium rates.

Not exact matches

Funnel plot of precision estimates [calculated by using the inverse of the SE of ln (odds ratio); ie, the higher the estimate, the more precise the study] from studies that explored the association between breastfeeding and Crohn disease against their odds ratio.
The researchers» new estimate is much more precise than previous estimates, which were based on observations of faraway stars.
This is a more precise figure than previous estimates, which placed the solar nebula's lifetime at somewhere between 1 and 10 million years.
We also want to start studying the known Y dwarfs in more detail to determine more - precise temperature estimates, estimate their masses, determine if any of them are actually binary systems and so on.
In fact, taking future infrared observations of new instruments like the James Webb Space Telescope into account, distance estimates may even become much more precise.
With an estimated 1 billion people worldwide suffering from some form of brain disorder, he argues, there is a very real need for new approaches, including optogenetics, to reveal more precise targets in the brain.
The 17 - billion - solar - mass estimate for the central black hole in NGC 1600 is much more precise, with a range (standard deviation) of 15.5 to 18.5 billion solar masses.
Matching those redshifts to distance measurements calculated from gravitational waves should give estimates of the current rate of cosmic expansion, known as the Hubble constant, that are independent — and potentially more precise — than calculations using current methods.
Is there a more precise way to estimate your aerobic threshold than the 180 formula?
In other words, average performance across ten cities provides a more precise and therefore more informative estimate of the underlying truth of the matter than do noisy individual city - by - city comparisons.
In his study, Hanushek calculated the economic value related to effective teaching by drawing on a research literature that provides precise estimates of the impact of students» achievement levels on their lifetime earnings, and by combining these figures with estimated impacts of more - effective teachers on student achievement.
Longer tasks are more complex and time estimates are less precise.
But we can calculate more prosaic economic values related to effective teaching, by drawing on a research literature that provides surprisingly precise estimates of the impact of student achievement levels on their lifetime earnings and by combining this with estimated impacts of more - effective teachers on student achievement.
These estimates are reasonably precise, with standard errors around 0.07, showing that our research design has the power to detect more modest effects as well.
Two conditions would enable us to achieve value - added estimates with high reliability: first, if teachers» value - added measurements were more precise, and second, if teachers» true value - added scores varied more dramatically than they do.
Although all test scores should be considered estimates, some are more precise than others.
The developer restarted the porting process in early May, and we estimate to release them within 2017 (it could be earlier, but it's hard to estimate a more precise date at this point).
One assumes that nobody waved a magic wand and decreed «let there be MMTS» there must have been an adoption R&R process where the new sensors were validated against the old across the full range of temperatures, seasons and sub-climates; in the presence of a calibrated third instrument more precise than both candidates; with data collected to estimate the error in the instrument, the error in the measurement process, drift rates and recalibration intervals.
While different researchers have different best estimates (James Annan, for example, says his best estimate is 2.5 C), uncertainties still mean that estimates can not be narrowed down to a far narrower and more precise range.
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