Sentences with phrase «more questions than something answers»

«Today's hearing raised more questions than it answered about why there has been no investigation into the obvious ethics violations by this prosecutor,» he said.
The point for me is to not resolve at all, to leave it open and somewhat unfinished or leave the work asking more questions than it answers.
Although these stories pose more questions than they answer, they still carry a powerful charge and hopefully are a promise of more to come.
The demo created more questions than it answered, and the small amount of gameplay shown didn't wow me at all.
The so - called «validity» study begs more questions than it answers: Shouldn't we have validated the test before administering it?
If evangelicals come to my door, they're welcome to come in, but I'll make sure they leave with more questions than they answer.
Like any good researcher, the protagonist encounters more questions than she answers.
«Good studies tend to bring to light more questions than they answer,» he says.
Finally, though, this terrific study raises a lot more questions than it answers.
Art, by contrast, seeks new, unconventional ways of looking at anything and everything — asking more questions than it answers.
Sorry, but your creator hypothesis is full of holes, and really creates more questions than it answers.
Warren Mundine, the chair of the Federal Government's Indigenous Advisory Council, gave a keynote address, which raised more questions than it answered about the future of Indigenous health services and funding.
This is true to a certain extent, because the stories of Altaïr and Ezio are both wrapped up nicely, but the ending itself is still incredibly ambiguous, and in true Assassin's Creed fashion, actually invites more questions than it answers.
But it can't possibly be what Theranos expected, and it is sure to create more questions than it answers for the embattled company, which has been valued at about $ 10 billion.
Tom Mulcair's recent article for the Institute for Research on Public Policy (IRPP) raises perhaps more questions than it answers about the NDP's positions on the economics of energy and the environment.
It's honest, but it's a type of honesty that elicits more questions than it answers,» Paterson said.
«It opens more questions than it answers,» says Christof Koch, a neuroscientist at the Allen Institute for Brain Science in Seattle, Washington, of the research.
It's basically designed to be impenetrable, and asks infinitely more questions than it answers.
The subsequent odyssey posits more questions than it answers as the team traverses an increasingly surreal landscape.
His reply raised more questions than it answered so I forwarded it to a group of long time breeders and asked if they, or anyone they knew, had produced a litter containing congenital hypothyroidism with goiter (CHG).
The trailer itself may provide more questions than it answers to those who have been following the game's progess as it has been making its way through several betas these past few months.
Bursting with symphonic sunset shades, lush vegetation, and intriguing portraits that spark more questions than they answer, Iranian - born, Los Angeles - based painter Amir H. Fallah's first solo presentation at Fairfax's prestigious Shulamit Nazarian gets to the very heart of what it means to be an immigrant in America today.
One marker of a good scientific study is that it provokes more questions than it answers.
The recent CJEU judgment in M.A.S., M.B. (hereinafter Taricco II) raises more questions than it answers on when Member States can apply higher standards of rights in criminal proceedings.
Ultimately, this report from KGI probably arouses more questions than it answers; but it seems to give us a glimpse of what lies just over the horizon so that some people might now have enough time to be able to save up for the next generation of iPhone if they haven't managed to scrape together up to the $ 1000 required this year.
«It's an exciting study in that it actually poses more questions than it answers,» says Jennifer Nauen, a biologist at Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Why now and not verse Southampton (H) league cup (A) EPL, Swansea (A) Stoke (A) Leicester (A) Man Utd (H) City (H) Spurs (H) Chelsea (A) Hull (H) The win asks more questions than it answers.
Martin Copenhaver writes in his book «Jesus is the Question» In the 4 canonical Gospels Jesus asks many more questions than he answers.
David Ayer's Bright is a fantasy buddy cop movie that leaves its audience with more questions than it answers.
Set against this new landscape, a few encouraging speeches beg more questions than they answer — above all, about whether the government has a strategy for tackling corruption, or whether the approach will consist of a few departments doing piecemeal things while others do nothing or, even worse, allow inexperienced ministers to take Britain backwards not forwards.
Despite the wealth of data, the initial analysis invites more questions than it answers, Stringer writes, including «Where does H. naledi fit in the scheme of human evolution?»
that, despite having released only two inscrutable if tantalising trailers to date (trailers which ask far more questions than they answer),
Senior de Blasio administration officials have undertaken a flurry of outreach since last week's meeting, when the city raised more questions than it answered about the proposed ban.
As is to be expected in this game however, they largely raise more questions than they answer which is forgivable considering this narrative runs on cliffhangers and tantalizing snippets of golden clues.
But the results, published on Thursday, raise more questions than they answer.
Now, the news comes at us in a thousand different ways, from people we barely know — and much of it is live and unfiltered and disturbing, and raises more questions than it answers.
We convinced him that the post might raise more questions than it answered, particularly for customers with no knowledge of the situation.
The ongoing conversation seems to have raised more questions than it answered.
And at any rate, the familiar history of the dialectic raises more questions than it answers.

Phrases with «more questions than something answers»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z