Sentences with phrase «more presents»

The purpose of it is to help people become more present in the space that they're in.
I believe in the mind / body connection and the importance of helping you to become more present in your life to allow access to inner resources.
How can dads become more present with their children, at work, and in their relationship?
Which included picking up even more presents for the holidays.
1 month in and the effects are already becoming more present on the recommended intake with barely a dent in the amount of powder.
And if I do this while attending events, I try to be even MORE present with friends and family or when we are on vacation.
Mindfulness isn't meant to be another chore — it's a way to feel more present during the moments of your life.
We will talk about how to be more present when emotions come up and learn tools to cope.
Becoming mindful is a great way to practice being in the moment and becoming more present during sex.
Another intricate and ever more present aspect is story.
Sounds more present day than near future to us but we'll let that slide.
All of these phenomenon can be destructive to cells and are generally even more present as a result of heavy exercise.
The similarities to Once are enormous, although the back stories are more present here.
First of all, I became a lot more present to how my demeanor and attitude towards deadlines affected my team.
They may even get more presents and special meals that way.
Vitamin B can assist in lifting mental fog which always helps to keep us a little more present — and remember, your body inherently knows best!
People who look you right in the eye are certainly more present than those who look away.
For those of us who are more present online than offline, receiving vital information electronically is commonplace.
For his birthday gift we're just getting him one big present (family will be buying more presents) which will be a ride on car for this coming summer.
Now, just as a warning, your family may fall for the illusion that there are more presents under the tree than are actually there!
The differences between us are always more present than the similarities.
This crisis is usually more present in the case of men.
After that will come more present - day books, with maybe another prequel if people like the first one.
In general, I felt more present inside games then videos and virtual tours.
And at least one study concluded that allergens were actually more present in the fur and environment of some hypoallergenic dogs than in other breeds.
Learn to meet your physical form with heightened awareness, gain tools to bring transformation to your entire system, and become more present within yourself.
Often in the same shade too, with forest green more present and midnight blue as well.
Such events more present and grip to choose the dark color and deserve an adult sex announces knowledge less dangerous, if you express a method that we find.
Anything you can to make your book more present on the web and you as an author more visible can only better your future as a writer and increase your book's sales.
The child is thrilled with this living gift - until more presents are opened.
I was a kid from the Parisian suburbs and in my daily life concrete was definitely more present than flower fields.
Public speaking, positions within professional organizations, and more all present opportunities to further develop your career.
This includes leveraging more present - day technologies, improving data standards and accelerating consolidation.
I went to a workshop he led and he said to use present tense... it makes the story more present for the reader.
I need to be more present with how I act.
It will help you «parent» yourself in a much more present, calm, and positive way.
A little time for you will probably help you be more present when you are with the kids.
In today's climate, the Do It Yourself attitude is ever more present and we're encouraging you to get creative, get your camera and make your own films.
I'm trying to be more present on instagram too but so far I'm not really successful.
In general, I felt more present inside games then videos and virtual tours.
I've been putting a lot of thought into being more present as well.
You'll find you get more done in less time, and you'll be more present during your free time.
To children, the topic may be a matter of pride — who is older, who got more presents — but to adults, it is one of serious debate.
I've been making a big effort to be comfortable with doing nothing and be a little more present.
As the health impacts of air pollution, climate impacts and fossil fuel use become more present every day, the medical community has spoken out.
That one thing calls to mind another is part of our experience of seeing, and arguably, this is even more present in abstract works than representational ones.
We have clearly detected FIR dust emission extended in the halo of the galaxy; there are two filamentary emission structures extending from the galactic disk up to 9 kpc in the northern and 6 kpc in the northwestern direct... ▽ More We present new far - infrared (FIR) images of the edge - on starburst galaxy NGC253 obtained with the Far - Infrared Surveyor (FIS) onboard AKARI at wavelengths of 90 um and 140 um.
for me this raises one of my bugbears... which is that god seems far more present on discovery than on the god channel.
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